
Chapter 10

Let's see if the system has a menu of some sort, Leon thought.


System Menu:

-Appraisal records


I guess there are only two functions. Let's check the descriptions.

Appraisal records – records and keeps all the appraisal the host has done and has a search function.

Mewpedia – Knowledge given by Mew.

Quality of life improvements done by the system. Appraisal looks as I thought it would, like those pokemon website before. Mewpedia on the other hand looks like google.

Search bar… Pokemon potential… Enter.

Knowledge suddenly flooded Leon's brain…

Pokemon Potential:

S rank lvl 106-120

A rank lvl 91-105

B rank lvl 76-90

C rank lvl 61-75

D rank lvl 46-60

E rank lvl 31-45

F rank lvl 16-30

G rank lvl 1-15

*Ranks higher than S rank cannot be viewed due to level too low*

- Each rank has four stages: Low, Mid, High, and Peak. Example, G rank: 1-4 is Low, 5-9 is Mid, 10-14 is High and 15 is Peak (G rank).

- When a pokemon has a maximum potential of A rank (peak) the max level a pokemon will be able to reach is lvl 105 and cannot go beyond unless the pokemon's potential is increased.

- A pokemon's potential can be increased by using natural or artificial treasures corresponding to the pokemon type. The higher the potential, the harder it is to increase.

So, the knowledge is directly injected to my brain. I need to get used to this, as Leon rubs his head as it gave him a slight headache.

Those Monarchs' potential is probably higher than S, since I couldn't identify it, Leon thought.

Then, Leon remembered the skills that had (F) on them and asked Mewpedia for the corresponding knowledge while bracing himself for the upcoming headache.

Skill level:

(F) Foundation – Newly learned skill.

(N) Novice – is able to use it at a basic level.

(I) Intermediate – is slightly getting good at it.

(A) Advance – is adept at using this move.

(M) Master – has mastered the move and is able to alter its structure.

Practice makes perfect- the only way to master skills. There is a qualitative boost in overall strength of a move when it moves up a tier, especially on the master level. I guess this also applies with my skills, Leon pondered.


Species: Human

Name: Leon Flyheight

Age: 10 years

Sex: Male

Ability: System Host, Aura, Psychic

Talent: Pokemon Affinity

Potential: -level to low-

Level: 1


Passive: Aura Manipulation (F), Psychic Energy Manipulation (F), Calm Mind (I),

Reader (I), Mixed Martial Arts Mastery (A), Cooking (N), Tinkering (I) + Kissaserry (N),

Heat Resistance (F), Puppy Eyes (N)

Active: None

Aura Manipulation (F) – Ability to use aura in and outside the body. Psychic Energy Manipulation (F) – Ability to use Psychic Energy in and outside the body. Calm Mind (I) – Able to stay focused at all times, increased resistance to mental burden, increased mental capacity and increased mental energy regeneration. Reader (I) – able to read at lightning speeds and retain the information. Mixed Martial Arts Mastery – is proficient in a variety of combat skills, increase combat IQ.

Cooking (N) – cooking made is edible. Tinkering (I) – Ability to discern/improve/destroy technology. Kissassery (N) – increase change of being liked when talking. Heat Resistance (F) – Ability to resist temperature. Puppy Eyes (N) – increase chances of request being done.

My affinity together with Kissassery and Puppy Eyes are a great combo. Psychic, aura manipulation, calm mind, and Mixed martial arts mastery are a good pair too, Leon thought.

Good, with these, at least I know my strengths and weaknesses, Leon added.

Now I'll check the performance of my body.

Leon does a couple of exercises and does a set of shadow boxing.

An hour later.

"Wow, I didn't even break a sweat!" Leon marveled at his new body.

Let's try sensing aura or psychic energy. According to Mewpedia, your sensitivity towards detecting aura and psychic energy heavily relies on your potential. It also has the same ranking as the one pokemons have. There is no right or wrong way to detect or channel aura/psychic energy. Aura Guardians have their own methods, as do the Psychic Association.

Okay, let's put all those cultivation and fantasy novel knowledge to the test, he chuckled. Let's do aura first then with psychic energy.

Leon sits down at the middle his living room and assumes a lotus sitting position. A couple of hours later, Leon is still not able to detect aura, he tried to do it with psychic energy as well but to no results.

*Sigh* Figures, even if I have excellent sensitivity, it's of no use. It's like trying to feel cold without knowing what cold truly feels like, can't draw something I haven't seen yet. I'll put both of this on hold for now. There is no need yet. Time to sleep. I can't wait to play with all those pokemon tomorrow, who knows I might get my first pokemon, if Mike comes through.

Leon turns off the lights and starts to sleep.

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