
Chapter 273: Invasion [2/3]


With Yumo's departure, only Kalina and the members of the Black Rose family remained in the vast dungeon. Now that her mother was not around, Kalina no longer had to pretend to be a well-behaved child.


  The cute expression on her face gradually disappeared, replaced by her usual indifferent and unresponsive look.


When facing Yumo, Kalina was like a caring little guardian. But in Yumo's absence, Kalina's expressions and the atmosphere around her often made people feel uneasy.


Looking at Kalina, who had returned to her previous state, the members of the Black Rose family couldn't help but feel a sense of tension.


  You see when Yumo was busy, it was usually Kalina who took care of them. Everyone present, including Sebastian and Que Mingtong, had been educated by Kalina. They still carried some psychological shadow from their encounters with this former "strict teacher"...


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