
Scene XVII

Maintaining a proud yet laid-back stance, the man glimpsed at the property of his wife before continuing the conversation with the Barons.

"How was the journey? Did any beast cross your path?"

"Oh! No. Fortunately, that did not happen. We had a peaceful journey here, Your Ostentuous Grace."

"... That picks my curiosity."

"Why is that, My Lord?"

"I had the notion that your delay was due to an entertaining encounter with a wild one at the Hœttr Hills..... A mistaken belief I guess."

"ah... That... The road was tough. The Baroness required time to accustom to the pace of the steeds. Hence the delay. Isn't that right, darling?"

"... That is true. Please pardon us, your Illustrious Grace. I became frail with the years."

"... Indeed. The Barons are not young as they used to be." — Indiferent, he granted to the couple. Only to turn to his own partner. — "Wife."

"!.. Yes, Husband." — The lost-in-thought woman answered composed although surprised.

"This reminds me. You arrived home quite promptly. Did you share the Baroness's difficulties?"

The eyes of the woman alternated from her husband to the nervous guests. Already aware of what she was to say.

"I did. Greatly, for my journey had little rest permitted by the season."

"Yet you arrived before the time we expected you. Isn't that right, Uth."

"Indeed, Master. The Archduchess arrived before expected. Truly. The escorting trope did their very best as the Madame was adamant about arriving where she belongs quickly... Wishing to not make His Illustrious Grace wait any further."

The men lied. As she had arrived just as scheduled, not a day before nor a night after. Never asking for the trope to hurry, as the most the Archduchess desired was some rest during the excruciating journey.

"Mmm... Well... Not all women can be compared. Much less an Archduke's Young Wife." — Myrkzver spouted. Portraying in his voice the sarcasm and intent to place shame on Orteu.


"Ah. How come I am retaining you here after hearing this?" — Suddenly, the wicked man added. — "You have just arrived. And the Baroness's appalling demeanour must be because of the exhaustion, am I mistaken?"

"... Pardon?" — Ashamed the mentioned woman reacted.

"Uth, could you take our guests to their lodgings? They should rest as it's the lack of it that brought them here late."

"W–" — Pale the Baron tried to intervene.

"Yes, my Lord. Immediately."

Raising from the desk he had taken as a seat, the Lord of Sortnafeigr walked to the door with obvious intentions.

"Do get yourselves comfortable. As it is, I don't think you will depart any soon. Take your time and let us meet at a later time when you feel better."

Kind in his words yet not in expression, Aslak Ingvar finished. Denying any pursuit of response from the Orteu.

"... Alright... That seems wise. Thank you for the kindness, Your Grace." — Ewelina's stepfather responded. Aware that if to persevere in telling them otherwise, his case would become worst. — "We are to do as you say."

Seeing them out, Ewelina followed.

"As it is Uth who will lead our guests... I am to retire and attend other pending matters." — She bowed as she informed her Husband.

"... Very well."

His response came. However, Ewelina saw an opportunity.

The eyes of her stepfather and his wife were on them... And even if reticent to do it... One gesture that would make the guests continue to take careful steps against her was recalled to suit the situation.

'... Don't hesitate.' — She told herself, as she gave a step closer to her Husband, who while crossed armed supported himself on the frame of his entrance.

"... I shall join you later, Husband."

A hand reached him. And then, a soft brush of cherry edges on his countenance's side followed.

"Have a good evening." — Ewelina lastly said as her body drifted away. Holding back her anxiety from showing on the outside.


"Ahem... Then... Until later, Archdukes."

Everyone present bowed in farewell. Most surprised and disgusted. Yet as the guests went into the corridor, the young woman was prevented from also departing.


Gulp... A dry swallow scratched her throat in preparation to face him. For she was fearful of what could follow.

"Yes, Your Grace? "

"Come back inside for a moment."

"... Yes..." — Composed she answered. Although her turmoil had commenced to turn her pale in demeanour.

'... A mistake... Have I committed a great mistake with such an act?' — Slight regret at the thought commenced to thrive like a shadow on her head.

Glancing at the now empty hallway, the Wife followed her Spouse inside the stances she once intended to leave.

'Hopefully... What he is to do now will be worth the risk I took.' — Trying to find comfort in her hazardous act, she walked holding thoughts on the impact it must have had on the distasteful Barons.

Looking ahead, Ewelina stepped into the room observing the wide back of the dreadful man she was to face now.

The closure of the doors was done by herself and at the meeting sound of the gates, she inhaled. Determined to appear composed... Unlike the night she met him... And gave herself to seal this imposed Marriage.


"What was that thing you did a moment ago?"

Plunk! The sound of the small axe against his desk, the one he took from his leg, resounded through the room.

"!... Do you refer to my gesture in farewell, my Lord?"

"Yes. What was that, woman?"

Seeing him busy as he lit his pipe again while supported on his desk, she took a pause to respond. — "... Our guests think low of me. It is implied in–"

"I know that. I asked what was it that you did with your mouth."

"... Is it... To a partner's public show of affection that his grace refers?"

"Is that how that is named?"

"...... It can also be referred to as a peck... Or a kiss... Husband."

Ewelina was impressed by what he truly wanted her to answer. Which caused her to falter in her speech.

'Does he not know what such motion is...?'

"And why would you need to do that in front of those people? Is it something accustomed by those in the North and West?"

"It–... It is... Maybe it is not known by His Grace... Yet that much of a show of affection is permitted and well seen in the rest of the Kingdom."

"Fuhhh... How so? Does it have to do with you doing it just now? " — He leisurely inquired as the swift release of the herbal smoke inhaled from his pipe left from his edges.

"... Yes."

"... Explain."

The taps on his pipe resounded as he cleaned it to smoke more.

"... It shows that the Spouses have a good relationship... I did it so our guests would not look down on me as I am now your Wife."

"... Alright."

The quick acceptance of her answer brought silence to the room.

At the stillness, Ewelina judged that the interrogation had come to an end. Therefore, acting upon it, she spoke once more.

"If that is everything..."


A cold mouthpiece was uttered by the man. Demonstrating to the woman that their exchange had yet to finish.

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