

As the group hovered over Jay's unconscious form, concern etched across their faces, Tanii conjured a blob of water and poured it gently over him in an attempt to revive him. However, instead of waking, Jay's body began to emit dark purple smoke from various orifices—his nostrils, earholes, mouth, and even seeping from under his closed eyelids.

"What did you do?" Siena demanded of Tanii, her voice laced with disbelief and worry.

Tanii, normally composed, was left speechless. She shook her head, her expression mirroring the confusion shared by the others. "I... I don't know. Water shouldn't be causing this."

The dark smoke continued to billow, swirling ominously around Jay's prone form. It seemed to have a mind of its own, defying the laws of nature and defying explanation.

"Everyone, back up!" Zayd's authoritative voice cut through the tension. He gestured urgently for the group to create distance between themselves and Jay's unfolding predicament.

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