
Chapter 25 - King's Cross Station

***** 2ND BONUS CHAPTER ***** A/N: so it was 420 yesterday. Totally meant to keep up the momentum and post this yesterday as well, but honestly was too baked to edit Lmfao. Anyways, hope you all enjoy! *****


Khan was seated at a nearby coffee shop in King's Cross Station, sipping some tea, and watching the various muggle passengers marching off to their destinations, while waiting for the Hogwarts Express to depart.

'This station is quite a bit larger than it was in my time. Seems like muggles are quite a lot busier than previously.' Khan mused to himself, as he sipped his tea. 'Either that, or the population of London has exploded in the past 100 years....'

It was the very next day after his lengthy discussion with Dumbledore regarding his student status, and he had departed Hogwarts earlier in the morning to head to London, wanting to experience the train for himself.

Arriving well ahead of the time of departure, he had conveniently found a cafe close to the entrance of the barrier to Platform 9 3/4. He had transfigured his robes into a well-tailored Muggle suit he had seen upon arriving to London, to blend in and wait in a more comfortable location.

Funnily enough, he had discovered what the word with the odd phrase on the piece of parchment was (from the potions professors room), at the same cafe.

This cafe happened to be selling goods for the train ride as well, and he had noticed it while grabbing his tea.

'Skittles' as it turned out, was a colorful muggle candy, their newest slogan being 'taste the rainbow'.

Perhaps the potions professor had a sweet tooth?

"-ther happens to think very highly of Mad-Eye Moody!" A shill familiar voice, cut through the crowd.

Khan looked over to see a soaked Weasley family (minus Arthur and Percy) alongside an equally soaked Hermione and Harry, all pushing their numerous trunks, suitcases, and pets towards the Platform 9 3/4 barrier, passing by his table.

It appeared they hadn't noticed him, in his muggle outfit.

"Who is Mad-Eye Moody anyways?" Asked Harry curiously pushing his cart and Hedwig along.

"Moody was a great wizard in his time." Answered Bill. "He's a Senior Auror, and used to be one of the best the ministry had. Half of the cells in Azkaban are full because of him, although as a result, he's made loads of enemies."

"I heard he's been getting really paranoid in his old age." Interjected Charlie. "Doesn't trust anyone anymore.... sees dark wizards everywhere...."

'He didn't seem that paranoid to me...' Khan thought to himself overhearing them, as he remembered the old respectful Auror, who was soon to be one of his mentors.

The group all stopped as they eventually reached the barrier separating Platform 9 3/4s.

Khan finished his tea and watched as the group attempted to sneakily get onto the platform, while avoiding muggle attention.

Watching Hermione, Ron and Harry lean up against the wall, while attempting to be casual, and subsequently vanishing from view, Khan moved to catch up with the group himself.

"Hello Molly!" Greeted Khan happily, as Fred, George and Ginny went through the barrier next. "Hi Charlie, hi Bill!"

"Oh hello Jordan!" Molly greeted with motherly affection "How are you doing? Have you eaten breakfast?"

She felt quite bad for her new family ally, stuck in his new situation with no family of his own. She vowed to herself to be a mother figure for him, just as she was attempting to be with Harry.

"I actually just had a lovely cup of Tea, and a biscuit at the café just over there, while waiting for the train to depart." Khan placatingly responded, pointing out the café across the walkway.

Bill and Charlie meanwhile, simply nodded at Khan in greetings back as they all moved through the barrier, not knowing how to interact with the Young Lord. Both of them had graduated, Bill being a Gringotts curse breaker, and Charlie being a dragon tamer. And viewing his abilities for themselves, they both knew personally how skilled the Young Lord was when it came to combat, to say nothing of his family power (of which he was the head of house).

Comparing the change in demeanor alone from the combatant in the blue and yellow cloak, and the otherwise kind and polite Jordan Khan they had met the same day as Hermione, was impossible. How could this gentleman, who stands before them in a well-tailored muggle suit, exchanging pleasantries and niceties with their mother, be the same person who ruthlessly blew up a group of death eaters, with no remorse?

"Here, take this!" Molly shoved a foil wrapped sandwich into Khan's hands as soon as they passed the barrier. "I was going to pack Ronald some extra sandwiches for the ride, since he is always hungry, but-."

"Khan would appreciate it more." Finished Ginny, hopping off the Shiny red train, sans her numerous bags and luggage.

"Thank you Molly, truly!" Khan thanked her wholeheartedly. It was a nice feeling to be looked after in such a way, to be sure.

"How are you doing Khan? I was hoping you were going to join us today!" Ginny greeted Khan, with an excited smile on her face. "You need to finish that story about you and Poppy saving a dragon from the Dragon Fighting Ring!"

"Actually dear sister!" Started Fred, hopping off the train.

"You missed the most important part of that story, that needs to be addressed!" Continued George, hopping off behind him.

"What happened to the dragon egg the two of you rescued?" They finished in unison, addressing Khan.

Charlie meanwhile was hugging Ginny goodbye, when he overheard the twins.

"Speaking of dragon eggs.... I might be seeing you all sooner than you think." Charlie said aloud grinning mischievously. "Just don't tell Percy I mentioned it, since its 'classified ministry information' after all."

"I kinda wish I was still in Hogwarts this year." Bill followed up wistfully. "Hopefully I might get some time off to watch a bit of it...."

"Watch a bit of wh-?" Interrupted Ron rudely as he inelegantly jumped off the train, followed by Harry and Hermione.


The whistle interrupted Ron back in karmic retribution, as it began to signal the final 5 min boarding call.

"Thanks for having us to stay Ms. Weasley!" said Hermione politely, giving her a quick hug, before waving a quick hello at Khan, and subsequently avoiding eye contact afterwards.

