
Maulketh VS Kurayami(Omake Part1)

(Honestly, I had quite a bit of fun writing this. As I said, this is just Omake and will have no impact on either fanfic. But I can actually write how I picture them at the end.)

In the heart of the Abyss, a place where only beings at the absolute peak of the existence hierarchy could possibly survive. This Abyss was the origin of all existence, the place from which everything originated.

For countless Chaos Cycles, Death had ruled this realm. But she had passed on the mantle to her son, who went by three names in his life. The one she had given him at birth, Abhaiond'Endan translated from the Primordial tongue to mean, 'Is Death.'

But his mortal name in his first life had been Akuma. Named as such by the religious parents of the body that his mother had stolen for his sake on a copy of Earth. Here, he lived a harsh life of being enslaved by a retired assassin where he was broken and rebuilt into a killing machine. He single-handedly killed more people than anyone else in human history with his own hands.

And using his inherited ability from his mother, he would absorb the Death Energy of those he killed to increase his strength. Once freed from the control of his slaver, he went on a one-man crusade punishing the guilty worldwide.

He was celebrated by the common people as he showed them the cruelties that they had been too blind to see. No one was safe from Government Officials to the lowest Drug Dealer. His Crusafe inspired others and actually started a movement called the Resistance that fought against the current governments.

Which set off WW3. In the end, Akuma fought against an army the day he died, killing thousands before he too was killed. But this was not his end, Death saved his soul as she always planned and set him off into a second life.

Here, he was named Kurayami Himejima—Son of Shuri Himejima and Baraqiel a Fallen Angel Cadre, of Draconic Deus. From there, he went on a brutal warpath gathering a large harem of women who could keep him company and bring him happiness. Till the day he could reach his mother's level.

On the other hand, Mark Nathanial Anderson is someone who suffered because of Kurayami. Through Kurayami's crusade, WW3 started which led to the deaths of Mark's entire family. This drove Mark to rage, he was trained by a soldier of WW3 and he went on to become an assassin with as much renown as Kurayami after the reconstruction.

But unlike Kurayami, Mark's innate talent could not help him in a place with no magic. So he lived his entire life with his revenge unfulfilled as Kurayami had long since been 'dead'. When it was his turn to die, he too did not meet his end.

No one saved him, but the talent he had allowed him to break free from his own world's reincarnation pathway where he found himself in the Void. This place was similar to the Abyss from which Death, Kurayami's mother came.

Here, Mark's special talent activated, he had a built-in affinity for the Void. He absorbed its power as he drifted into this terrible place of nightmares until his soul was found by a god of the Void. A powerful entity who through pure curiosity blessed him further and sent him into another copy of Draconic Deus.

Neither knew it at the time, but this set off a chain reaction that would set both Kurayami and Mark into a bloody rivalry that would only end with one of them dead. The crime? Both Mark and Kurayami gathered large harems as was the norm of Draconic Deus, and the laws of existence seemingly pushed for those able to gather harems.

However, Kurayami and Mark were not happy to think that other alternative versions of their precious harem were with other men. Both planned to turn their harem members into Singlular Existences, which clashed with each other's goals.

By this point, several eons had passed and Mark had long since changed his name and race into Maulketh Imperator Tempus, the Dragon God of Tyranny. Kurayami went on to be known as the Dragon God of Death.

For long periods of time, the both of them explored the vast Omni Verse and beyond never meeting each other as they both grew stronger. They also collected more women for their harems sometimes alternative versions of the same woman.

Eventually, when they were true Singular existences in all of existence, they tried to do the same for their harems. In total, they shared several in common unexpectedly as they had by chance gone to the same realities at some point and come to like the same women of different multiverses.

When they tried to turn their harems into Singular Existences, it caused battles of wills to form between Maulketh's versions, and Kurayami's. In the end, Maulketh's version sometimes ate Kurayami's, Kurayami's ate a few of Maulketh's and some were eventually matched that it erased them from existence as punishment.

This caused a blood feud to form between the two who swore to exact vengeance on the other. Over the long passes of the Cycles of time, they clashed billions of times with the goal of killing the other. Sometimes it seemed that the son of Death would be devoured and assimilated like all of Maulketh's foes. At other times, it seemed the Lord of Tyrrany, would face the True Death that would end him, but both still persisted out of pure hatred.

Now, after so many battles, it is time for the last battle. In the Abyss, two beings stand in front of each other. Maulketh Imperator Tempus, in his human form, was a towering being. Easily being 7'6, towered over most in his human form. Even Kurayami was not as tall as he was, but he did not need to be.

Maulketh's face looked to be in his late 20s, his thick facial hair was pitch black with shades of Void Energy leaking from his body. His eyes burned with a terrible fury as he looked down into the eyes of his most hated foe.

His lips were pulled back to reveal the draconic teeth hidden beneath them. In his hands were two large swords, Leavetine, a mostly black blade with red and golden highlights. And Gram, a blood-red Demon sword that essence of every Lucifer and God to exist. A blade of opposites if there ever was one.



Kurayami in exchange stood only 6'10, his face was clean-shaven and he was not as muscular as Maulketh. He was still far more robust than the common person. His hair was just as black as Maulketh's, but the Lord of Tyrrany's hair was cut short his did not.

Kurayami's reached his neck, and his eyes contained two Infinity signs which stared back at Maulketh. In his hands were two gigant swords just like his foe, Submission, a silver-white blade, and Rebellion a black blade.

