
Scene CXCV

“A’ight, get up. Let’s go talk a tad with these men you so dislike, the time will come quicker that way.”

“… I can wait right here.”

“You’ll only grow more anxious. Come with me, you still are an Archduke, socializing, even if you dislike it, is a part of your duty.” — Giving him a pat on the same shoulder he was once shook off from, Jollveld grinned. Becoming severe slightly as there were matters the two also had to take care of together for none other besides Aslak was of real trust for the King under the circumstamces the Kingdom was in. — “… We can’t only make it about you and your woman.”

“… Right… I’ll behave though. My Fatædi’s counting on it.”

"Behave?... A mad barbarian saying that. I've seen it all."

A disgusted sneer was granted by the King, that pushed him without much outcome; in disbelief at the words from the savage cousin. Proceeding to lead their way immediately after, ignoring how Aslak took with him a piece of bread to eat.

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