
Auction part eleven

Kael, with an enigmatic grin still playing on his lips, stands up smoothly. "I'll be leaving now," he announces casually, striding towards the door. Pausing for a brief moment without turning back, he taps his mask contemplatively. 'It's pretty clear who's going to win the bid,' he thinks to himself. Before exiting, he adds, "As for your request, you'll find out who buys the Dragon's Eye Sniper soon enough." With a nonchalant wave of his hand, he exits the room, leaving a lingering air of mystery.

Lilith, left alone, exhales deeply and leans back in her seat, her mind swirling with unanswered questions. 'Who exactly is he? A soul that pure, it must be the result of millennia of meditation and incredible strength...' she muses, trying to piece together the enigmatic puzzle that is Kael.

Leo re-enters the room, standing by the door with a look of concern. "I-Is everything alright, Miss Lilith?" he inquires cautiously.

Lilith tilts her head, masking her inner turmoil with a cheerful façade. "Yup, everything is great~" she replies, turning her attention back to the auction.

The bidding continues to soar, the numbers flashing rapidly on the screen:






Lilith scans the room, her frustration evident. 'These cloaks make it impossible to see who's bidding,' she thinks, rubbing her temples. 'And that man... he said I'm the only one who's seen his soul domain. Does that mean even Darius doesn't comprehend his true strength?' The revelation troubles her. 'Despite being among the land's strongest, his soul overwhelmed me in an instant. What does that make him?'

Meanwhile, Kael stretches leisurely as he walks back to the stage. 'It's strange... Why did someone as powerful as Lilith falter so easily?' he ponders. Looking up, he sees Ilka lying on his hand, swinging her feet playfully. "Hey Ilka, what did you make of her? She's the strongest human mage and the current Tower Master," he inquires.

Ilka, raising an eyebrow in surprise, floats around Kael. "Really? That old lady is the Tower Master?" she asks incredulously, scratching her head. "What happened in the four thousand years I was asleep?" she wonders aloud, her disbelief clear.

Kael, intrigued by her reaction, probes further. "What's on your mind?"

Ilka, perching on his head, shares her insight. "I inspected her soul. It was relatively normal. In my time, someone like her would never qualify to be the Tower Master. A true master should be adept in all magical fields, including soul magic. She hasn't trained her soul at all," Ilka explains, her tone reflecting her astonishment at the decline in magical standards over the millennia.

Kael, his curiosity piqued, turns to Ilka and asks, "Ilka, just how strong were people back then?" He rubs his neck, mulling over the incongruity of the situation. 'It's too unusual. Standards in magic declining due to technological advances is one thing, but Ilka's perspective suggests no one in this era could match her,' he contemplates.

Ilka, with a scoff and a yawn, lounges comfortably atop Kael's head. "I don't know. Kael, no matter what you think, or what anyone tells you, there are always hidden powerhouses in the world. It's impossible to gauge their number and I doubt those hidden figures have gotten any weaker. If I'm still around, and entities like the four great winds exist, then undoubtedly, thousands of hidden figures roam these lands." She smirks confidently, "But remember, that's true for everyone but me. I'm the best, after all. Never forget that. No one can beat me in a one-on-one fight."

Kael rolls his eyes at her boasting, 'There she goes again, flaunting her superiority.' He exhales deeply and steps back onto the stage, where the bidding has slowed, but the stakes remain high:






Kael, trying to conceal his trembling hands, is astounded. 'Are they seriously aiming for a million platinum coins? This is madness!' He watches as the bids escalate, not just in monetary value but in rare and valuable assets.

[1][755,000][100 mid-rank mana stones]

[3][756,000][2 mid-rank water type beast cores]

[15][759,000][400 mid-rank mana stones]

[8][760,000][300-year-old mana tree]

[2][760,000][Mount Mau]

Kael grins, 'Mount Mau? That's a bold move. The depths of its caves are rich with rare gems. Is that red guy really willing to part with it?'

In her seat, Queen Celeste clicks her tongue in disbelief. 'What is wrong with these people? These bids are getting ridiculous,' she muses, sighing. 'Time to throw my hat into the ring. What could rival Mount Mau...'

