
Kyoshi Island

'Aang must really be a genius Bender,' I thought to myself. Why was I thinking this?

Well, It took me at least three months to get Adept at Airbending. Which is level seventy-five. My Airbending was currently at level eighty-eight.

But, three months. It took me three months to get some mastery over it. But Aang gets at least Adept Mastery in all Bending Styles in less than a year! How unbelievable is that? Especially when the Gaang spends most of the time fooling around! Like, what?!

I don't think Aang's a bad kid, but... fun seems to overtake his resolve to save the world some times. For the past few days, we've been hopping from island to island, playing with the unique wildlife. Correction, not we, them. Most of the time I've been training my Airbending off by myself.

We'd be arriving at Kyoshi Island soon. I hoped that I would be strong enough to take on the fire nation soldiers that'd arrive. No doubt I'd get a quest to save the village or something like that.

'Hm. If I do end up at Kyoshi, maybe I can convince the Kyoshi Warriors to teach me how they fight?' If that was the case, once I got Unarmed Combat to level one hundred, I could instantly start grinding it again.


I stared up at the night sky. The stars twinkled like brilliant jewels. It's unfortunate, but I hadn't seen one constellation since coming to this world. Would it of made me feel better? If I knew that the sky I was looking at was the same one from my past life?

'No, it'd make me feel worse actually,' I told myself. After all, it'd constantly remind me of home.

'And most of all, it would make me dislike night, that'd be...'

"Sad. Yeah, that would suck," I muttered with a sour smile.

So, I guess... it was fortunate.


"Ha! Ha!" The other three were off exploring, while stayed around Appa and Momo. I was currently hitting a tree. Why?

To train {Unarmed Combat,} {Pain Resistance,} {Regeneration,} and {Physical Endurance.} Four at the cost of one tree.

It was also good practice for when I actually hit a person. Bleeding and bruised, potentially fractured knuckles wouldn't stop me, no sir!

But then, I stopped for a moment. 'I'm out of the Southern Air Temple, finally, so why don't I...' I glanced towards where the three went, before shaking my head.

I'd rather train.


Like a thin tendril, a wavy pole of swirling air made it's way through the water. It was an air snorkel. I was practicing using Airbending underwater.

Would I ever fight underwater? I didn't know. Probably not, honestly. But I needed to be prepared, so that I wouldn't be completely useless against a water Bender while in the ocean.

It's their territory after all. It's just unfortunate for them, that'd I'd be making it mine too.

'Huh... now that I'm thinking about it, water has air, obviously, but fire also requires air. To stay lit there has to be oxygen so...'

Couldn't I just take the air out of fire, making Firebenders useless? Anti-Firebending? I would be fighting tons of Firebenders while I'm with Aang, so maybe the idea had some merit.

'Once Zuko joins, maybe I can have him help me experiment?' Not a bad idea. I'll just add that onto the list of Sub-Bending Styles I needed to create.


As usual, I was practicing my Airbending. It's been about four days since I first joined them at the Air Temple. A thought has been appearing in my mind more and more lately. Appa can fly. So it made me wonder, what's the difference between me and the bison? Appa is at least a couple tons, so how the hell does he fly?

'Appa has some form of intelligence. Appa also has Earthly Tethers, like Aang and Momo. So it doesn't make sense that he can fly. Which only further adds substance to my theory that Earthly Tethers mean jack shit whether if someone can fly or not. Unless animals and humans are under some different set of rules which, I don't see why they would be,' I mused to myself.

'Why don't I just ask the big guy?' I got up, deciding to give it a try.

"Hey Appa," I said, standing in front of his face. "How do you fly? I mean, I know it's through Airbending, but I don't see you using Airbending for anything aside from flying?"

"?" Appa chewed on some grass, eyeing me weirdly the entire time.

"Fine. Keep your secrets."


Kyoshi Island was approaching. I could see it in the distance. Gigantic Elephant Koi jumping out of the water as they swam like dolphins.

"Level Sixty..." I murmured under my breath. It made me wonder what level Unagi would be.

It was unfortunate that I wasn't a match for those oversized carp, but one day I would be. Unless...

'Could I suffocate it? By forcing air into it's gills or something?' I wasn't an expert on fish anatomy, but that should kill one, right?

'Maybe once I learn flight I can try that out. If I did that in water, I'd be a sitting duck,' I determined.

[New Quest!]

[Unagi Slayer]

Unagi has been harassing the citizens of Kyoshi Island for too long! You want to stop it!

Objective 1: Kill Unagi

Hidden Objective: ?

Rewards: New Title, 100,000 EXP, Increased Closeness with Kyoshi Island Inhabitants

Time Limit: 1 Year

Failure: Decreased Closeness with Kyoshi Island Inhabitants

'Hmm. I don't see why not, this gives me... until winter of next year. By that time, Ozai should already be long gone.' It's rewards were tantalizing. But, after Ozai was dealt with, I doubted it would even level me up more than five times.

'Don't know why I'm making that out to be a bad thing.'


