
Chapter 196. The Wither opened it's eyes

Everyone started to laugh at me, which made me a little embarrassed about my actions.

What was I trying to do with this claim? This wouldn't even solve the problems with the families hidden in that basement if I created the Wither.

There must be something else I can do.

While everyone was laughing at me, I looked at my inventory and in the Ender storage, and an idea came to mind.

"Alexa, are you near me?"

I said in a low voice.

<Affirmative. >

Phew, there's still some hope, let's distract those clowns for a few more minutes.

"Take those 2 invisible potions, and splash them over the Pirate crew. Tell the ones who have a family to take off their armor and go after them and the others to get on the ship."

<Order received.>

Suddenly I felt the items from my back being taken away, which showed that Alexa was on the job, now let's do some improv.

"I don't know why are you laughing, where do you think the Stone Kingdom found out about the Iron Golems? I'm telling you, it's not from the ruins."

Suddenly half of the group went silent, while the other continued to mock me.

The ones who suddenly went silent were the Piligers since they experienced the Iron Golem's strength firsthand.

The others didn't seem to think the same and we're getting closer with weapons in hand.

"Stop! Are you the one who created those Iron Golems?"

The General called which made everyone stop.

"Yes I was, and I would've made an army if I wasn't in such a hurry. "

"I see...if you tell us how to make our own Iron Golems, we'll leave the iron ship alone."

That's an unexpected turn, and from the reaction of the others they were as surprised as me.

"Hey stupid Piliger! This wasn't part of our deal, I don't care how good those golems are, they aren't as good as what you promised me."

"Shut up spoiled child! I only promised to not take their ship. We can still take any other large ship to our destination."

He did make a good point, what should I do?

"Who do you call a child you stupid barbarian? If you didn't make such a good deal, I would've ordered the Monster Lord to kill you and all your people."

Looks like the two of them aren't on good terms, I could use this to my advantage.

"We don't have time for those petty fights Prince, we have a deal and after it's done we can all go on our way."

And the chance is now gone.

Should I tell them how to make the Golems?

Did Siren and her crew get on the ship yet?


The whole atmosphere was interrupted by a screaming man who was thrown in the middle of everything.

When I looked closer at who that person was, I realized that he was the second hero.

What's he doing here, and why did he come flying here?

It must've hurt even with all the diamond armor he has on.

The hero tried to get up, only for someone else to jump on top of him.


The one who landed on the poor man was the Zombie Lord.

The dust began to settle, and we saw how the 5 block monster was scanning all of us.

He had his blindfold on, but we all felt like he was seeing all of us making everyone tense.

"Brother, I think we have to abandon the plan. There's no reason to continue working with those creatures. We'll just keep the one who knows the place and kill everyone else."

The Zombie Lord looked towards the Shadow Lord who didn't have any visible reaction.

Why was he here?

Wasn't he supposed to arrive in a few hours?

Did Alexa miscalculate?

"Bag of bones, what's the meaning of this? Do you plan on betraying me now, don't you know I still have your spawner in my hands."

The Shadow Lord slowly turned his head toward the Prince and narrowed his glowing eyes.

"I can't believe you put up with such treatment brother, I have to respect your self-control every time you look at him. As for you stupid human, do you think I came here just to crash this meeting?"

"W-what do you mean?"

The Zombie Lord smiled, which sent a shiver down everyone's spine.

"I already dealt with the group that had the spawner, now there's no need to hold back."

Suddenly a light appeared above all of us, blinding the ones who weren't fast enough to cover their eyes.

"-s haaappppeeeennniiiinnngggg!!!-UGH"

Out of the light fell a woman with diamond armor and a dark helmet.

The first hero had arrived, sitting beside me with a confused face.

Why is everyone appearing all of a sudden?

Are Froggy and Bobby in here as well?

"Wha- Trader is that you? Where I'm I? The last thing I remember was the System telling me to finish the fight for good."

She got up and looked around only to realize that she was in the middle of a battlefield.

"Trader, is this a night-"

"HERO! I see you still follow me with persistence, not only that but I just found out that there is another one like you."

The Zombie Lord stepped to the side letting the poor man finally catch a brake.

Unfortunately, that didn't last for long as the Zombie Lord grabbed him by the head and presented him to all of us.

"I didn't expect to see 2 heroes in one place. After we'll kill you all we'll be much stronger than we first came. I'm forever thankful to the Void for her generous gift."

Everyone was tense and didn't know who to attack anymore.

The Piligers worked together with the Prince only because he had control over the Shadow Lord, but now that he was going rogue they didn't need him anymore.

Now another problem arises, they had to fight against everyone including the Monster Lords.

"There's no need for discussions anymore, we'll kill you all. The almighty Void shall swallow this world and everyone on it."

