
Scene VII

"... Careful–"

"Illustrious Archduchess."

As she helped the child safely land on the strong ground, the call of an unknown voice was heard.

"Ugh! Nu leaves! Farewell, Master's Wife!" — The mainglousse hastily said, running away with fast feet.

Turning curious after the unique child escaped, Ewelina met a bowing man dressed on a grey and worn robe standing behind her.

"I apologise for not waiting at the gates to receive you on this significant day. I am this Spiked Eye Barbican's Warden, Uth. It is a pleasure to finally meet the Archduke's match."

"... The pleasure is mine, Sire Uth–"

"I am no Sire, my Graceful Archduchess. I am merely a fortunate server to this Household."

"... Then... Uth... I am... Ewelina..."

"Myrkzver." — The man answered, completing what she hesitated to state. — "Ewelina Myrkzver, Spoused to the Myrkzver's Archduke, Aslak Ingvar, owner of this continent's cruel corner, Sortnafeigr."

"..." — Observing the fairly clean man tell what she could not and ignored for long, Ewelina's lids opened widely, stunned at the sound of her new name... Along the one of her unfamiliar Husband.

"Yes... That is I."

Overwhelmed, the woman felt small at confirming the truth. Which provoked the serious warden's loosening of his features.

"Please, come into your Castle, Your Grace. I believe it is due for you to rest. Let this server guide you to your quarters."

"...Umh... Excuse me, Uth..." — She gave a light nod, yet her pause impulsed her to inquire.

"Yes, Archduchess?"

"... My Husband... Where is... His Illustrious Grace?" — Nervous, she struggled to let the inquiry out.

The willing eyes of the warden made her anxious to ask. Nonetheless, as the Wife she had become, Ewelina had no choice but to greet her spouse first, out of due respect.

"..." — The Curator stood impassive at her inquiry, halting for a second before responding to his just arriving new Master. — "Unfortunately, My Lord, Sire Aslak, is currently away from these Lands. I am afraid the Madame will not be able to meet his illustrious Grace for some time."

'... He's not here.' — Ewelina concluded secretly. Stunned at how she was to stay in a foreign place without even meeting its owner who also was now bonded to her by the laws of Zaarmideos.

"Has he been gone for long?"

"... Many moons have gone by since he left. If the matters he went off to attend are dealt with properly, Our Lord should not delay in his return."

"I see..." — Ewelina mumbled.

Unsure if it was alright to ask further, the youthful Mistress held on to some other doubts about her Husband's whereabouts with a short response.

"... Then, shall I lead the way now?"

"ah. Yes, please."

Uth pressed to exercise his duties, and following the pace of the short-haired man, Ewelina went into the Archduke's domain.

The obscure hue of the inside appeared outstanding with the intrusion of natural white light. The place was vast and empty, yet the structure was splendid.

She was taken downstairs, through the steps that strangely were found a little further inside as soon as she stepped into the building.

Two other stairs were to the sides, going upwards. Yet both turned to the back, letting the pointy arches leading to new hallways be fairly visible.

As Ewelina continued to make her eyes stroll through the inside, they came to observe aghast at the grandiose ceiling above them, where many rows of pillars met in a round pointy centre from which a majestically antique chandelier hanged menacingly.

On the lower level, many gaps as breezy windows made the name of the castle make sense.

Barbican... The walls were not only protecting the castle with confusing paths to it between each.

A whole yet small town... a village for its simplicity, far below the cliff could be barely seen from the high height the Castle was placed.

A village where a thin river crossed its middle and signalled the continuation of earth along the path of its stream.

Ewelina had to halt out of fascination only to observe the unique sight hiding behind the sturdy Castle crowning the boulder.

"That is Kleifar."

"! Ah, excuse me. I... The village underneath surprised me."

"Kleifar is a nomadic tribe that turned into a village after the Myrkzvers menaced them to stay."

"... Menaced?"

"They simply stated the truth. These people wanted to continue searching for good lands to inhabit... Yet they had no hope if all they planned to do was go further to the south or east... Hence, the Myrkzver Lord showed them how foolish considerations they had. Kleifar's people say they felt threatened. Hence, they remained here. Now they are considered part of the Myrkzver's loyal people and are also protected by them."


"Once our Lord has returned, you may go down to address them. I do not recommend going without the Archduke... Now, over here milady."

Uth was compromised on showing Ewelina the place where she was to rest, thus, the man quickly shoved the discussion apart so he could continue.

Meanwhile, the woman who had undergone weeks of the exhausting journey to these concealed corners of the Kingdom had a shade of weathering spirit in her demeanour.

Unstable nerves, ignorance of what she was surrounded by and what awaited her, along with bad nutrition and deprivation of sleep had made the already abandoned woman more pitiful in those worn-out dresses she had to survive in during the move.

She needed to regain what she lost... And gain what she already did not have.

The warden was thorough in his duties and as his duty demanded, seeing for his Master's condition was the utmost priority over the fief's management.

Arriving at a hall that also needed the lit of torches to fully grant light over its length, Uth guided the woman to the floor where the Lords of Myrkzver had their resting chambers.

Three gates were lined up on the cold wall with one standing out in the centre, for it was of a noticeable height and more luxurious than the two at its side.

Walking by each, it was at the one further to the right that Uth paused in front of.

"This is your room, Illustrious Grace. Please find comfort and rest... Welcome to the Myrkzver's Household, Archduchess Ewelina." — Followed by the movement of his hand to open the door, the warden elegantly showed her inside the stances provided to her.

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