We landed on Kyoshi Island, and Aang began getting undressed after bantering with the siblings. This made me think about what to do with the Kyoshi Warriors that'll ambush us.

'Should I try and fight them?' I didn't think I'd even last against one in hand-to-hand combat, let alone four, without my Bending. But with my sword and Airbending? I didn't know, and I didn't want to know.

I was a bit of a distance away from the group, so it was easy to notice three women on top of a tree's branch. My eyes narrowed, 'Weren't there four?'

[New Quest!]

'Ah, right. I'm here. Then that must mean...' As the three ladies jumped down, they made short work of the distracted trio. I, on the other hand, couldn't spare anymore attention to what happened to them, as I rolled to the side.

"Crap," I heard her mutter.

'Okay, I get to fight one v one huh? Let's see here, level forty two, and... Suki?' My eyebrows rose in surprise at seeing her name.

She stood, on guard, with her fans up, staring at me intently. She was waiting for me to make the first move.

'If I remember right, their style is to use the opponents force against them, sort of like how the Air Nomads fight.' My head moved fast to find anyway to win this fight.

But then, as if purposely denying my expectations, she rushed at me. Her golden fans straight and sharp as she swung them at me in a flurry of slices.

I backpedaled, nearly stumbling over my own feet while doing so. 'She seems a bit mad... or maybe embarrassed is more like it? Is that because I noticed her? Or is it just because I I'm a man?' Either way, it was irritating that she was mad at me. Because she was the one who ambushed me!

Taking in a deep breath as I leaned back, dodging a swipe of her fans, I calmed myself. 'She's impatient at the very least, don't lose your advantage by becoming impatient yourself,' I told myself. I was calmer than I expected during my first "fight."

'Airbending is all about counter attacking and using the opponents energy against them. Evasive and defensiveness is a given.' Just because I preferred offense, didn't mean that everything I learnt went over my head. I would apply Negative Jing and Positive Jing when I needed too appropriately. It just meant I wasn't afraid of hurting my opponent, unlike the Air Nomads.

Suki slashed her fan towards my right shoulder, and took a step back with my right foot, turning my body. The fan hit nothing, and using this chance, I wrapped my right arm under her right elbow. My feet glided across the ground as I ended up behind her, grappling her arm.

I hit the back of her knee with my foot, forcing her to bend over. Shoving my left hand into my pocket, I inwardly grabbed a knife from my inventory and brought it up to her throat, stopping the other three from getting any closer after they noticed Suki losing.

"Release her!" One of them shouted. I shot her a look, 'Really?' I said without saying anything at all. But, after thinking about it for a moment, I decided to follow her orders. I knew they wouldn't hurt us, as long as I didn't hurt them, of course.

"Alright, fine," I agreed and dropped the knife. I shoved Suki forward, making her stumble.

"Happy?" I asked them.


Long story short, they were NOT happy. In fact, they were the absolute opposite of happy. How did I know that?

Well, because, I was currently tied to the wooden post along with the other three. But, I wasn't tied up for long.

Things eventually went exactly how I remembered it going. Sokka made some sexist remarks, Katara makes an excuse for him, Aang reveals he's the Avatar and...

Yeah. Now, I was standing in front of the... Dojo? I'll go with Dojo. That the Kyoshi Warriors were practicing in.

I made sure Sokka had already learned his lesson, before asking them to teach me how to fight as well. Walking in, the two lovebirds stopped training.

"What do you want?" There was an obvious edge in Suki's voice.

"Uhm..." I bowed and asked, "Could you have someone teach me how to fight too?"

"No," she replied instantly.

"Is this because I beat you earlier?"

"You beat her?!" Sokka said, though we both ignored him.

"Yes," she said.

'Why- wait, that quest earlier...' I checked my quests.

[Beat Suki!]

Objective 1: Beat Suki - Complete

Hidden Objective: Beat Suki Without Getting Hit - Complete

Reward: 5,000 EXP, Massively Decreases Reputation With Suki,

Bonus Reward: Skill {Extinguisher}

Time Limit: 10 Minutes

Failure: None

"Haa... fuck," I let out a deep sigh. I didn't even mind the eyebrows that raised at my curse as I stood up.

'Was Suki that petty in the show?' I wondered to myself as I walked out of the Dojo. Or was it just me?

'Am I ugly?' I asked myself. I had no way of knowing without actually looking at myself in a mirror, or water. So the answer for that was pending.

'Or maybe she just doesn't like me specifically?' That just happens sometimes. There was this one girl with dyed hair that I absolutely loathed in my past life for absolutely no reason. I barely knew her, but I hated everything about her. Her hair, her voice, her face, her piercings, everything, and I mean it. With another sigh, I decided to check the new skill I got.

Fights are my weak point. I hope I didn't do too bad during it, I do want to get better at writing and describing them.

Also I hope I managed to show that Elliot sort of does his own thing. He doesn't really interact with Aang and the others despite wanting to sometimes.

Your's Truly,


Turtle034creators' thoughts
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