
Night Fall

"Try your hardest, we'll see whether you, or my first draft at this abomination is stronger" he was about to point at her and send his creation forward but stopped to ask one last question.

"By the way, since you actually knew in advance, does that mean you don't have Reduvia's phylactery anymore?" she had seen her own fate, from what she had said, only he and her were involved in this prophecy.

"I hid it somewhere else" the queen flatly responded, dozens of mantis-like sickles already rising from behind her back.

She supposed trying to bend fate without her ability wasn't going to cost anything, not that she was very hopeful.

The beast he had manifested into existence was beyond reason, armed with the dark of the Abyss, few things could even hope to be allowed to stare this thing into the eyes.

Axiolypito wasn't too bothered by the fact that Reduvia wasn't going to be killed as well, as long as the Obsidian Queen was dealt with, his objective would be met.

He casually turned his back to her and with a small clap of his hands, the two giants completely disappeared from the elevated platform.

An act of speed lesser to what he was capable of but still rather impressive, the abomination had instantly charged forward, tackling the Obsidian Queen and taking the both of them far away.

Judging by the experience he was receiving, they had landed in a populated area, not that the XP of random bystanders would get him anywhere at the heights he now stood.

'Mmh, Solitar and Roderman have managed to defeat Faceless' he could tell as he just received the XP for the minister, with 'No Sharing', he was the one getting the boons simply by having been the one to set up the fight.

With satisfied smile on his face, he linked his sight to that of offsprings he had dispersed near the places the battles were due to take place.



He tilted his head as little bit as he checked up on everybody's situation.

Setting aside the most obvious thing, which was that Sovereign Of Flesh had been hiding her cards awfully well, the fights other than that of Faceless hadn't gone nearly as well as he would have hoped.

Perhaps he should have paid closer attention the four useless bunch and Sovereign, he didn't know when but it seemed like they had, at some point, decided to team up and were currently headed toward him.

Same for Reduvia and Blouvier, both seemed in poor shapes but they had somehow managed to break through their earthly prison, blasting a hole right to the surface.

It went without saying that Roderman and Solitar were also running his way.

"What do they all hope to achieve here?" he chuckled to himself, strangely unbothered by the bizarre but very much lethal team up decided on beating the crap out of him.

He had to admit- He hadn't expected them to actually be able to set aside their differences, at least not so fast.

He could understand Blouvier and Reduvia, they weren't idiots as evidenced by how far they had gone in the study of magic, so them managing to conclude a temporary alliance to get him out of the picture was only natural.

The four idiots and Sovereign? Much less so, he didn't know what her personality was, but to hide in plain sight that even he didn't suspect a thing only showed that she was the deceptive kind.

However, what could she have seen that was so good about those guys?

Without the proper set up, Mart was beyond useless.

Lolianth was just slightly above average closer-quarters combatants.

Cinla's light magic wasn't even as fast as light, it would never hit him.

Feuman may have access to the heretical fire but once again, much too slow.

 Not that the rest were much better, the two mages were clearly battered and so were the two fighters, Roderman wasn't too injured but he had overdid it in his energy usage.

Solitar was missing an arm and probably lost a fair bit of blood, none could threaten him.

Not now, he had developped something that covered his usual weaknesses, not all his time was spent plotting and preparing the killing tool for the queen.

He simply sat on the ground in a cross-legged position, his head resting on one hand.

Axiolypito simply waited for them to get there and climb up the torturously tall platform he had erected for no other reason than theatrics.

It was pretty amusing seeing them take so long and make so much efforts just to get to him.

When they finally managed to arrive within his sight, he had switched from sitting to laying on the ground, making it appear as though he was an emperor expecting to be fed grapes.

"Here to salute your god?" he chuckled at them as they all arrived one after the other.

"I am going to maintain you alive and reverse your disgestive system you-" Reduvia stopped herself as she realised the Obsidian Queen was nowhere in sight.

"Did he already defeat her?" Lolianth scratched her neck.

"Impossible, the queen couldn't lose to such riff raff, not so fast..." Sovereign had a vein growing from her palm, already condensing her boiling blood to strike the ugly stain in front of her.

Axiolypito simply gave them the brightest smile a repulsive monster with black teeth could muster as he rose three fingers up.

"Not so fast indeed" one finger retracted.

Another finger was pulled down.

"And, now it's done" his index finger was also retracted, just in time as a tumultuous purple glow envelopped his entire body.

The color of Mov surrounded him before being absorbed into his body, then, a wave of Abyss was pushed out.

Axiolypito was still garbed in his abyssal mantle and crown, he didn't appear any different visually, only the vibe he gave off had changed.

Night suddenly fell, the sun had still been high a second ago, however, a moon had just appeared in front of it.

An eclipse had come.

The sun had been covered by a dark blue moon.

The title of Ruler Of Monsters had changed owner.

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