
Anything For My Sister

"I don't know what you are talking about, I don't even know who your sister is we have nothing to do with your sister"

"But you do know that there is a woman missing right?"

"I just heard about it this morning"

"Well I heard you practise superstition, why don't you do your witchy thing and find my sister?"

"It doesn't work out that way believe me"

"Believe you? I stopped that when I learned that you took my sister and lock her away just to keep your reputation clean" Sasha took a hammer and hit that woman on her hand she started screaming and bleeding. The others were surprised.

"Sasha enough.!! For what I see she doesn't have anything to do with Sarah"

"You are weak, Liam and I dislike weak people"

"It's not like that believe her look into her eyes I can tell that she is telling the truth"

"She is a Valks she might do anything to make herself look innocent" Sasha wanted to continue the torture Madi stopped her.

"Enough for tonight Sasha I say we leave them here for a night tomorrow we will get some answers"

"You tired? Then go and sleep I will not set foot out of here untill I get my answers"

"Come on Sasha look at them, you could kill them?"

"For My sister am willing to do anything" Sasha took a hammer and hit both of them very hardly they started bleeding out. The woman was screeming for help.

"Fuck!!! Bitch I already told you I don't have your sister, I don't even know who you are"

"You will. This might be our friendly meeting or our enemy one but I hope you understand"

"It's late now Sasha I will try again tomorrow"

"Okay Lexa good night" Lexa walked away outside and left Madi Kevin Liam and Sasha all alone. Liam and Kevin had their night walking outside.

"I guess the time is up"

"Okay thank you Liam I will take it from here see you tomorrow" Liam and Kevin also walked away Madi was standing staring at Sasha.

"You have to take a break Sasha?"

"You know I can't do that Madi I have to do this"

"Can't you see that this will only make things worse? I mean you are creating an enmity from both Valks and Porns Sasha wake up they could join forces and take you down"

"Believe me let them try I don't care at all, soon as I have my sister I will never stop torturing them even that means I have to kill them" Madi was shocked that man was quiet staring at them talking.

"Then give me a chance may be I will figure something out please, just give me ten minutes"

"Ten minutes I will be outside you better get some answers" Sasha walked away outside Madi took a sit infront of them.

"I am sorry we started off the wrong foot my name is Madi by the way I intended nothing like this to happen" That man started laughing.

"You just came in here and turn the tables around right? Prepare whats coming next beauty, do you think our crew will stop looking for us once they find out we are missing"

"That is what am trying to prevent here guys believe me I only want nothing with you guys but to live in peace that's all and with that we need you guys to let our friend go please thats all we are asking for"

"There are totally of four groups out there I mean Couples, Outsiders but why only Valks and Porns huh?"

"We believe you are the only ones that are more capable enough to kidnap a person"

"Really how about Outsiders"

"We were outside the mansion with them when you guys kidnapped Sarah"

"Wow seems our new first year have found themselves a crew already"

"Please am not here to talk about groups and I am neither in all groups nor any intention of joining one what I am politely asking for is for you to tell us where did you keep Sarah and I promise you things will go back to normal we pretend nothing ever happened"

"Too late for that" On the other side Porns were ready to meet and do their daily activities they all met at one place but one of them was missing.

"Where is Eco?"

"No idea last time I saw him talking with Liam thats all"

"That bastard he is delaying our party"

"Want me to go look for him? Sancho?"

"No let it be Lets continue on remember tomorrow we have a meeting" They all agreed. On the other side Sasha went back inside.

"I told you I got this Sasha"

"You asked for ten minutes Madi, I gave you Eleven" Sasha was sharpened the knife while staring at them both.

"What are tou going to do now Sasha?"

"I got this Madi it's late why don't you head back and take a nap, we have a big day tomorrow"

"Please don't tell me you are doing what I think you want to do?"

"It's the only way to get answers out of them"

Madi slowly walked away Soon she walks outside the door Sasha locked the door from the inside.

"So whom shoul I start with" Sasha was carring a knife while staring at them with a suspicious smile on her face.

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