
Lustful Desires.

Before the couple left the hospital, it was already dusk. As per Arissa's wish, they spent more time in the ward, watching father and daughter as they formed a bond. 

Their bond was so easy to form. It was as if it long existed between them and they were never separated. They were heartwarming to watch. 

Stephen just met Adele but he did not neglect her likes and dislikes. He made inquiries from Adele about her favorites and dislikes as they discussed and made mental notes of them all. 

Arissa remembered watching them with wet eyes. Her mother had no idea what simple things like her favorite color, food, or dress code were. Rather, it was Mr. Adams who could have some clue about everything. 

Seeing Adele bond with her father so well just on the first day they met explained volumes to Arissa that she lived without parents all through her life. Those two monsters wouldn't even pass as guidance to her. 

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