


I was shocked, no way, how can this be possible?

"Bella meet our super Boss, Aiden Williams, he is the actual head of our company, and Aiden this is Isabella, our most hardworking employee".

He looked at me, and again I saw that evil smirk on his face, he must be so happy now, I am working for him, I am under his mercy now.

But no, I will not work for this arrogant man, I will start looking for a new job.

"Bella, Bella".

Oh ya Grace, tell me.

"What happened? are you ok?"

" I think she must have got some sort of shock Grace, look at her she is sweating so badly."

Again that arrogant asshole spoke mocking me.

No Grace, actually, (ok Mr. Rude, two can play the game). I was crossing the road today with Charlie and some incompetent person who doesn't even know how to drive almost knocked us down. I am a bit shaken after that incident so I was a bit unmindful, please pardon me.

"Oh thank god you both are ok. these people nowadays, if they can't drive properly why do they even try to do such a thing." Grace spoke.

I was enjoying this so much, I looked into his face, and he was fuming. Now it's my turn to return his smirk.

"So Miss Isabella, I have proposed various changes which need to be done in our social media sites as well as our website. The content needs to be changed. I have already given Grace a rough idea, so I want you to work with me these few days when I am here so that I can see your efficiency. You know by hearing sweet words from Grace about you, I am really surprised, because she is not the person who can be impressed very soon, hence I want to see it myself, how you perform."

Now I have to work under him directly, no way, please Grace don't allow this.

"Aiden, she is already busy with various projects, and I am here to guide her, if she has to work with you, she has to be in your Head Office in London, and I can't leave this office now and go there, so it's better, she stays here and I will send you all her work."

" Grace she can't work without your help, I mean does she need your spoon-feeding every day, then sorry to say she is not a capable employee."

How dare he question my capability, I will surely show him my capacity and then I will leave this job soon.

It's ok Grace, I can manage, but as per I know, the head office is very far from where I stay, so I have to leave early from the office, I will go home and finish my pending work."

"Miss Isabella you don't have to worry about that, my driver will drop you off and pick you up from your home, so that can be managed." Just then his cell phone rang and he went away to speak.

My head will burst any moment now, who the hell he thinks he is, he can't dictate to me.

Grace I don't need such special care I can manage on my own, just please see the timings.

"Ok Bella, don't worry I will speak with Aiden, now go and complete your pending works."

Thank you so much, Grace, I spoke quickly and left from there, I don't want to see his face again.

"Hey Bella, why is your face looking so dull and tensed."

Charlie, I am stuck, you know Aiden Williams right, I told you everything about him, that man is our super Boss Charlie pie. How will I work here, I don't want to face him.

"Shit that asshole is our boss, no way, but Bells, you have to think about yourself, your family. If you suddenly decide to leave this job, your mom's burden will increase again. Don't forget girl you sent almost 60% of your salary at home, so don't take any rash decision. Aiden must be a busy man he will not stay here for long so I guess you can tolerate him for a few days. Grace loves you a lot Bella, very soon you will be promoted to senior editor level so don't miss all these chances."

You are right Charlie, I have to think about mom and granny, finally now after so many years, mom is a bit less stressed, I can't give her more stress.

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