
Chapter 883: Distinguished Guests Arrive


At the same time, at the entrance of the main city area of Night Wish City, Sikta, the former captain of the Blizzard Knights and the current City Defense General, was leading a team of elite soldiers and a magnificent honor guard, arranging a welcoming formation at the city gate. The identity of the person who could make the general of Night Wish City personally lead the team to welcome them was evidently of high nobility.

"Welcome to your arrival, Prince Odom."

Looking at the handsome green-haired man riding on the warhorse in front, cultured and refined, with a dignified bearing, Sikta respectfully greeted him.

Faced with such a grand greeting, the elven prince Odom quickly jumped down from the warhorse, slowly walked to Sikta, and returned an equally respectful salute.

"It is our honor that the City Defense General has specially come out to welcome us."

"Not at all, Your Highness is too kind."

Sikta responded with a smile.

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