
chapter 25

--MC POV--

"Here we should be distant enough." class has just ended, and we put some distance between us and Scott McCall, the new beta.

"Do you think he is here to spy us" asked Malia, while she read on her painted book of literature about Kafka.

"I don't think so. I know Scott's behaviour; he sucks at hiding things. Him and his friend usually talk aloud in the locker room about their private things. They are lucky few people pay them any attention." As a captain I have been studying not only the first line, but the whole team.

"For now, let's keep an eye on him, so that we can find out his intention. Also, how about you introduce us your new friend Malia" said Lydia, as we obviously we heard their whole conversation.

"She said her surname is Argent. She must be a member of the hunter family." I tried to reason with Lydia, but I doubt it will work.

"That is why we must find more about her. I doubt she know we are supernatural beings, after all she is a human and she can't smell you two. Moreover, she is hot, she will be a great addition" here she goes again.

"Lydia I'm not in the mood in this period…" as expected she just went ahead with Malia before I finished speaking. She probably wants to distract me from Laura, but I don't think it will work, after all I haven't had a good shag this whole month and this is already a big proof of how bothered I am.


I was looking around hoping to see Malia, after all I have no one else I know. Unfortunately she disappeared after class with a guy and a girl, who I suppose are her friends.

Maybe I could go to speak with the cute guy, who has been watching me with puppy eyes from the beginning.

"Allison" hearing my name, I turned toward the speaker, and it was Malia.

Behind her stood a beautiful red-haired girl and an attractive guy, who is most likely an athletic guy, seeing his muscles. They are both good looking and from the looks they receive from others they must be at the top of the hierarchy in this school.

"These are Lydia and Thomas, the friends I mentioned earlier".

"Nice to meet you".

From the way Lydia's arm is interlocked with his, they must be a couple. I know that I often jump at conclusion soon, but after changing school every few months, I learned to catch up quickly as it is the only way to enter a group in the little time I have.

"It must be hard being new and not knowing anyone right? How about you come to the party this Friday? I will hold it after scrimmage, and I was planning to introduce Malia to our classmates" they seem pretty okay and meeting people would help.

"Ok, I should be free. You mentioned scrimmage, do you play football here?"

"No, we have lacrosse, it isn't that popular, but we won the championship for the past three, so at least you get to cheer for the winning team" replied the muscled guy, who I now know play lacrosse. Is it that sport similar to hockey, but the sticks have nets?

"Yes, and my boyfriend is the youngest captain in the history of this school. He started last year" Said the red haired girl, who I now confirmed as the boy's girlfriend. No wonder they are the popular clique, with a freshman as a captain you would have excepted the team to be weak, but they won the championship. Although I must say that whit this body, he does look the part of the captain.

"There is practice in a few minutes, and I planned to watch it with Malia, in case she wanted to join the team" proposed Lydia.

"Girls play too?"

"She would be the first case, but I'm sure the coach wouldn't mind. He has some quirks, but he values ability and team play above anything else and as the youngest captain I'm the living proof of that." Said Thomas

"You are good at sport Malia?" I asked, curious about how she would fair among a group of athletic guys, in a sport as violent as lacrosse.

"I'm good at running" she answered while throwing a smirk at Thomas. I got the impression that Malia likes Thomas too, but I'm not sure, after all Lydia seems to not have any problem with Malia.

--MC POV--

Practice has ended and as expected Scott became the new star as he went from being incapable of catching a passage, to not letting a single throw enter the goal, except mine obviously, I'm not going to let a baby werewolf beat me.

As I reached the stands I saw Lydia, Malia and Allison talking together.

"The cute guy was good" stated Allison.

"Thomas was better since he scored" said Malia, refusing Allison words.

"Yes, my boyfriend is still the best. I didn't expect you to like cute guys, you don't know what you lose. Nothing is better than being hugged by strong arms!" Hearing what Lydia said I got behind her and took her in my arms.

"I'm happy that you like it" I said just before I kissed her.

"You see nothing is better" exclaimed Lydia with a smug smile on her face.

"I admit that Scott was good today, he must have trained a lot during these holidays, but he still has a long way if he wants to compete for my role as captain" I like competitions, because I like winning.

"Anyway, now we have to go, I got a message from Deaton it seems important. He asked us to meet him at Laura's apartment, see you tomorrow, Allison".

"See you"

We soon left for my car with a fast step.

"What's happening" asked Lydia.

"Deaton said that he may have found a way to wake Laura".


"What did you find?" I asked Deaton who was holding an old book.

"I was looking for any mention about people in a comatose state in some books and I found this author, who was an old druid, that described this state as the border between life and death" Deaton word makes sense, but I still don't understand how this is going to help us in saving her.

"So, now what we need to do is to call her back to the world of living." He added

"And how are we going to do that" I asked, but rather than getting an answer Deaton looked at Lydia.


"Banshee can communicate with the dead, so maybe you can call her" stated Deaton.


"That goes beyond my knowledge, but if there is someone who can do it, that is you" Deaton is placing a lot of pressure on Lydia. I know how much problematic her powers are, but we all want for this to work.

"I'll do it" as she said this, she approached Laura and some minutes passed, but her face was just getting more frustrated.

"I can't feel anything, I don't know how this whole communication thing works, usually I just hear them whenever they want" She was angry at herself, so I approached her and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Try one last time. You heard her once, right? When she was about to die. Try to tap into that connection. Like with a phone, she called you once and now you have her number saved, so just call her back. Don't complicate it. Follow what your instinct say, that's how I do it"

Lydia calmed down and closed her eyes, and for one moment, like the day she first became a banshee, I didn't feel her emotion. She suddenly opened her eyes and knowing what was about to happen I closed my ears, and other followed my example.

A scream that made the house tremble was released and once it ended, I gabbed Lydia, who was about to fall.

"I did it" She looked at Laura, but there was no movement.

"Maybe it didn't…"

She was interrupted by a heavy breath, and when I turned around, I saw Laura's eyes open.

"Am I alive?" Muttered Laura after more than one month of silence.

(Thanks for all the support you have been giving. Hope you like how the story is progressing. From now on romance will slow down)

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