
Hinata And Naru Learn About Sesshomaru

*At dusk in Sesshomaru's house*

Sesshomaru " naru what do you know about the fox sealed inside your body?"

Naru " ?!? There's a fox sealed inside me? Is that why the villagers call me a demon fox?"

Hinata " those villagers are stupid your not a demon!"

Sesshomaru " hinata is right they're truly stupid calling a chakra beast a demon. After all it's a concentration of chakra and not an actual demon. I take offense at being compared to it. After all demon energy is magnitudes greater than chakra comparing the two is laughable at best and insulting at worst."

Hinata/Naru " !?! YOUR A DEMON!!!"

Sesshomaru " of course I am. What did you think I was human? Naru doesn't know but Hinata weren't you there when I told your father how long I could live for. You should have realized that I wasn't human from the beginning."

Hinata " I-I d-didn't r-realize y-you w-were a d-d-d-demon!"

Naru " w-wait how long is your lifespan big brother Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru " well I told Hinata's father that my kind lived for 100,000 years but in reality that's just the weakest of my kind. I didn't want to scare hinata or her father to much after just meeting them. But the truth is as long as I have a certain amount of demons energy I can live forever without much difficulty as long as nobody outright kills me and sense the only thing that I've seen even close to my demon energy in power and I mean by a wide margin in my favor is that fox sealed inside Naru. I've had the amount of demon energy that is needed to live forever sense I was born I'm what's known as a ruler class of demon. Now I know what you might be thinking and to answer your question not all demons are evil. We are just beings born with eminence power. Now that's not to say that there's no evil demons in fact a lot of demons let their power go to their heads and just destroy everything around them when they get even a little annoyed. But theirs good demons too like my father who was an honorable ruler who only wanted what was best for his people and family. He even took a human lover a good while after my mom gave birth to me just to try and bring demons and humans closer together. However treachery ended him in the end the greedy humans and demons worked together and finally brought the honorable ruler to his knees and in the end he had to choose between his wife and newborn son or himself and father being father chosen the former bringing back to life my half brothers mother and saving them both but at the price of not being able to heal from the wounds that his enemies inflicted and dying shortly after saving them. Honestly for the longest time I resented him and the whole world after his passing after all I was only 600

or 700 years old at the time still just a child by demons standards.

Naru " what happened with your brother after that?"

Hinata " yes please tell us."

Sesshomaru " My brother the half human half demon had an even worse life because of not only humans but also demons hunting him and trying to kill him every day after his mothers death. And because of my own childish hatred of everything I didn't even try to protect him. By the time I finally woke up from my own anger he was already grown and had a deep resentment of everything. I didn't have any right to even try to help him at that point so instead I made myself his enemy wall security doing my best to protect himself from the shadows. However then he met a shrine maiden named kikyo everything started looking up for him. To the point where I thought he'd be just fine without me protecting him anymore. Oh how wrong I was. A bandit named onigumo lusted after kikyo and was terned into a demon to be able to get kikyo however when he was terned he thought up a stupid plan to get kikyo and my brother to tern on each other by shape shifting into my brother to attack kikyo and into kikyo to attack my brother so he could get kikyo nether realizing the truth even at the end of kikyo's life she still thought my brother was the one that killed her and she sealed my brother to a tree with an arrow. I was such a fool for thinking my brother didn't need me anymore and both him and the women he loved paid for my ignorance.

Naru " did you go after that guy onigumo?"

Sesshomaru " I didn't find out about what happened until years down the line that my brother was sealed and years more until I found out about onigumo terned naraku. And by then it was too late to do anything about what happened inuyasha my brother was already unsealed and hunting naraku down with a girl named kagome.

Hinata/Naru *tears falling* "that's such a sad story!"

Sesshomaru " we've gotten off topic but you should know Naru that the beast inside of you has an extreme amount of hatred towards humans. Probably because of their treatment of it. But you should also know that that isn't its core it's true core is love and the ability to feel the emotions of others the hatred it holds is just the other side of the coin after all you can't hate something you never cared for in the first place. I'm guessing people used and abused it until it got sealed in you."

Naru " …"

Hinata " Sesshomaru sama why are you telling us all this?"

Sesshomaru " because I want you to understand that just because something seems scary or may pretend to be your enemy does not necessarily mean that it truly is at its core. Sometimes it's just trying to teach you the only way it's capable of at that time. That doesn't mean you should trust it unconditionally trust is earned not given I'm just saying not everything that claims to help is actually there to help and not everything that claims to be an enemy is actually the enemy. Take the 3rd for example he claims to want what's best but in reality he just wants to control everything. His souls so dirty I can't stand looking at it and he would have never let naru be adopted if I had never come and threatened him into doing it."

Naru " th-that can't be true 3rd is a kind old man!"

Sesshomaru " Naru…"

Hinata " it's true naru. I saw it myself if Sesshomaru hadn't threatened him 3rd would have not let you be adopted by him."

Naru " n-no that can't be. Your just joking right you have to be." *tears start welling up*

Sesshomaru " I'm sorry naru but I'm not lying. I wish I were but unfortunately the world isn't a kind place you know that better than most already and you know I'm telling the truth you just don't want to admit it because 3rd has been brainwashing the village sense before you were born. And kids are the easiest to brainwash."

Naru " WWWAAAAAA" *tears overflowing*

Sesshomaru/hinata *Hugs Naru*

*root base*

Danzo " damn this jutsu it complicated how did a brat actually succeed at it?"

Danzo " I'll try it one more time before trying to tamper with it. I need to get Orochimaru's help with changing it so we can get at least a 50/50 split instead of a 1/99999 split."

Danzo " summoning art spouse summoning jutsu!"


??? " oh wound you looky what we have here a hot old man. Hey cutie feeling frisky enough to play with a real woman?"

Danzo "….."

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