
Red warriors .

Moroe was so surprised as he walked to see the woman and his lips formed into thin line , " You survived little bird , how lucky " he caressed her bruised face and smiled , " She's strong , isn't she ?" he asked and the guard nodded .

" Bring her back " he ordered and the guard wondered , " mmh " the guard hummed in response only to meet a deadly stare from his delta , " Umh , yes delta " he said lowering his head .

" Clean her and bring her back " he insisted as he walked out of the place , the guard collected her body as he linked some maids to come over , soon they arrived , took her and left .

Moroe walked down to his confinement , he knocked and shouted " Take here out of there " , soon four men came out with a grin on their faces , a woman on hands of two strong men. She crawled on her limbs as they dragged her out slowly and thrower her before Moroe .

" Son of a bitch " she spoke with all the difficult around , " You still have some energy , I see " Moroe spoke as he bent to her level . " Listen Marla , am proud of you for you're strong and I guess someone survived the red warriors because she inherited your strong genes , am I right ?" sarcasm scattered all the place .

" Red .....warriors " she shuddered at the thought of what those monsters did to her precious daughter , tears strikes down her cheeks , ' My poor Elvi ' she screamed on the inside .

" I will kill you " she spoke again but this time with a hiss of pain as Moroe stepped on her hand , " Aaaah " she screamed so hard , " Well your daughter survived more 25 mens in a whole night while you survived four , let's see who can sustain a little bit further , .... bring her to the warriors cottage " he ordered as he stepped aside from her enjoying the pity face she had made .

The four mens grabbed Marla and dragged her with them , Moroe gritted his teeth as he walked toward the pack house , unknown to him some eyes were on him .

" How was your morning , Beta Devis ?" Alpha Karled asked as soon a

s they walked inside the pack house , Devis's eyes scanned the room to see Alpha Karled , his beta Sored , his gamma Kail and his delta Moroe .

" We're good , Alpha Karled " another man behind Devis replied as they walked inside . Alpha Karled's fists tightened to white knuckles , to him Devis quietness was an insult .

" Have your seat " he stated with a fake smile , they seated everyone held a stern look except one of the men , " I would like to know you , for I only know the beta " Alpha Karled spoke and smiled once again .

" I am Leon , a gamma and he's Joel , the general " Leon spoke with a smile , Karled glanced at the two steoid mens and gave them a brief smile but everyone knew how fake it was . " Am glad to know , your all welcome " he added .

" How have you seen our pack , am sure you walked around " he went on as the omegas poured them the drinks slowly .

" We did " Devis voice came calm but cold as ice and Karled's head snapped into his direction after picking up his drink , " I saw an interesting thing and I can say dreadful ... " , silence lingered for a minute as Devi picked up his cup too and sipped some of his drink , while Karled's stucked on the air waiting for more .

" ...and beautiful ..." he finished his sentence after placing his cup back . Moroe scoffed as Kail smiled together with Sored , their cool was what needed in here otherwise war would be on their door .

" That ... (sip )..was .. (sip ) ..very ..(sip)..nice ..(sip) of you " Karled spoke with a grin on his face , Devi scoffed under his breath taking him as another fool under his own house .

" So what did your Alpha.... " " He's thinking about it " Devi cut him so short knowing that his question would be about the day their Alpha shall arrive while they have none . " Okay " Sored spoke for the first time .

" Thanks for the drink but we need a rest " Leon spoke after a minute of silence and others knew that they linked each other before the decision. " Okay , rest well " Sored spoke with a smile on his face , Leon Devi and Joel walked out of the hall toward their cottage .

" Ooh shit ' a shouting voice with a shattering of glasses followed as soon as they assured that the three men were to far to hear about anything behind here , after all werewolf have deadly hearing ability .

" Calm down " Sored warned his Alpha but he was way too angry than ever , " How dare he ?" Karled shouted his veins out but Kail was sharp to stop him from shattering another vase in here , " Alpha , they have an extra hearing remember " he warned him with a stern look .

" Leave him alone Kail , they are so annoying " Moroe mumbled trying so hard not to shout , he was of lower status here and other were speaking more senses than him, a shouting would do him bad .

" Once I get a chance , I shall destroy them , all of them , they shall pay for the insults , for the humiliations , make sure all of you note them down , blood shall be it's debt " Karled snarled .

" Am clear Sored " he asked to insist that he was super serious , " Yes Alpha " , his eyes landed to Kail , " Make a good plan , I need them in my trap soon as possible " , he then gazed at the crazy Moroe , " Prepare for slaves slaughter and trade , slaughter first " . Moroe smiled on the orders .

Karled walked away from the room only to meet his mate on the way , " Karled " Margaret called , his head turned as fast to meet her hazel brown eyes , he walked toward her , pulled her by waist and gazed his nose on her neck inhaling her citrus scent so hard to calm his wolf .

' Let's go , mate ' she mind linked him and he scopped her on his arms then walked toward their room , her Citrus scent filling his nostrils making his nerves calm , his wolf calmed down and only wanted some sweet release now .

Mates are special gifts from the moon goddess Selene , who would fit each others perfection and flaws , satisfy both body , heart and soul . Their bond or connection goes deep connecting two souls that is perfectly dome by marking each other.

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