[14][900,000][1 million acres of land]

The screen updates, and Kael's smirk broadens. 'Rose is wagering land, probably the territory surrounding Aerolithia. Her country borders it, and since she'll be signing the contract, there's no loss in offering that land.'

Kael's thoughts race as he calculates the profits. 'People might think I'm crazy for keeping only 1% of the profits, but it's already a staggering amount. Let's see, so far we have 900,000 platinum coins. Around 400,000 went into crafting the Dragon's Eye Sniper, leaving us with 500,000. One platinum coin equals roughly 5,000 dollars, so that's... 2.5 billion dollars.' He clenches his trembling hands in disbelief. '25 million dollars... After giving Eira and Zeke their shares, I'll keep around 11 million. But it's still climbing higher and higher.'


Kael, humming to himself, watches the bids climb with a mixture of disbelief and exhilaration. 'It's been an hour, and we're down to the final contestants. I can't believe I haven't had a heart attack yet,' he thinks, glancing up at the holographic screen.

The numbers flash with staggering figures:

[10][1,323,000][5,000 high-ranking mana stones][100 high-ranking magic stones][4, 1,000-year-old herbs]

[1][1,350,000][10 million acres of land][16 high-ranking plant-based beast cores][10 high-ranking dark elf slaves][1 low-quality ancient scripture]

[14][1,360,000][15 million acres of land][5 ancient unexplored ruins][3 high-ranking pearls][4 high-ranking Griffin pure white feathers]

[3][1,370,000][1 unique artifact][5000 high-rank magic stones][80 high-ranked demonic cores][7 1,000-year-old herbs]

Kael exhales deeply, trying to process the enormity of the bids. 'Okay, I think that's the final bid. This is beyond insane. Wait, there's one more?'

He turns to see the last bid:

[2][1,390,000][Dragon Heart][1000 high-ranking magic stones][12 ancient martial arts]

Kael's eyebrows shoot up in surprise. 'I thought they'd backed out. Is P.O.B. really willing to commit this much? I assumed they were more prudent.' He turns to glance at one of the VIP rooms, where the P.O.B. agents sit, still cloaked in anonymity. 'Looks like they've made the final move. Time to wrap this up.'

With a flourish of his cane, Kael announces, "The sale will finalize in 3... 2... 1..." He snaps his fingers, and a burst of fireworks shoots upward. "Congratulations to number '2' for acquiring the Dragon's Eye Sniper. Please wait until the auction's conclusion to collect your weapon."

Kael then claps his hands, ready to move on to the next phase. "Now, shall we start the bidding for priority rights?" His tone is sly, filled with anticipation for the next round of frenzied bidding.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Duchess Rosalind, humming a tune, teleports into her opulent mansion with Isadora still in tow. She surveys Isadora with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Let's see what we have here," she murmurs, gently grasping Isadora's chin and turning her face left and right. With a satisfied smirk, she squeezes Isadora's cheeks. "Aren't you just the prettiest little thing~" Isadora, unfazed by the attention, simply blinks blankly in response.

Their moment is interrupted as another person approaches. "Dutchess Rosalind, I need to ask you how I should break into her room-" The newcomer, a woman in her late thirties with blond hair, golden eyes, and fair skin, pauses as she notices Isadora. "Oh my god~ How beautiful," she exclaims, reaching out to grasp Isadora more roughly than Rosalind had, examining her with an appraiser's eye. "Oh goddess of light, I want to wrap her in a dress~ Where did you kidnap this one from?" she asks with an excited giggle.

Duchess Rosalind, wearing a nonchalant smirk, responds casually, "Ah, I stole her from Duke Alister." Her tone is as if discussing something as trivial as borrowing a cup of sugar.

Etha, the blond woman, instantly releases Isadora, stepping back in shock. "Y-you're crazy, taking her from that man," she exclaims, her expression a mix of awe and apprehension.

Unfazed, Duchess Rosalind turns her attention back to Isadora. "I'm going to arrange a place for you to train. Would you mind staying with Biana for tonight?" she asks gently. Isadora nods silently, her stoic demeanor unwavering.

Duchess Rosalind then addresses Etha, "You were asking how to break in?" Her smile widens mischievously. "Take Isadora to her room and let her break in. I'm sure she'll enjoy it," she suggests with a sly tone, clearly amused by the thought of Isadora undertaking such a task.

