

After talking all night, the two of them had become good friends. Arthur was starting to learn about all the things he never got the chance to learn about due to him being exiled and shut out by his entire world which to him was just his school.

No one else hated him simply because they weren't forced to hate him. People on the outside world were accepting of him which was a change that he was still getting accustomed to as he usually was under the impression that someone was going to attack him.

"So Arthur, my turn to ask you a question. What would you do if you found the man you were looking for?" Willam asked as he wondered why Arthur had sought him out. Of course he was referring to the man that Arthur came to the prison to battle against.

"Well, that's obvious. I would challenge him to a battle," Arthur replied casually.

"Why do you want to do that? Is it for the thrill of fighting or do you have another goal in mind which you wish to accomplish?" Willam asked.

"Well, it's partially for the thrill however I also want to see what types of techniques he uses. Apparently he has some crazy moves which make up for his lack of strength. I was hoping that if they were good, he would teach them to me," Arthur replied.

"And if he taught you them, what would you do with them?" Willam asked.

"Nothing special really, it's just to have in my arsenal just incase it helps me in a fight," Arthur replied.

"Why do you believe that you'll be in a fight? Do you want to challenge someone to a fight? Is that why?" Willam asked question after question before Arthur simply laughed.

"You sound like a whole detective. It's not that serious. I'm not here to kill people for no reason. I just want to have something so I can defend myself," Arthur said causally as he had forgotten about the entire city he had wiped out from the face of the planet.

"Interesting, what if I told you that I was the man you were looking for?" Willam asked to which Arthur seemed unfazed.

"Ya I already knew that," Arthur replied casually.

"Wait what? How could you have known that I was the man you were looking for?" Willam asked in a confused voice to which Arthur just seemed puzzled.

"You realize that we had a battle of wills when I first met you right? No one else in this prison had even a fraction of the will power that you had. Of course you would be the person I was looking for," said Arthur which Willam let out a sigh before getting up and breaking open the cell.

"Follow me," said Willam to which Arthur agreed as he didn't sense any ill intensions behind what Willam said.

After the two had walked through the prison, they arrived outside the prison which was an outdoor area for the prisoners to catch some fresh air. Some of the prisoners were outside as it was their turn to be there however the presence of the two figures that had come out forced everyone to gather around as they could sense that something was about to go down.

"Wait, are we going to battle?" said Arthur in a confused voice to which Willam let out a giggle.

"Of course we are, thats why I brought you here. Don't worry though, I'll try to hold back," said Willam to which Arthur quickly interrupted.

"If possible, please don't hold back. Just trust me on this, I can't actually die-" Arthur began to speak to which Willam hearing what seemed to be arrogance decided to snap Arthur's head and try to kill him with a single attack. Although normally this wouldn't have been possible at the strength that Willam applied, it was possible because of the speed that he did it at.

"W-What the hell?" Willam asked as he saw Arthur's head move back into place.

"Wow, I guess everything I thought about you is true. You sure don't disappoint," said Arthur.

"If you don't mind, can you continue on with this for a long time? I won't fight back, I'll just try to dodge or counter your attack if possible. This will serve as good training for me," said Arthur which still seemed like arrogance to Willam and as such he began to stop holding back as he attacked Arthur from all directions as he twisted and broke several bones in nothing but a single second. Even so, Arthur just simply regenerated and continued to have his bones shattered. By the end of the first day, Willam was completely exhausted and Arthur simply laid on the ground with disappointment as he didn't manage to dodge even a single attack mainly because he couldn't even see nearly all of them.

"Wow, I seriously can't believe that you weren't lying. You really can't die. Is that some sort of new magic spell or something?" Willam asked obvious interested to know how Arthur was about to stay alive after taking so much lethal hits. However Arthur had no way of telling Willam that he was possessed by none other than Lucifer himself. As such, he gave a small lie.

"To be perfectly honest, it's not a spell. It's actually a genetic condition that I have where all my bones can be twisted and cracked or at least made seem like they cracked only for them to return how they originally were. So it's horrible since I can't actually ever take permanent damage which means that I could hypothetically get tortured forever," said Arthur which Willam bought every last word.

"That's really cool; well yes but no at the same time. You can survive through some of the worst conditions while others would simply die such as getting run over by a truck however it's also a drawback since you can't be left with information because you can be tortured for all of eternity until you give out the information that your captor would wants," said Willam as the two laughed and headed back to their cell for some much needed rest.

"I wonder how much further I can push this body. Just how much stronger can I truly get?" Arthur asked himself as he laid in bed wondering where his limits would be.

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