
Chapter 1800

Su Yan and Li Baiqing already had a rough plan. First of all, they must immediately leave this general area because they understand the monstrous potential of Great Qin, Who will become the hegemon of this land in the future. If they stay nearby, they will not be able to develop and will eventually be eliminated.

Thus they decided to travel far, far away, and after half a year, they arrived at a place called the Flame Kingdom.

Luckily, the Flame Kingdom was experiencing a major crisis, which was the disappearance of the beloved princess of The King. He had offered a massive reward to find the princess.

The Flame Kingdom had no male heirs, only three princesses, and with no outstanding heirs in the collateral line, Everyone was worried about the next monarch of the Flame Kingdom. From the current situation, no one had the sufficient ability to inherit the throne.

Su Yan practically smelt the pristine opportunity in front of him and that the Flame Kingdom was very suitable for their development. He immediately discussed it with Li Baiqing.

Li Baiqing also agreed that the current situation in the Flame Kingdom was very favorable for their development. They promised each other that they would stay here and develop and began to make plans.

The first step was to find the princess. If they did not find her then their future plans would be moot.

This time, they were lucky. They did not have to search for the princess for too long, the princess practically came to them. She was a beautiful and lively girl, eating snacks on the street at the time.

When Su Yan saw the princess, he stayed away nor did he let Li Baiqing directly approach her, nor did he report to the soldiers that the princess was here. except for some rewards, they would gain nothing.

Su Yan and Li Baiqing naturally did not care about those small rewards they would have been given by the guards. They desired bigger things, which was power in the Flame Kingdom.

They first investigated all the available information about the Flame Princess, such as her personality, likes, and dislikes.

After investigating, Su Yan and Li Baiqing discussed their plan. They planned to create an opportunity for the flame princess to meet them, make her fall in love with one of them, and then he could become the son-in-law of the Flame Kingdom and directly gain some power.

After gaining this power, they would slowly develop and ultimately erode the Flame Kingdom into their own domain.

Li Baiqing had some hesitation about this plan because his beloved woman was Yang Yuyan. But for the sake of revenge and for the memories of how she and his mother were treated under Zhao Fu, Li Baiqing still agreed to the plan.

A beautiful encounter began.

That is the Spark Festival of the Flame Kingdom, where there are fiery flowers in the sky, emitting a faint glow. They covered the entire night sky without any heat, contrasting with the starry sky, making for a very beautiful scene.

The streets are bustling with people wearing fiery clothes, looking very happy, celebrating the Spark Festival.

The Flame Princess is also among them, with a happy smile on her face, following the crowd, looking around curiously, looking very lively and cute.


The crowd suddenly increased, and the Flame Princess felt someone push her hard, and her body fell forward, falling right into the arms of a young man.

The Flame Princess looked up and saw a handsome face with a gentle smile and bright eyes looking at her with concern, asking, "Are you okay?"

Hearing this, the Flame Princess blushed and nodded.

The young man kindly said, "It's crowded here, be careful not to get hurt."

For some reason, the Flame Princess looked at the young man in front of her, smelled his scent, and her heartbeat quickened. Hearing his concern for her also made her feel happy, with a sweet feeling.

The young man didn't say anything else and left with a smile.

The Flame Princess watched the young man leave and wanted to call him back, to ask for his name, but felt a little embarrassed because they had only met once.

After the event, the Flame Princess thought about the young man and regretted not asking for his name, clearly caring about him.

At this moment, several thugs came over with a smirk.

"Hey, girl! You're really pretty, why don't you come play with us?" The Flame Princess frowned, looking angry at the thugs and said, "You better leave now while I'm still not angry, otherwise I won't be polite to you."

A few thugs laughed and said, "Is that so? We want to see how you can be rude to us."

The Flame Princess was angry and ready to teach the thugs a lesson, but someone suddenly appeared and knocked them to the ground. When the Flame Princess saw the person, she became pleasantly surprised and exclaimed, "It's you!"

The young man also looked surprised and smiled, saying, "How come it's you?"

The Flame Princess blushed and lowered her head, feeling a bit embarrassed as she said, "Thank you for helping me again. And may I know your name?"

The young man smiled gently and said, "Of course, my name is Li Baiqing."

That's how they met, and the Flame Princess also introduced herself, but she didn't reveal Li Baiqing's true identity.

They then traveled together for half a year, deepening their relationship. The Flame Princess fell in love with Li Baiqing and her thoughts were completely focused on him.

After a few days, Li Baiqing looked worried and the Flame Princess asked repeatedly before finally finding out that he was an heir to a dynasty that had been overthrown, and he was now a fugitive, worried about the people and his family.

Hearing about how cruel and bloody the Great Qin was and how the prince of Great Qin was so debauched that he would even commit adultery with someone else's mother, the Flame Princess became very angry and expressed her willingness to help Li Baiqing.

The Flame Princess told Li Baiqing her true identity, but she didn't know that everything was part of a plan.

They eventually got married, and Li Baiqing became the Flame Princess's husband. He didn't lie and revealed his true identity to the Flame King, as the Flame Kingdom would surely investigate his background and wouldn't trust him if he had any secrets.

As the Fire King's son-in-law, Li Baiqing also gained some power and influence. He impressed and gained the admiration of many people, and his position became increasingly stable.

After a few years, Li Baiqing became a person of high status and influence in the Flame Kingdom. He asked for troops from the Flame Kingdom and led them to conquer the Great Qin, turning it into a territory of the Flame Kingdom, where he would continue to serve loyally.

The Flame Kingdom thought for a while before finally agreeing to Li Baiqing's request, but they didn't give him full military authority. Instead, they appointed a general to lead the troops to conquer Qin.

AN: Finally done with finals and AP testing, so I will start releasing again :).

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