
milestone family power

On a ship sailing for mainland the deck was in a mess, it looks like an intense battle had gone on here, bodies of people passed out of seriously injured could be send at different spot on deck

At one far end, three sky realm expert where in their kneels begging and crying before a certain female with green pupil's, her robe dehelving and unkept, her hair in a mess with injuries on different area on her body

The bloods in the wounds had clog and had stop bleeding, more importantly the aura coming of her is that of a sky realm expert, she had a bitter expression on her face, her attention wasn't even on those three in front of her

A certain glint of craziness and delight crossed her face, she never knew fortune would shine on her to help her regained her lost strength, only the time and effort taking is twice whatnit took her before now, she is still glad only to be hit again by the oaons and thought of losing her young master

This lady is no one else but flora, she had seen a ship sailing past and beckoned for them to help, they hail her in and the greet in the eyes of the boys within the ship wouldn't let them let her be, she was after all a Nirvana realm expert and they had three sky realm expert on board

What could possibly go wrong, once they had their fill of her the would kill her and discard her into the sea, they never met her and never help her, that is how this world is, only power count, she doesn't look like one with any good force behind her back too because she wasn't carrying any superior air when she came onboard

She was gloomy and self reserved, their thought is she is a cast away or some run away trying to get to the main land, only now they realized how wrong they are, she wasn't just an important person but one from the big families of the main land

Their sect wouldn't even cough when this family walked by talk more of make trouble with them if she did get back at them, it was already too late when the found out so they put their life on the line to just end her and save themselves but that didn't end well either

Fighting her when she was just Nirvana realm expert rank one but right now she is at the peak of sky realm and an overpowered for them three, an attribute know to a certain family in the mainland people tries to avoid

There is this saying, if you can't kill a milestones in one hit then don't kill them at all, a hard leasson they had come to know the reason why first hand by themselves today, left no no other choice they knelt down begging for their life's to be spared

"Your purple mountain sect had been in good terms with our milestone family, for that reason, I won't go requesting retribution from them, take as me offering you a favour" those were her words of judgement

The ship soon got to the docking bay with her hoping down, those at the port saw her leaping down the ship once it dock, adjusting her clothing's before heading out, the flag on the ship is also one properyly know, purple mountain sect

Out of curiosity seeing no one stepping down aside her, a few people went on board, after a while they came back down with gloomy face, starring at the direction the young lady that had stepped down the ship took

"They most have bitten the fingers of the milestone " the moment one of the people that had gone on board said that word, everyone drew away from the ship, its no doubt that lady that had just left is a milestones

Message soon went out to the people of purple sect, it didn't take long for a mid aged man in spirit realm to show up hovering in the air with a few more sky realm experts, the spirit realm expert landed in the ship and could see the milestone family insignia carved on the deck beside the dead bodies of the three sky realm youngster

His face was gloomy but more importantly, his face was filled with fear, "send word to the patriarch, we most send gift to the milestone family to appeased their anger" the mid aged man spoke hurriedly, "this bastard most have offended one of them, I had always told them there are mountain above the mountain they stood but they wouldn't listen" he kick the dead body of the lead of the group in anger

"Elder, it was reported that it a female from the milestone family that was onboard the ship" on of the sky realm expert drew closer to report what he had gathered from people who were around when the ship docked

"I know, what else could blind the reason of this stupid student of mine, I have always told you all, things outside the sects isn't the way they are within the sect, always lower yourself till you are sure enough you can beat the person you want to go up against" he signed tiredly

"Of all the people he saw to offend, its the mad of the mad group he took on, let's return, we can only hope our gift can percify their anger else" he stopped his speech her unable to think of the end result

The others knee the ending quite well, the thought of it alone is leaving a sore throat on them, the couldn't help but stare angrily at the leader of the group dead body with resignation


A small ship had set sail from the waste lands heading for the mainland land, aside the people working to keep the ship running, there are only a few extras, which happens to be me, Rebecca, Lora, vera, her teacher, ammy and some random guy named Raymond who would be participating along side with me in the contest

"I want you all to remember, mainland is nothing like the waste land, the few days we would be staying outside the camp site till the contest day start I beg of you to kept your heads down, especially you" vera teacher said emphasizing on the fact this lecture is held because of me

"You might be a milestones on the inside, here nobody knows that, it would be best we don't go putting innocent people in trouble just because you are too arrogant, value their life's as much as you value yours"

"Hey Sarah, don't you think that sermon should be giving to the other not him, he is a milestones, the craziest of the crazy bunch, it can't be help, its in their nature" ammy looking away from the sea into the wide sea suddenly chipped in while still keeping her gaze on the sea cleaning the tip of on of her arrows

"Aren't you one of the crazy ones too" Rebecca threw in" from the side she WS reading her book from, when ammy said crazy bunch, she made it sound like she wasn't part of it when infact, all big families are crazy bunch

"It can't be help" she threw the arrow away which shot into the sea, next she pulled the thiny line of qi thread she had attached to the arrow causing it to shot back up to her with a wriggling fish dancing on the tip of the arrow", its who we are it can't be help"

Her smile sent a creep down my spine seeing how she uses her martial spirit, I wasn't the only one, Raymond and vera took a few step back not wanting to get anything to do with this crazy lady, "I will be having fish for dinner" she tossed the arrow with the fish out again and it flew all the way to the kitchen section landing in front of the chef


The crystal door parted and in came a young lady about 14 - 15 of aged, she was rolling in a trolley of food for those in the room, her face was down refusing to look into the eyes of the youngster before her

Pushing the chart to one end she was about to dash off when Tonia blocked are path, "what is is Abigail, did you get beaten again because you talked to us the last time"

"Let the little girl go, you know the tough punishment if she talks to anyone of us, but your so friendly attitude always get her into trouble" the young lady that had asked Lara what was special about her last time hop down from her bed going to grab some food for herself

Helen, not everyone is uncaring like your true blood family, tyr am be caring somethoand you will feel the warm of live other than that cold attitude of yours

"Sure go ahead and talk to her, so she can take another round of beating, I don't care by the way, just wanting to save the girl some punishment" she quickly dish her food and went back to her bed

The lady didn't utter a word and was finally left to leave by Tonia while she joined the others to get food, "hey Lara, a quick advice, you better eat and be health else you would wish you never Skipped a meal" Tonia pass a plate to her but she still refused pushing it away

She had refused to eat anything since the day she was brought here, and it over a week and counting, the others didn't care at first but soon they couldn't help but warn her to but she refused despite all plea

"Lara please come with me" while Tonia was still trying to persuade her to eat, another young lady different from the first that brought in the food stepped in the room, asking her to follows her, the others wore pity look at her watching her follow the young lady out as the door closed behind them

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ....." Helen began counting, at five Lara painful screams came from the other side of the room, she continued continuing till she got to fifteen, "(clicking of tongue), nobody sure last long than fifteen seconds" the other shudder at his words knowing what that punishment is first hand

Shortly after Lara figure was hauled in by the tow from before, placing her in the spot created for her before leaving the room, everyone stare at Lara passed out figure and went to gulp down their plates, they wouldn't want to be invited in.

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