
Deep Waters

Axiolypito assessed the damage he had received as he fell in utter darkness, quite pleased as it seemed the XP he had begun receiving for reasons he wasn't certain about had managed to erase all of the dreadful blows sustained from Sir Solitar.

The very last one had definitely been the most dangerous, the wretch had managed to protect his vitals well enough but that last one had been right in the center of the head and with a blade as lengthy as that of the swordsman, he would have been sliced in half for certain.

He had managed to force his brain to 'stretch' in two opposite directions, making the two hemispheres of his brain get as far apart from the other as was possible, still, he had no idea why Solitar had suddenly been stopped in his slash and also, why the ground had suddenly caved in.

'The towers must have fragilised it...' he suspected, although it still didn't appear very natural, what was also not natural was the fact that he had been falling for a while now and also that it sounded like the pit he was falling into was closing in behind him, or rather, above him.

'No matter, no simple fall can kill me, I don't gather any inertia and can slow down to near halt if I wish, the only problem will be finding a way back up when I am already so deep and when it is absolutely pitch black' he scratched his chin, he had night vision but as the name implied, it was meant to see in the night, not in a forsaken cave that hadn't felt the touch of sunlight since its creation.

Still, Axio didn't worry much about all of this, his castle in Axia and his stock of females were taken care off by his needled servants, he could see through their eyes and take over at a moment's notice.

After nearly an hour of constant free falling without any opportunity to grab onto a wall, something changed, Axio heard a sound and felt the atmosphere change a slight bit.

'Humid?' he thought to himself before suddenly hitting a body of water, sinking in a good few meters.

'Fuck' he hadn't thought of this, he tried to swim back up but as expected, the hole he had come from had closed onto itself, like a trap ensnaring it's pray.

Axiolypito had devoured lots of marine beings but his evolutions hadn't brought much to the table in terms of aquatic abilities, although, he had just evolved a whole bunch, halfway through, he had noticed that nothing was changing, so perhaps...

Thinking really hard about it didn't work, unfortunately, so he figured that perhaps, if added some more water-based wildlife to his mithridate, the evolutions that had had nothing to add would kick in.

For now, Axio held his breath, still calm, his incredible speed and stamina when running were doing their jobs, allowing him to remain submerged for a great amount of time.

The place was also utterly dark, pure darkness, he could see nothing and his other senses didn't work nearly as well underwater too, leaving him to follow the 'ceiling' to try and find some sort of cave that wasn't flooded.

As he searched, he quickly came to notice that the water he was in, wasn't typical water, firstly, he had fallen so deeply that he had probably gone even deeper than certain parts of the oceans outside, the water pressure was insanely strong, not that crushing meant much to him.

Also, the water wasn't easy to move in, it felt like he was swimming in a swamp, the water had a very muddy feel to it and not to mention, the water was quite irritating to the eyes and skin.

Despite the irritation, he maintained his eyes wide open, in case he spotted some sort of light and light he did spot, as he looked around while feeling the rocky ceiling, against which the water was perfectly packed, he noticed a faint light in the distance.

'Huh' he wasn't easily fooled, he had spun around and looked everywhere multiple times already, this light had clearly not been there before, in this dark, underground ocean, even the faintest of lights would shine bright.

Not to mention, it was clearly moving in his direction, only a foolish, stupid little thing would actually fall for this.

Still, it wasn't like Axio had the field advantage, the opposite in fact, his seeds of challenge would only be burrowed in the ceiling and from the looks of it, they struggled to even manifest while he was underwater.

He did have his spawners but they too hadn't been made to grow used to such deep waters, they were crushed in an instant under the pressure.

His illusions seemed like his best bet here, though they couldn't be applied directly on himself, he could simply surround his body, very simple when he could shrink.

He was on the verge of putting his plan into action when the sound of something humongous absolutely rushing through the murky waters was heard and within an instant, the light-bearing, unseen creature that had been approaching him was extinguished as the sound of something snapping shut shook the ocean, the strength of it being so great that Axio felt strong vibrations in the ceilings.

Its movement so fast and its mass so great that Axio had to struggle against currents for a moment before the dark ocean was brought back to its now, eerie silence.

'I should probably hurry' without wondering about what that could have been, he resumed his search of a safe spot and with his renewed want, managed to find a small crack to slip through and after about thirty second of going up, discovered a cave, mostly free of water.

It was still pitch black but at least, the wretch could breath, which was strange, to be able to breath so simply when so deep but he didn't give it much thought, more focused on his current situation.

He may have escaped a hard place but it seemed like he had just met a rock, because he could hear the sound of something, or someone hacking away at flesh and stone without stop, the sound of it echoing in the caves.

'For my sake... I guess I'll have to find out...' he shook his head dejectedly, hopefully, he wasn't going to run into another Sir Solitar down there...

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