
89 Wilderness Protectors

"Let's search the area for more bandits," Wolfe whispered to Stephanie right as the cracking of a branch let them know they were not alone.


He didn't see anything, so Wolfe set [Detect Hidden] to its maximum settings and finally caught a vague outline through the trees of two figures coming into the clearing from the opposite direction.


"Come on out then. I don't want to have to use Hellfire to find you." Wolfe instructed.


"Calm down, Demon. We're from the Wilderness Protection detail. Where is your Witch, and did you find the ambush party?"


"I roasted the ambush, but there are bodies underneath them. My Witches are back up the road waiting for my signal." Wolfe replied.


'Waiting on his return' turned out to be an extremely optimistic timeline. Wolfe could sense them moving closer to the clearing already, as well as their concern that he was injured.


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