Then he threw the poor hero towards us while jumping at the Piligers.

"Trader, what's happening now, I'm very confused, can you tell me anything?!"

I quickly went to check on the hero to see if he was ok after falling so much while explained the situation to Merry.

"That sounds like a lot of problems mixed in one bowl. How did it even get to this point?"

"Beats me, I'm as confused as you this time."

The hero was alive but unconscious, how should I wake him up?

Then an idea came to me, and I splashed him with a bowl of water.

"Wha- what's happening, where I'm I?"

I'm starting to see a pattern here.

The fight was getting more intense on the other side.

The Zombie Lord was smashing the Piligers, while the Shadow Lord seemed to enjoy making a porcupine out of the Prince.

Everything was in chaos, in a good way you could say.

Just as I was thinking that the Iron ship finally moved, slowly getting further away from the docs.

That's everything I could've hoped for.

Siren and the ship are safe, and the Piligers are getting picked one by one.

Unfortunately, that's as far as it got since the Zombie Lord seemed to get pushed back.

Everyone here had the best armor you could make, and the Zombie Lord was weakened without his spawner, resulting in his hits not killing the target in one punch.

In the beginning, everyone was intimated by his size and speed, but after half of the group was killed they pulled themselves together and attacked back.

If the Shadow Lord joined the fight it would've been the end, but he was very fixated on getting his revenge on the Prince in his party, resulting in the two of them fighting separately.

Should we join the fight and kill the Monster Lords?

Violet was nowhere to be seen, so she was probably waiting for the perfect moment to attack, and the two heroes looked undecided on what to do.

"Hey man, are you still planning on spawning the Wither?"

"The Wither?"

Merry asked confused, while looking at the setup I built.

"You don't know about the Wither? He's the strongest monster you could fight in the game, at least before the Cave Update, but it's not a good idea to fight one unless you're very prepared."

Merry's eyes went wide and made a step back while looking at me.

"I didn't take you to be someone suicidal Trader, especially not with a Monster that could destroy everything in its path."

"Don't worry, I didn't place the last skull, so we should be fine. We now need to concentrate on how we should defeat everyone here."

Everyone got serious as we looked at the intense fight a few blocks away from us.

"Maybe I could build a bomb?'

"No, the Shadow Lord could escape or respawn later."

The hero suggested something stupid and Merry quickly shut it down.

<Sir, is the Wither similar to Iron Golems you talked about?>

"I don't know, while the golem is not supposed to attack unless ordered, the Wither is going to attack any living being."

And can summon an army if necessary.

<If it doesn't have any intelligence like the Iron Golem, I could take control over body.>

That...would be an amazing thing to have.

The Wither as an ally?

But that's only possible if the Wither has the mind of a robot similar to Alexa and the Iron Golems.

"Hey hero, do you think the Wither is as mindless as in the game?"

"My name is Daniel for your information, and I don't know the answer to that question. I haven't been to the Nether yet, much less summon one of the final bosses."

He moves pretty slowly if he hasn't visited the Nether, then again, it's not like I did any better in that regard.

From what I can tell he's doing better in the armor department than me when I first came.

I wonder how he managed to do that.

<I still think I should try Sir.>

"Why are you so persistent about this?"

<I realized that this body is too weak for my mission since I keep getting captured. But with a stronger body, should be able to get further along final goal.>

Conquering the System?

I wonder if it's truly worth it.

But I can't deny the usefulness if this would succeed.

I looked at the Iron ship that was getting further away, then at the two hero's that talked different strategies.

Finally I looked at the fight between humans and monsters.

In the end I decided it's worth to take the risk.

"Ok Alexa, I'll do it, I'll summon the Wither."

<Thank you for your trust sir.>

"What! Are you crazy man, we can't even beat those Monster Lords, why do you want to create a bigger problem?"

"Trust me, I have a way to control it to fight for us."

I hoped so at least.

I looked once again in my Ender Chest and took out the last Wither skull.

But this one was difrent from the others, this one was much bigger and had a crown on top.

This was the skull of the king in the Fortress, my last skull.

I hope it would all work out.

I got closer to the body and placed the skull in the middle.

Suddenly a pressure started to descent upon all of us, making the fight stop.

Agonising screamed came from the soulsand blocks as they're were melting and taking shape of its new body.

Darkness suddenly enveloped all of us with the creation being the only source of light.

I could see the Nether Star shining brightly before being surrounded by a black ribcage.

Slowly but surely, the body was being build, and nobody could move a muscle at this sight.

The heads appeared one by one, but the one in the middle still had the crown.

The darkness disappeared with a laud bang destroying everything in a 10 block radios, blowing me away.

I took a few hearts of damage from this.

I started to regreat my decision already, I turned my head towerds the monster I created.

The Wither opened it's eyes.

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