"Yes! That's the way! Keep it up! Time to rest!"
Nancy's words brought relief to both Liliana and Lucas. They exchanged a glance before stepping back from each other, also withdrawing their hands.
The heat of their warmth seeped under their skins.
"So... it's perfect now?"
Liliana threw the question at Nancy. Her friend was watching her and Lucas acting their parts as the cowherd and the weaver girl.
Their small performance would commence on the night of the event, three days from now. Tomorrow was the first day the cafe gave out discounts for patrons who came wearing traditional clothes.
"Yes, it's good already," Nancy nodded, giving her full approval to the acting couple, "We don't need you guys to be too dramatic. Just enough to attract the customers."
Liliana had nothing to say to the overbearing cafe manager. Looking at the clock, she was surprised that the time had already reached half-past eleven at night.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: