
Ch. 3 Part 1

Xiao Ling woke up the next morning noticing that he was all alone with displeasure visible on his face.....he wished whatever that happened to him the day before was all a dream. But reality was too cruel...he (XL) stayed still on the bed staring straight at the ceiling of the broken thatched cottage, their room was so broken that he thought it'll come crushing down when hit by a strong wind. Their room was located away from the other family members closer to the pigsty.... Seemingly the Jun family hated YanZhi so much that they were unwilling to let him (YZ) live close to them but also reluctant to let him go as they work him like a horse and cow. Among the Jun family only the third, fourth and the twins treated YanZhi a bit better not like the indifferent attitude of the rest.....

Xiao Ling got off the bed with a little difficulty since he wasn't really used to this weak ger body, he got out of the room and went to the well built in the compound. Xiao Ling scooped out water washed his face and rinsed his mouth before brushing with a piece of Willow twig....after setting himself up he went to help with the house chores and breakfast... after the dishes were set on the table the men came back from the fields to have their breakfast before returning, he only got to see YanZhi when he also returned back from the fields....they both nodded to themselves seemingly a way of greeting as Xiao Ling smiled awkwardly at YanZhi's indifferent face.

After breakfast YanZhi walked into the kitchen to get his bow and arrows while Xiao Ling waited for him outside in front of the house..... YanZhi was a bit stunned when he walked out of the house to meet Xiao Ling's fixated gaze on him while he (XL) pulled the hem of his clothes nervously, YanZhi stood still silently staring at Xiao Ling as he (XL) found it hard arranging his words.

" I ....I ...I wanted to talk to you " Xiao Ling stuttered nervously which made YanZhi arch his brows..... " I won't divorce you! ", YanZhi said back indifferently..... Xiao Ling raised his hands up as he shook them repeatedly with his head sideways..... " I know that,.... and you've already made it clear. I just....wanted to talk to you about something else "

The corners of YanZhi's lips curled up as he smiled brightly, Xiao Ling was so shocked being the first time he saw YanZhi smiled.....even in the old Xiao Ling's memories he had not seen YanZhi's smile, Xiao Ling felt his heart beat fiercely as heat creeped onto his face and ears. " Okay, I'll call for you later...just wait still my little wife " YanZhi walked away as he stated in serious tone with a serious face giving Xiao Ling no time to answer back....Xiao Ling stared silently at the back of YanZhi as he walked away slowly like a King taking a stroll, but Xiao Ling sensed the teasing in his words and actions. ' Hm... isn't this funny? The fearsome Shadow monarch being played and at the mercy of an ancient man....as a modern guy who survived for years in the dungeon apocalypse I feel so ashamed and so frustrated but there's nothing I can do....I was given a second chance in life I'm not about to waste it by defying an existence which I know nothing about but I could feel how strong and dangerous he (YZ) is and I know deep down as my intuition tells me that even if I had all my abilities and all the authorities of the shadow monarch....I still will be no much for YanZhi.....the only way possibly out for me is to find a way to coexist alongside YanZhi since he shows no hostility to me '

Xiao Ling thought to himself as he help the women work at home.






[ Ding! Ding! Ding!

Shadow Summon; Losing connection with a summoned subject

Summoned; Bee Is In Need Of Assistance ]

Xiao Ling dropped the bucket with the pigs food as the system's notifications rang in his head...

" what do you think you're doing! how can you throw away the food for the pigs? That was their food for today and you threw it away....You broomstar of my family, you want to ruin us right "

Xiao Ling ran out of the house paying no heed to grandma as she lashed out in anger at him dropping the pigs food.... he ( XL) was in panic as he run around the village in search but did not know where to go to find Bee.

" What's wrong with the eldest daughter-inlaw of the Jun family? such a poor child "

" this Jun family treat him very bad "

" look at how he's sweating "

" do you think he's running from the house because they want to kill him? I pity YanZhi and his wife "

" the other family members are treated well but not YanZhi and his wife "

the villagers who he ( XL ) ran past gossipped giving him pitiful looks.... but in all honesty there were enjoying his misfortunes but Xiao Ling didn't bother paying heed to them.

" Xiao Ling?.... what's the matter? why are you running? "

Xiao Ling was pulled by Wu Dahu to stop when he saw Xiao Ling running in such a state, Wu Dahu quickly let go of Xiao Ling as it wouldn't be good if he was seen holding a married ger in such a way.... they'll both be discriminated by the villages and might get in a bad situation with both their spouses. Wu Dahu is a neighbor and a fellow villager....he is the only friend of YanZhi, so when he saw Xiao Ling in such state he got worried

" Where's YanZhi " Wu Dahu asked again in a very worried tone

" Brother Wu, Brother YanZhi went to the mountain to hunt.... mountain!!!..... Brother Wu I have to go now "

Xiao Ling left Wu Dahu in a hurry as he ran in the direction of the mountain,

" Shadow Link! "

Xiao Ling yelled at the system

[ Ding! Ding! Ding!

Player failed to establish link with summoned individual

Player hasn't yet met condition to use Skill: Shadow Link ]

Xiao Ling was so pissed and displeased from hearing that, but he still didn't want to give up

" Shadow Link!! "

he tried again

[ Player failed to establish .....]

" Shadow Link! "

[ Player Failed..... [

" Shadow Link!! "

" Shadow Link!! "

" Shadow Link!! "

He kept trying feeling frustrated as tears where almost dripping down his cheeks....Xiao Ling stood at the foot of the mountain and dropped down on his knees... ' how pathetic I look now.... can't even protect myself let alone anyone.... hic..hic.... how did I get reduced to such a pathetic and worthless state ...no I'm not even a man anymore I'm a man who can give birth now ' he sobbed and bawled as he couldn't hold in his frustrations anymore.

He'd been holding it in since he arrived in this world, the heart broken he felt when his trusted friend and party members betrayed him.... the despair he felt when he found himself in this weak body in this different world with no one to comfort him..... how terrified he felt when he was with YanZhi. Xiao was trying hard to fit in but that didn't mean he had calmly accepted his faith. Xiao Ling felt real despair and there was no one whom he could confide in, he couldn't bring himself to trust anyone again after what happened to him

[ Ding! Ding! Ding!

Skill: Shadow Link Obtained

Shadow Monarch has forcefully established a link with his summons ]

Xiao Ling brought his tears to a halt and wiped them...he quickly got back on his feet stunned for a moment

" Shadow Link "

Xiao Ling started to establish the link with Bee

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