
Born to be wild

Those bright familiar eyes all but glowed as the boy stood up confidently and walked up to the plate. 

No one believed that the boy would be able to surpass Master Tiamat and they were just patiently waiting for the chance to mock and jeer him when he lost.

How dare the young man think he could play them all for fools and get away with it.

That was the thought on the men's minds as this boy just came out from nowhere and swept the rug out from under their feet.

Plainly speaking, it was not a good look to have such seasoned warriors shown up by a young man who hadn't even sprouted any facial or chest hair yet.

Unfazed the young man said or did nothing but just waited patiently, what was the boy waiting for?

The other men started to get unnerved and heckled the boy calling him all sorts of names but the young man ignored them and stood focused.

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