
Master and Apprentice, Part 1

Note: Edited on 15/12/23. Added more content and fixed grammar issues.


I sensed her attack before it came, but I was too tired from this long spar to properly duck away from a fist coated in blue scales. So, instead, I steeled myself and let her hit me, while in my mind, I thought up a counter to her savage swing. 

See, even bruised and bloody, I wasn't ready to admit defeat. Not to her. Not when she so eagerly goaded me into a temper. 

"Bring it!" 

I dipped my head forward just enough so that I could avoid that painful smack on my nose and forced her to strike my forehead instead—at least that was the plan. 

Typically, my enemy defied my expectations like she always does. 

She must have noticed my give-while-you-take strategy and turned her punch into a feint that shifted quickly into her hand grabbing the back of my neck so that she could pull my head down to meet the knee coated in those seemingly unbreakable blue scales. 

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