
Leaving The Tomb

Tori peeked through the tunnel and saw that Pierre was standing still, shocked by his surroundings.

"Pierre, what do you see out there?"

'Did Edol do all this? But how? There are so many spiders…'

"I'm not sure… I think it's safe on this side though, so come through and see for yourself. Edol might not be dead."

Tori wasted no time jumping into the crawl-through, pulling herself toward where Pierre was standing. Still waiting to go through, Seph clutched at her chest.

'He might not be dead? But how?'

As soon as Tori cleared the tunnel, Seph followed after her.

Will crawled through last, leaving the tunnel to see the carnage of the spider cave. 

"There isn't anything in the tomb that could cause this naturally… right?"

Tori shook her head. As far as she knew, the only thing that could cause such a scene was a party of relic hunters.

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