'Thats odd.....' Khan thought to himself. 'Why is Hermione acting like that =S'

"Ya! Thanks for everything Ms. Weasley!" Echoed Harry, also hugging Ms. Weasley goodbye.

"Oh it was my pleasure dears!" said Ms. Weasley. "I'd invite you for Christmas but... I'd expect you'd all want to stay at the castle..... with one thing and the other occurring....'

"MUM!" Shouted Ron irritably. "What do the 3 of you know, that we dont!?!?"

"You'll find out this evening I expect." Replied Ms. Weasley, with a sneaky smile on her face. "It's going to be very exciting, mind you, I'm very glad they've changed the rul-"


The whistle that signaled the final departure call interrupted them once again.

"On to the train now!" Ms. Weasley said, as she ushered them all onboard. "Make sure the lot of you be good! Listen to Professor Dumbledore! OH and Fred and George..... do stay out of trouble this year!"

With that statement, Molly, Charlie and Bill all apparated away. And with pistons hissing loudly, the Hogwarts Express began its long journey to start another school year.


"Why are you so dressed up?" Harry asked curiously, as they settled into a train compartment. He recognized the formal muggle clothes Khan was currently wearing, as his uncle often wore a similar, albeit much larger and looser, suit to his workplace, Grunnings. Khan's suit on the other hand, was very well tailored, and appeared to fit him quite nicely.

"I saw a few muggles wearing it, and wanted to blend in while having tea." Answered Khan confusedly. "Is this considered formal attire?"

Khan looked over his outfit puzzled. There were no expensive jewelry pieces, nor any expensive materials used such as Dragonskin, or Acromantula silk, in its construction. On the contrary, it was quite similar to how many of the middle and upper class casually dressed during his time, albeit tailored to look a bit more modern to suit the current times.

"Peo- Muggles don't wear suits all the time. They only really wear it for certain jobs, or special occasions..." Harry answered.

"And what Ron is wearing, is considered appropriate public attire?" Khan asked, pointing at Ron in disbelief.

A jumper and blue trousers (Jeans and a sweater) was considered public muggle wear? Did people not care about their appearance anymore?

He remembered being ridiculed by everyone at school for wearing a jumper and his blue sleeping trousers around.... It was his punishment for losing a bet to Natty playing Summoner's Court, so he had no choice but to do it... quite embarrassing for him when it was all said and done.

"You look WAY overdressed." Ron laughed as he made fun of Khan's outfit.

"Shut it Ron!" Hermione replied angrily at Ron's rude comments with cheeks red, still not looking at Khan.

"Oh well, I suppose I still need to catch up on current fashion trends. I guess I can put on my school robes now that we are away from muggles." Khan states offhand.

Grabbing his wand, he stands and transfigures his suit into his normal school wear without thinking, before sitting back down nonchalantly.

"How's tha.... What now?" He begins to ask the 3 best friends, before he notices their stunned faces, and changes his question.

Looking down at his attire, he didn't see anything wrong. It was his Regular School outfit, with his Ravenclaw Relic House Robe, which he received for finding all the daedalian keys around Hogwarts.

"Did you just transfigure your clothes?!?" Hermione was the first to recover from her stunned state, as she asked him excitedly firing off rapid-fire-questions without taking a breath. "Are your clothes always transfigured? If there are enchantments, do they also transfer when the clothes are configured? Did you just make up that design? Why is it shimmering?"

"Finally looking at me and talking to me, are you?" Khan teases Herniome, as she blushes in response. "But to answer your questions in order: yes, most of the time, yes, no, and because it is enchanted to glimmer every time I cast a spell."

"Revelio!" He demonstrates, casting a quick spell, showing off his robes' effect.

"How wonderful!" Commented Hermione in praise. "Possibly some combination of a decorative Lumos spell, and some kind of activation charm tied to your spellcasting. How ingenious!"

"Have the Daedalian keys not returned?" Asked Khan curiously, as he remembered learning of the keys from Nellie Oggspire. It seemed highly unlikely that they had not returned in over 100 years, and that he was still the only one to successfully catch all of them. "This robe was actually a Hogwarts reward I received previously for catching all the keys successfully."

"Dead-alien what now?" asked Ron stupidly.

"Daedalian keys Ronald!" Hermione shouted in response. "Honestly... The Daedalian Keys were created by Headmistress Mole as a test for students. They open a locked cabinet, holding a school token inside. They disappear and reappear at unknown intervals, and supposedly less than 5 people have been able to catch them all.... I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

"Oh, is that what the funny shaped chest in our common room is for?" Commented Harry. "I remember it looks like giant tokens could slot into the top!"

"Yes exactly!" confirmed Khan. "That's where I found this enchanted robe! And since its from Hogwarts, it counts as a 'Hogwarts Uniform Robe', a required item for all Hogwarts students."

"So you were able to talk to Dumbledore about staying a student?" Asked Hermione excitedly catching on to the part where Khan included himself as a student. "What year will you be in?"

"Do you really need school, when you're already so powerful?" followed up Ron jealously.

"Well actually..... I am not going to be in any 1 specific year..... Dumbledore suggested an alternate form of education for me." Khan answered vaguely, before clarifying.

"I am going to be a Student Professor, Apprenticing under Senior Auror Moody and Professor Flitwick!"

‘Taste the rainbow’ the phrase, funny enough did get invented in 1994 LOL

Also funny enough, if you wear you sleepwear around Hogwarts in the game, everyone you interact with will comment on your outfit. Fun little Easter egg I found, so thought I’d incorporate it into the story.

Sudokucreators' thoughts
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