
Chapter 296 HE'S BACK 1

       Letting out a sigh, I strode to the door and was about to step out when I heard...

          "Huh, Alex what are you doing?"

        That sounded like Chan's voice, my imagination ran wild at what she could be doing with Alex in his closet. I trust Alex would do no such thing, or would he? I didn't know what to feel as what-ifs rang in my head.

          I should walk away as it's none of my business right? He could do whatever he wants, we're divorced and only pretending to be together for the sake of the kids. Whatever he does with other ladies shouldn't be an issue as it's stated in the contract I signed. I could do the same too, but what would I be teaching the kids if they get to find out.

         I turned around and headed for the door, my sanity should remain intact than whatever I was about to see. It was only when I got to the door of the closet did I realize my feet took me in the wrong direction as curiosity and jealousy overwhelmed me. I haven't seen a thing but I could feel my heart shattering from the giggling sounds I heard.

        Once again it was easy for Alex to betray me, even if by law we're still married. I didn't want to see this but I couldn't help it, twisting the doorknob, I peeked into the closet only to see Alex standing before the floor-to-ceiling mirror and Chan selecting a color of tie that matches his suit.

           "No, that isn't the right color it doesn't match with your suit." Chan held a blue tie trying to get him to wear her choice. I chuckled, tearing at the frustrated look on Alex's face as he threw the tie on her hands away. "I'm picking this Chan." He said through gritted teeth.

          Noticing they were both stepping out of the closet, I hurriedly tiptoed my way out of the room, but before I could, the door to the closet opened at the same time the little bow and arrow decor close to the door shattered on the floor making a loud sound.

        Ahh what an embarrassing moment, the small grin on Alex's face gave me out. He understood what just happened even without being here earlier. "Oh Hazel, you're here, I already helped brother Alex you don't have to worry," Chan said with a smirk stepping out of his room. I said nothing to her and bent the pick the arrows shattered on the floor.

       "I'll go get dressed then." Chan left the room, "You can leave that and allow the maids to pick them up, you'd ruin your dress." I said nothing to him and continued with what I was doing there, picking arrows. "It's alright to get jealous and suspicious at times Hazel, it's not an embarrassing thing." He added making me turn red, but I still decided not to say anything to him, I refuse to be an object of mockery, but I knew Alex will never let me go that easily. Even if she did nothing with him, it was still inappropriate to step into this room, one thing I never wanted Alex to see was how jealous I was.

         "What are you doing here anyway?" He asked. "The door was open, I thought someone was in," I said.

       "After avoiding me for a full day, says so much about that eyeliner dripping from your eyes, why're you crying?" I touched my eyes only to notice the black line underneath it, damn, I shouldn't have applied that eyeliner. "I am not crying, Alex." I denied it immediately as I got up and left the room. My steps were quicker than usual so no one else sees me in this state.

         Getting back into my closet I saw the most abominable thing I've ever seen in my life. My three-year-old baby was having her face painted with my makeup as she stared at the mirror admiring her beauty. Just how did she get in? I'm very sure her hands could barely touch the door.

         "Leah!! She jumped off the chair rubbing her index fingers together as she stared at the floor. I had no idea how to react to this, I couldn't get angry at this cuteness at the same time her face had me almost cracking hard, but I had to maintain my fury so she gets to know she's done wrong.

        "What are you doing baby?" "I... I just wanted to look pwetty tonight." Her little voice could be heard.  "You're already beautiful honey, you don't need this." 

          "But I want to be like you." She said.

        "You are me, twin, you know daddy would get upset if he sees you like this, come on let's get you cleaned." "But... But he likes it when you do it." She hesitated a bit. "That's because I'm grown, you can do it when you're grown too like me alright?" "Will daddy still love me without it?" "Yes, yes love." I squat to her level cupping her full chick with my both hands. "We love you so much, more than anything in the world," I said to see her smile.

         "Even more than Kyle and Alex?" She asked putting her fingers into her mouth, "If you get to the bathroom, I'll get you ice cream." "Yay ice cream."

         Holding her hands in mine, I took her to the bathroom to wash her face. It was best I avoided her question than fall a victim to their disturbance, Leah had a running mouth, and whatever I said would be used against me. In this mansion, it was the four of them against me.

           Children always pick wrong things over the right ones, let's hope she's heard everything I told her cause I know how stubborn Leah can be. I washed my face too and reapplied my make-up. We both stepped out of the room to the lounge where everyone was before presiding for the Wilson's mansion. Avery was going to introduce us all to her fiance, I'm sure everyone was as curious as I was.

         Alex stopped halfway to the mansion and got into another car saying he had an emergency to attend to and would meet us there.


         "Mama." The kids all called when they saw mother and grandma walking out of the elevator. They've reconstructed the mansion since grandma has been unable to walk like before again. She couldn't climb the stairs and now had to use crutches to support her movement. She was really getting old, and her deteriorating health conditions scared mother with each passing day.

         "Uh, my babies, mother your favorite grandkids are here." Mother said for them to kiss and hug the triplet. "Uh... Hazel my dear you look good." She said stretching her hands for a hug which I did. "Father." "My one and only daughter-in-law, you look great." We both kissed each other's cheeks, "You're not looking bad yourself father." I responded with a smile.

         "My love." Carie called from behind and I hugged her, waving hello to Lukas "How was your trip?"

         "There's a number two and it's blue." She whispered blushing profusely. It turns out Lukas is not a statue anymore, having a son jas been his dream, and finally, they were expecting one. I held my lips at her words stopping myself from screaming. "Congratulation." That came as a whisper to which she smiled.

        "Have you seen Avery's lover?" I whispered again, "Nope, she says it's a surprise and has refused to tell saying I'm not good at keeping secrets especially when it comes to you." Carie rolled her eyes at her words.

         "Don't listen to her, you're the best at keeping secrets." She smiled, "I know, she was only messing with me."

           "Chan." "Auntie." She hugged mother, "Where is Alex?" Grandma darted her gaze around in search of him. "He had some really important things to do while on his way here, but he'd join us soon," Chan replied.

        "You all came just in time, come seat Avery will be here soon." Mother gestured her hands to the couch and we all sat down including father who rarely speaks in a gathering like this.

         The kids were served dinner immediately and all ushered to their rooms to rest, while the adults waited patiently for the couple to arrive. I burned my curiosity by discussing with Carie everything that had happened while she was away.

         A few minutes later, Leonard stepped into the lounge and we knew they had arrived. The smiles on mother and grandma's faces were beautiful, it was like their dreams had been fulfilled. A familiar figure walked in(Avery), and trailing behind her were two other familiar characters, Mr. And Mrs. Dior. Everyone frowned slightly at their presence, how can I forget what they did to me, here I thought I would never see them again, but look who's standing before me.

         The next person to step in paralyzed everyone...

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