
CHAPTER 286 I Need To Take It Back

  Sophia's POV

  “How are you, honey?” my aunt asked as she ran her fingers through my hair.

  I couldn't answer that. I wasn’t sure what I was feeling. So many emotions were flowing through my body and it was so hard for me to name them all. I knew that I was terrified. I knew that I was sad.

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled. “I don’t know how to describe it.”

  My aunt sighed and kissed the top of my head.

  “Your dad mind-linked me,” she said. “The boys are on their way back. Your dad said not to let them go back there without them eating and sleeping first.”

  I agreed with my dad. All of us barely slept for the last few days. Lex especially. He needed to rest a little. I could tell that he was on edge and needed a break from everything.

  “Do you want to help me make them something to eat?” my aunt asked and I nodded immediately.

  I needed something to distract me from all of those emotions I felt. I had to distract myself before I lost it completely.

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