Etha, still reeling from the revelation of Isadora's origin, hesitates but nods in agreement. "Very well, Dutchess. I'll take her to her room," she says, her tone a mix of reluctance and pity.

Etha guides Isadora through the grand corridors of the mansion, occasionally brushing her hair with a gentle touch. "Ah~ such beautiful black hair, it's so straight and clean," she remarks, admiring its sleekness. Isadora, ever impassive, gives no response.

Etha continues her one-sided conversation, "Did you know having black hair is rare? Black eyes are also rare~ and you have both, what a precious girl." She glances at Isadora, noticing her blank expression. "Come on, don't be so down. Duchess Rosalind must be trying to help you," Etha says, trying to coax a smile from Isadora by gently lifting the corners of her mouth with her hands. However, as soon as she lets go, Isadora's expression returns to its usual stoic demeanor.

Pondering for a moment, Etha asks, "Are you hungry? Is there anything you'd like to eat?" She sniffs the air and then Isadora's hair. "Ah~ you smell like coconut." Reaching into her pouch, she produces a coconut. "I'm always prepared for anything. You'd be surprised how picky the kids are." Isadora accepts the coconut and starts drinking it silently.

Upon arriving at a door, Etha gives Isadora an awkward smile. "This is Biana's room... U-um, it's a bit difficult to get in, but you can try any way you want. Just be careful." Isadora blinks, confused. She attempts to open the door, but the handle won't budge, even with increased strength. Puzzled, she scratches her head.

"I-I'll be leaving now," Etha says, stepping back. "The entire mansion is reinforced, so don't worry about using your power."

Isadora tries again to open the door, her grip tightening on the handle, but to no avail. Raising her fist, she clenches her muscles and slams it against the door, but it doesn't leave a dent. Setting down the coconut, she performs some stretches she once saw V do and coats her arm with a bit of aura, striking the door. The area vibrates, but the door remains intact.

She unsheathes her sword and coats it with a thicker layer of aura, but the sword bounces off. Focusing more aura, she uses half of her energy and slashes down. The entire building shakes, and she finally manages to cut just enough to create an entrance.

Isadora cautiously peeks her head inside the room, her eyes widening slightly at the sight that greets her. The interior of the room is covered in runic symbols glowing with a soft blue hue, providing the only source of light in the otherwise dark space. Just as she's about to step in, a pillar of fire shoots out from the wall, halting her in her tracks. She blinks, analyzing the situation.

With a thoughtful expression, she finishes her coconut and tosses a small piece into the room, conserving most of it for herself. The moment the piece crosses the threshold, a barrage of traps is triggered: arrows fly, magic spells burst forth, swords swing wildly, and a pitfall opens. Isadora's gaze hardens as she spots a fluffy area amidst the chaos, deducing it to be a safe zone.

Taking a deep breath, she readies herself. Holding her sword in one hand and the coconut in the other, she coats her legs in aura and dashes into the room. She leaps up to block the fire, then quickly drops down to evade spikes emerging from the ceiling. She moves with precision, blocking and dodging each assault, until she reaches the haven of soft blankets, pillows, and scattered wine bottles. Exhausted, she collapses onto the fluffy pile, panting heavily while taking in the untouched surroundings of the room.

Biana, startled by the sudden intrusion, groans from underneath the blankets. "W-what the hell, who got in my room..." Her voice is groggy, laced with confusion and irritation. Her light brown wavy hair, a complete mess that rivals the slums. Her piercing green eyes make her seem angrier than she is. Peering up, she sees Isadora's face and dismisses the sight as a figment of her imagination. "Huh? I must be dreaming," she mutters, pulling the blanket over her head in denial.

Isadora, unfazed by Biana's reaction, sits down and begins sipping loudly from another hidden coconut. The noise of her sipping irritates Biana, who snaps awake, now fully aware of the intrusion. "Shut the fuck up, dammit! Why are you on my throne!? You damn bitch!" Biana exclaims, her voice slurred and half-drunk. She grabs a nearby bottle of wine, taking a long swig to drown her annoyance.

Fun Fact: Isadora used most of her aura.

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