
Chapter 556: Superconductive Particles [2/4] fixed

This situation was something Kain found extremely frustrating. Not just him, but Bai and Borulov felt the same way. As powerful eighth-level beings, they naturally had their dignity, and being passive recipients of attacks was not in their character.

Being pressed down without any room to retaliate made them feel extremely uncomfortable, but they had no choice but to endure it silently and attempt to find an opening in Sword Demon's defenses.

'But now?! This was an opportunity!'

"Take advantage of this moment and attack that guy with all we've got!"

Kain signaled his two comrades with a glance that conveyed the meaning. In the next moment, Kain unfurled his wings of thunder above the scorched ruins. Suddenly, dozens of thunderous explosions rang out without warning, like tolling bells shattering the heavens, shaking the earth, and causing the entire world to tremble.

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