
Castle of Blood, Part 2

With the blood golem turned into a snowman, a single blow to its chest right where such a creature's core should be located was the quickest way to kill the monster, and Liara did it in style too. 

I didn't see it myself as I'd been busy exorcising a specter that must've been Vlad Tepes' version of an answering machine. Still, I did hear the she-elf yell "Horn!" so I knew Liara had used a move from the Draconic Blade Art style that I had begun teaching her during our weekend training sessions. 

And yes, I did send Divah a raven asking her for permission first. Of course, I also had to explain to my master why I wanted to teach Liara the blade art that helped Divah earn the title of Master Swordswoman, which meant my master's reply about my engagement was filled with the most obvious innuendos about wholly inappropriate things to say to a minor. Yes, the Dragoness had a lot of fun at my expense. Oh, and she said yes to teaching Liara too. 

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