At his side, stood a giant black dog with a peculiar cross-shaped collar. The dog was the size of a bear and he stood next to his master waiting for the clash to begin.

The Primordial Demon Dragon God of Tyranny, and the heir of Death herself had come. Neither could allow the other to win as they had only one goal. To take back their lovers that they thought the other had stolen and exact revenge for the loss of the ones erased.

They both knew this would be the last battle. The loser would be gone for good and the winner would become the undisputed strongest in all of existence. And maybe after stealing the power of the other, they could bring back their missing lovers.

One way to find out. Maulketh and Kurayami instantly returned to their true Draconic Forms. Maulketh's true form was beyond Titanic, as he was easily 10,000 miles long. All over his body, his living armor seemed to distort the Abyss around them with its sheer weight.

He fused with both his swords imbuing their effects within himself. All over his titanic body, large biotech weapons formed from it all aimed straight at Kurayami. After devouring billions of races, many of those were golems, some were A.I based lifeforms and even living metal machines of the Necrons he had delved into Biomachinery.

He could form these weapons from his living metal armor. But from his body, the law of Tyrrany surged from him in his vast Domain that spread through all of existence bringing the fear of the Primordial Demon Dragon God of Tyrrany.

As for Kurayami, he took a form similar to a dragon, but it was warped beyond measure. Unlike Maulketh who stood on 4 legs, he was bipedal. His form was draconic, but it seemed warped by his inherited Death powers.

He stood at eye level with Maulketh, showing they were around the same height, but Maulketh was much bigger from the sheer mass. But that would not be enough as Kurayami fused with his lifelong companion Shin forming his own armor around him.

Kurayami's own Domain clashed against Maulketh's which pushed the Abyss away from the two of them showing a clear area where the true darkness that once existed fell on them. But in this darkness, the two of them still lived.

Maulketh roared a bellowing sound that echoed throughout this darkness where the sound had yet to exist. With that bellow, Maulketh charged forward toward his hated rival. Without any delay, Maulketh's giant clawed limb struck toward Kurayami who clashed with him with Rebellion.

Maulketh lowered himself to dodge the relentless stabs of Rebellion. Maulketh bellowed as he charged through. He and Kurayami traded billions of blows which was beginning to even push back the darkness around them into a white void.

Maulketh extended his right arm forward and grabbed Kurayami by the shoulder. He crushed down stabbing his claws inside and releasing a deadly cocktail of toxins that would even kill an Eldtrich god.

His toxins spread imminently, causing Kurayami's giant body to be covered with glowing veins everywhere the deadly toxins spread. In moments they began to explode opening wounds all over his body, which he ignored.

But Kurayami returned the favor as Submission was stabbed through Maulketh's shoulder which caused him to feel his indomitable body, begin to rot through the powers of Death. Now, Maulketh had eaten his fair share of gods of death, but Kurayami as the inheritor of the real Death was beyond them.

But unbothered, Maulketh dragged Kurayami toward him using his bigger size to do it. Kurayami did not allow himself to stumble and corrected himself, but not before Maulketh's giant fangs bit into his neck.

More toxins were injected as Maulketh lifted him above his head and tossed him away. Maulketh spread his wings before they were coated in a Void field. He took off as explosions of Void Energy powered him forward. From Kurayami, the glowing veins of exploding toxins began to vanish as his body healed and neutralized the toxins.

Enraged, he gripped his swords tighter and flapped his eldritch wings to fight once more. As both Dragon Gods charged at the other, Maulketh's eyes began to glow a dark ominous purplish red. With a roar massive lasers fired from his eyes which began to warp and turn as they moved toward Kurayami.

Several races he had eaten ability to fire energy from their eyes so could he. He raised his hands and opened his giant jaws wide open as massive blasts of energy began to assault Kurayami.

They came from his horns, his spikes, and the several cannons he grew all over his body. All these attacks were fought off by Kurayami who charged his two swords slicing them all.

Eventually, when they met, Maulketh pulled back his arm which was empowered by his full strength. With a bellowing roar, he stabbed forward and not to be outdone, Kurayami stabbed out with his sword Submission.

When Kurayami's sword and Maulketh's claws clashed, in a shockwave of destruction that spread through every Dimension, and even through the Omniverse, both clashed with their full power.

Something had to give, and it was neither the claws nor the sword. Kurayami's right shoulder began to explode from the sheer force he was containing in that swing. As for Maulketh, he felt his bones, the strongest part of him be ground to paste as the sheer force they inflicted through that clash damaged them greatly.

They pulled back slightly as their regeneration began to repair the damage. Both found that their healing was slowed, to a snail's pace as instead of being instant like usual, it was taking longer.

Maulketh squinted his eyes. His Primordial Law of Tyranny waved through his body checking for the issue. Before he understood what was wrong.

'The Primordial Law of Death can match my Tyrrany. And can slow my healing.'

As for Kurayami, he looked at his exploded arm which was healing fast to the naked eye, but that was slow.


Maulketh grinned.

"Good. It seems that you are worth the effort you pest. By the end of this battle, you and your mother shall end up devoured."

Kurayami squinted his eyes as he glared at his rival.

"Not before your die."

"Then come and kill me momma's boy."

With them healed and back at 100%, the probing match was done. Time to go all out and kill their hated foe.

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