
Chapter 24

When Ana's stomach growled involuntarily, Khai let out a soft laugh. She looked up at him sheepishly, like she couldn't help herself.

Reluctantly letting go of his arms around her, he pinched her nose fondly. "Let's get you some food."

They didn't train at their usual time that day because Ana had an extra Healer's class every Friday. They decided to train after Khai's ranger training, so it was almost time for dinner.

Neither could contain their mirth as they walked to the dining hall. Khai took two plates filled with pizza slices, while Ana held two glasses of fresh pineapple juice. They sat on the wooden tables on the lawn that continued outside the dining hall and proceeded to devour their pizza slices, laughing at how hungry they were.

When he finally held her in his arms, Khai realized that Ana had now become a part of him and there was no going back from what he felt for her. They were both lost in each other, so much that they wouldn't notice if the world around them was burning.

"Are we going to Shooters tomorrow?"

"Definitely. I can't wait to see you dance." Khai grinned.

"Can you dance, Khai?" Ana chuckled. Something about the mighty Wahren, Khai Heathcliff, dancing in a nightclub seemed funny to her.

"Glad my misery makes you happy." He muttered. Khai was a terrible dancer. It never interested him and girl's actually spared him when he stepped on their toes during ballroom dances.

He watched Ana eat as she finished all the food on her plate, glad that she was finally getting comfortable around him.

She sipped on her juice while swinging her legs and enjoying the night's breeze. "I'm so excited! Austin told us that Shooters served amazing cocktails."

Khai expression went stern as he remembered how easily she got drunk. "Ana, you need to watch how much alcohol you drink."

She simply pouted at him playfully and said, "Okay, I will."

With a brooding stare, he picked up the plates and glasses to trash them. He could tell that she would somehow manage to get drunk by the end of the night tomorrow. He took comfort in the fact that he would at least be with her as he walked her back to her room.

After Khai dropped her off at her room, Ana texted George and Meg so she could hang out with them for a while.

Meghan was in the library looking for books that Adele had recommended when she received Ana's text. Not wanting any horrid memories to resurface for Ana, she texted them to meet her in her room. She picked out books for both George and Ana and walked back to the women's dorms.

The three of them lazed around Meghan's room, reading and snacking on some blueberries George bought from the café. George was reading a book on post apocalyptic war while Meg was lost in Adele's research. Ana read a psychological thriller that had her hooked for the last hour. She snapped her head up when she heard George's voice.

"I expect two things from you girls tomorrow." He brusquely said.

"And what would those two things be?" Meghan asked in amusement.

"Number one: Pick an outfit for me so I don't look homeless around you two."

Ana nearly choked on the blueberries in her mouth in laughter. Meghan giggled at him uncontrollably, but he held his finger up, as if to stop them from interrupting him.

"Number two: Do not get drunk. I mean it, I want to drink too and there's two of you. I'll throw you in the trunk of my car and lock you in there if I see you getting carried away."

"I'll be designated driver tomorrow. I drank too much last weekend anyway." Meghan sighed. "And babe, just wear a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt. Your looks can do the rest."

"That's it? That's the effort you're going to put into my outfit?" George accused her.

"It's a compliment Georgie. You're too handsome to overthink this." Ana grinned at him.

George grumbled to himself while he ignored their giggles. Time passed quickly as they continued to read. An hour later, Ana went back to her room, craving a shower. She managed to wash herself and was slipping into some pants when the anklet Khai gave her came into view.

A smile broke out on her face as she recollected the feeling of being in his arms. Is that what heaven felt like? The smile didn't leave her face as she got dressed and sat on her bed. She ran her fingers on the chain when she realized that she didn't know how the location sharing worked.

She reached for her phone and texted Khai. 'I don't know how to share the anklet's location with you. Is there a manual that came with it?'

Ana was taking a look at the time, while she waited for his reply, when she heard her phone buzz. It was Khai.

"Ana, are you too tired to take a walk with me?"

Ana was extremely tired, but her heart leaped at his question. "No, I'm not."

"Okay, I'll come get you then."

She rushed to take a look at herself. She brushed her hair and lightly slapped her cheeks to gain some color. Next, she sprayed her favorite perfume into the air and walked past it. Before she stepped out of the bathroom, she heard a soft knock on her door.

Khai stood outside waiting for her, she stepped out and closed the door behind herself.

"Where're we walking?" She asked him.

"To the chapel in the main building, it has a great view."

They made their way past the women's dormitories to the main building. As the reached the west wing of the main building, Ana followed Khai down a hallway that led to some stairs. The spiral staircase to the chapel was narrow and tightly wound. Ana saw that Khai had no more than four inches of clearing on either side him.

"Hold my hand." Khai said as they climbed up. Ana promptly took his large hand, amazed at how natural it felt to hold hands with him. At one point during the climb, the stairwell was completely dark and she squeezed his hand tighter. "It's okay, I'm right here." She took comfort in his voice as he patiently guided her up.

When Ana climbed the last step, she was greeted with the most magnificent view at the top. The Monserrat forest spanned an impressive forty thousand acres. The dense canopy of leaves and tall trees were visible in light of the full moon, casting an ethereal glow over the landscape. The undergrowth was also visible, but in muted shades of grey. The forest floor was bathed in a soft, pale light that created a mystical atmosphere. In it's midst, Arcane Academy stood like a grand fortress.

Khai stood beside her and watched as she took in the view without blinking. He brushed the few strands of hair that blew on her face from the wind and tucked it behind her ear. The silver light from the moon made the pink flush on her cheeks stand out against her pale skin. Her black hair fell in glossy waves creating a stark contrast against her skin. When she turned to him, she flashed a breathtaking smile that made his head spin.

Not letting go of her hand, Khai walked to sit against a pillar and gently tugged her to sit between his legs. Ana bit her bottom lip to calm herself, as she took a seat in front of him, shuffling nervously.

Khai wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer to him. A subtle smell of roses engulfed him. "You okay?" His soft words brushed her ears.

She gave him a small nod and burrowed herself deeper into his embrace, reveling in his warmth. Suddenly, Ana's life seemed perfect. She closed her eyes and breathed in his woody masculine scent, praying that this moment would last forever.

"Aren't you tired, Khai?" She asked him.

"Not in the least bit. Here, hover my phone around your anklet." He said, handing her his phone. When she did what he said, a small pop up appeared, asking for permission to share the locket's location. She clicked on 'approve' and heard a small chime.

"All done. How was your day? Tell me everything." He said, taking his phone back, then tightening his arms around her.

Ana told him about her classes, showed him her mana stone and shared stories of all the books she read. Khai listened to her like she sang a beautiful tune, compelled by every word that came from her.

Discussing tomorrow's plans, she laughed as she told him about George's grumbling.

"He sounds like a great friend. As does Meghan. I'm glad you have them in your life." Khai said.

"Hmmm, me too. They're amazing." She murmured, gazing at he moon. The calls of nocturnal animals, the faint sounds of water falls and the soft rustle of leaves in the breeze were all amplified by the stillness of the night. Ana snuggled into his chest comfortably, as the forest sounds reached her like a soft lullaby. A feeling of blissful peace surrounded her as she dozed off in his arms.

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