

He shrugged.”There's a lot you don't know mom.”

“Alessio!”She scolded.Ari touched her arm.”Go to your room until I say you can come out.”Quietly he obeyed.

“I hate to say it Brie but clearly he has Giovanni's traits and blood streaming through his veins.Did you hear how easily he switched languages as if it's an everyday thing.I'd say he gets his temper from him too.”

“You not helping Ari!”She muttered tiredly,after the shit day she had at work all she needs is a hot shower and a bed.Her mind and body is shutting down.”It feels like I don't even know my own son anymore.It's like I'm losing him.”

“You not.Calm down and breathe. Go take a bath while I prepare lunch then we'll all sit down and talk calmly.”She hesitated.”I don't condone Alessio’s behavior but I'm sure he has a valid reason for acting out again.”

Before she could say anymore her sister pushed her in the direction of her room, maybe a long bath will do her good.Sighing deeply she began to undress in her room before making her way to her bathroom.This three bedroom apartment has enough space for all four of them,the twins share a room while she and her sister have their own rooms,Arielle was kind enough to let her take the master bedroom with it's own bath.

While she and the twins have to share a bathroom surprisingly the twins are very clean and she doesn't have to run after them to clean and tidy up after themselves a fact she's grateful for.After she tested and made sure the temperature of the water is right did she strip naked and climbed in.

Her mind drifting to Giovanni and his whereabouts,did he ever find that gift box she had forgotten in his penthouse after waiting on him the whole night only to be woken up by his maid telling her he didn't require her services anymore never had she felt so used and discarded before.But with her head held high she had made her walk of shame and never looked back,she doesn't know much other than his name and that he is a walking God.

Their first time together he had torn her a part that she couldn't walk for a week and stayed in bed but that didn't stop him from taking her every chance he got he always used protection but that changed a few days before he just disappeared into turn air for her to never see him again and even then he would always pull out and come all over her.Just thinking about the time she spend with him makes her flustered and all hot.

She'll never forget his handsome face, the way those hazel eyes would darken and fill with lust only for her,the way he had hold her in his arms like she's the most important thing in his life.She might have known him for a short period of time but it was enough to leave long lasting effects,the twins are here as prove and she doesn't regret ever having them even though their father is a complete stranger.Alessio and Ava looks like him with their hazel eyes and olive skin tone like they've tanned in the sun.

Skin people like her would die to have,she bruises easily with her light skin color any small mark always ends up looking worse than it should that's why she avoids getting hurt at all times. Ari’s skin is also better than hers at least she can hide a bruise easily with make up. Not her though.

Taking a deep breath I began to wash my hair,most people mistake her hair color as orange instead of red how she hated that but she doesn't blame them it has a few orange hues in it making it more fiery and her standing out,it also makes her green eyes pop out. Arielle has ash blonde hair with green eyes although she isn't my blood sister I still love her regardless,mom couldn't have kids after me and really wanted another child so she adopted Ari when she was two years old and me only four.

I was happy to have a little baby sister and we became closer than any siblings ever.Dad was okay at the beginning but after mom's long battle with cancer and losing her,we lost him too because he stopped caring and treated us like objects instead of his daughters.

It's sad but there isn't anything either of us could do especially after he ran away from rehab,the last straw was when he tried to sell Ari to feed his addiction I immediately packed us up and moved here since we both are working and I recently got promoted as a secretary for Alessi Corp.I enjoy working there the pay is good and with it came this lavish apartment only I pay my own bills and stuff but me and Ari are splitting everything so we can manage.

Not only that Alessio got kicked out from his last school for breaking another boy's nose the dispute was over Ava,apparently the boy had been picking on her instead of speaking up Ava kept quiet until her brother started noticing her behavior.I felt guilty for not realizing sooner instead of focusing on my job more but due to his short fuse most schools refuse to accept him.They say he spells trouble all over,getting him to get accepted in his new school was a mission too it took a lot of convincing yet after a week of schooling Alessio got into trouble and I was called.

The school advice anger management classes if he were to stay and attend school and instead of him improving it's like he's worsening. Ari’s words are really troubling as she's never seen Giovanni angry or get angry. Brie doesn't think he's getting his anger from his father maybe he is acting out because they don't have a father figure in their life. Maybe that's it she convinced herself as she got out of the tub to wrap a towel around her body.It's time she sits her kids down and find out what the problem is especially Alessio.

A knock on her bedroom door stopped her from going over to her closet and changing,next she heard a loud crash and Ava barging into her room.”Ava. What's wrong honey?”The terrified look on her face only meant one thing.

Brad is here Ava is only afraid of one man and it's him,not even my drunkard father scares her.

“H-he's..hur..rting aunt A-ari again.” Her daughter only stammers like this when she's afraid.

“Okay.Stay in my room and don't come out until I come and get you.”I told her as I slipped on a pair of jeans and t shirt.”Lock the door after I leave and don't open for anyone.Understood.”She nodded.”Good girl.Where is your brother?”

“Helping aunt Ari.”Brie cursed internally that boy just doesn't listen.

Brielle quickly rushed out and saw Alessio standing in front of Ari broken glass was lying on the floor.”Alessio. Go to your room.” She said.

“I'm not leaving aunt Ari alone.He won't hurt my aunt anymore.” Brie gently touched his arm and pulled him aside.

“Go to my room and stay with your sister,I will not repeat myself.” She told him in her no nonsense tone.Without another word he quietly left.”What do you want Brad?”

He slumped down on the couch that ever cocky grin on his face.”I came to see my girlfriend unless of course you have a problem with it.”

Crossing her arms she said. ”Actually I do.”Arielle placed her hand on Brie’s arm.

“Brielle....”She started.

“No Ari.If you don't stand up to him and tell him where to fuck off he won't ever leave you alone.”

“You've got a mouth on you.Don't you Brielle.Why don't you excuse yourself and give me and Ari a few minutes alone.”

“Like hell I would leave her alone with dirt like you.Get out before I call the police.”

“You just need a good fuck then you'll loosen up,I have a few friends I can hook you up with.”

“Trust me when I tell you this your friends wouldn't be able to handle a woman like me.Besides I don't date scum.”

“Yeah that's why your kids are fatherless.”He threw back.

Brie opened her mouth to give him a fitting reply but Ari stopped her.”Give me a few minutes alone with him.”She gave her sister a bewildered look.”I'll be fine.I promise.He won't do anything.” After a moments hesitation Brie left and gave them some space, she doesn't trust Brad but she must respect her sister's decision.The sooner she can dump him the sooner he'll be out of their lives and Ari can finally move on and find someone who will take care of her.

“Capo...”Marcelo said barging into his office.

“Don't you know how to damn knock.”He asked him,as he got up to adjust his trousers.

“Sorry Capo.”Marcelo said when his eyes landed on the maid that's on her knees in front of his boss.”I didn't know you were busy.”

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