
The first journey ii

Gerald - how did you get in here.

Inmate - I don't know, please get me out

Then suddenly the gate started closing, before the gate finish closing he promised to get him out of the place he is.

Then Gerald heard his name been called then he looked at the back and saw his mother 👩, he both gazed into her blue eyes 👀 and he ran to meet her. They hugged(his mother name was kate)

Gerald had a lot of questions for his mom,he couldnt help but shed tears at the sight of his long lost mother , both thier blues eyes stare at each other with tears around them

Kate - you have grown so well , my son

Gerald - Mom, why did you leave us?. You left dad broken for year, we tried to find you but we just couldn't ! Why did you leave

Kate - Son , my actions were to protect you all and not to watch you hurt.

Then she started out by tell him the story of her life

I was not like the rest of you, tho i am human but i am what you can call one of the first humans. Long ago before the earth came to be as it is i was from another galaxy called Ytik , we lived on a planet called Bernut, We were tasked to travel the galaxy and populate the solar system in each planets in pairs, i was assigned to earth with a male called Earth , he was charming and loving we all had different powers to help our assigned planet grow . I had the power to bestow the new civilization with any gift i wished the power passwed down in only my bernutian family , it made my family famous and usefull in the colonization, Earth had the power to control the time around the milky way which was a low power since time doesnt exist in Ytik and he was only specified to protect me since he was a guard in bernut, we didnt even realize he could control the time in the milky way's galaxy which is your galaxy so we brought a large Index. We used the index to create the first humans( Index is an ancient artifact used by the bernutian to create, evolve, shaped and mutate organisms) after Earth and i created the first humans, I gaved them a special ability called LOW INTELLIGENCE.he watched and care for them without interfering much with them so he came to me and said that the humans cant think for themselves and asked me to bless them with another special abilty but i refused

One day Mercury the one sent to colonies the first planet close to your solar star (sun)came to our planet and asked us for help .he said that the sun was pulling his planet closer to it every seconds of the day and his creations are going to go extinct and destroyed

According to the rules of bernut, the planet leader is allowed to interfere with another planets evolution, Earth came to me and said that he wanted to help mercury and he knew how to do that and i asked him why and it was only because he was feeling attached to the low life creations

Seems he knew what he was doing and he was not the planet leader i allowed him to follow mercury to his planet, mercury miraculously used his powers to slow down the time of the sun which affected all the planets in the solar system and after that he came back to our planet, we got news from the other planet leaders that they wanted Earth to help speed up their evolution

He went to venus planet and went to help them with their evolution and all was going well he finished up with all the other planets and came back to me then calamity stroke when we got news from venus that his civilization started to grow more faster than imagine and they all ended up dying more faster than usual

Earth rushed to Venus planet before he got there all of the civilization was dead ,he rushed over to mars and he was able to saved a few but some of the other planets lost their civilization entirely

I was called upon by the council of elders forbreaking a rule of interfering with another planet ,

Mary - but i didn't personally interfered with the planets

Elder J - you gave permission

Elder T - It was with your consent

Mary - But…

Elder X - No buts. you will be demoted to a regular entity of your own created world

Mary - Give me a few days to tell my family i failed and ask for thier forgiveness

Elder E - Go

I was given permission to go see my family, but they all rejected my apology and branded me a traitor i went to Earth for help if he could reversed the time of the other planet and bring back the dead to correct my mistake

He said he couldn't. I didnt want the everyone to see me as a traitor, he planned with me to escape the elders , he told me he could use the index to reshape me into the size and likeness of the humans

I instantly agreed, and we went to the planet and he asked me to bless the humans in a way that they would be able to think for themselves and when the elders come to inspect the planet it wont be able to tell the difference between me and the humans. So i gave the humans two blessings the first was the abilty to rule over other animals with domination and the second one was FREE-WILL and as i bestowed them with the new power i noticed something strange

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