
Chapter 828: The Altered Truth



In Redfall city, the Asumos Church branch had become unusually lively recently.


Two weeks ago, not only was Yumo brought back to Redfall by Xiao, but the severely injured and unconscious Mengxi was also brought back by him. Although the vast majority of the Black Rose family members, like Limo, advocated taking advantage of her weakness to eliminate the great threat of the Girl of Destiny, Xiao chose to go against the majority this time and spare the Girl of Destiny's life.


After all, in Xiao's view, Lady Yumo's mental state had become extremely unstable, and she could easily lose control if not handled carefully. At present, Mengxi seemed to be the only one who could bring Yumo's mind back.


Even if reluctantly, guided by reason, Xiao decided to keep the Girl of Destiny for now.


Moreover, after this incident, Xiao's view of the Girl of Destiny had changed slightly.


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