
Chapter 226: Hidden Shop

Alix couldn't help but feel comforted by his uncle's words and carefree demeanor. Nox had always been a source of positivity and strength for him. "You're right, Uncle Nox," Alix replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "With our unity and determination, we can face anything that comes our way."

A light chuckle escaped Nox as he teased, "Of course, and with your powerful bloodline, we've got a secret weapon up our sleeves!"

Alix playfully rolled his eyes, but his mood had indeed lifted. He had five vice-captains, all of whom were like family to him, as they hailed from the same village. "Speaking of which, Uncle Nox, where are the other three?" he asked curiously.

"Oh, they're still in the tower, accumulating soul coins," Nox replied with a grin. "You know how competitive they can be. They're probably trying to outdo each other."

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