
Into The Wild Part 1

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda and Halian had stowed themselves away in some lower storage cabins that were inside the ship. Outside of someone grabbing an item here and there, not much activity took place where they were at. It was dark and damp as it’s oak wood confides were drenched in salt water.

Cramped inside a closet, Wiyot sat on what you could call one end while Calian was to his right, Takoda was right in front of him on the left and Halian to what could be considered the furthest right of the room, all still in their human forms. The room was just a storage until that had boxes and broken parts. You could hear the hum of the ship as it went steady across the sea.

“The lack of room service and décor leaves a ton to be desired”. Calian asked, knocking his right elbow into the wall.

“Might have been priced out of that”. Takoda commented.

“Just as well. I’ve been craving calamari”.

“What’s that?” Halian asked.

“Pathetic”. Calian snapped, scrunching

“It’s fried squid Wiyot answered Halian.

“Wait, people actually eat squids?” Halian asked.

“For sure”. Takoda said. “And they’re not too bad”.

“Man, I feel like I have been so sheltered”.

“That’s what got that to dawn on you?” Calian asked.

“Yeah, it sucks”.

“You’re getting some now”. Wiyot noted.

The ship began to slow down as the four of them looked around as much as what was allowed in their tight space. The ship continued to slow until it came to a stop. Wiyot could hear and feel movement from several different people who were above them.

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, and Calian made their way to one of the exits which was an opening under the floor of the deck. Wiyot pushed up the wooden covering that was placed upon the opening. He saw that people were rushing off the ship onto the dock and to the shore.

“Well?” Calian asked.

“Looks clear”. Wiyot said.

Wiyot led the other three out and onto the deck. Wiyot and the others walked across the ship to the dock where they could see the port. They saw a sign that read Jetty Island. They were at a part with other cargo ships as well as recreational ships.

“Jetty Island?” Calian asked.

“Doesn’t sound like Vancouver”. Takoda said.

“Where are we then?” Halian asked.

“I don’t know”. Wiyot said.

“Fantastic”. Calian commented, his arms crossed, head down facing the ground.

“But who knows?” Takoda started. “Nirvana might be here!”

“Don’t be so delusional”.

“Hey man, the journey between who you were and who you are becoming is where the dance of life really begins”.

Wiyot’s eyebrows raised while he took in what Takoda said. He then turned and saw that Calian’s eyebrows were raised as well. All the while, Takoda just stood there with a big grin on his face that had become par for the course.

“Uh huh”. Calian said.

“So…” Halian started. “What next?”

“I say let’s eat”. Takoda suggested, patting his stomach.

“I doubt there’s another farmers market around for you to flirt our way into another free meal”. Calian snapped.

“Arnold gave me some money”. Wiyot said.

“What?” Halian said.

“And you kept that away from us?” Calian said.

“We we’re a little preoccupied”.

“That’s fair”. Takoda interjected.

“And?” Calian began. “Where are we going to eat?”

Wiyot, Calian, Takoda, and Halian found themselves sitting in a booth inside of a diner called the bay. The walls were covered in a brown mustard type of yellow was a baby blue trim thwat was filled with white polka dots. The table that they sat at had ads for a real estate agent named Ted Gellar and for Bob’s auto zone lamented on top. There were four menus opened as the four of them perused through them. The floors were covered in a cheap hard wood floor material that was shiny enough to show Wiyot his reflection as he looked down upon it.

“A step up from the bottom of that ship to be sure”. Calian stated. “But still lacks in any style”.

“Kinda hasn’t a homey feel though”. Takoda said.

“More like homely”.

“It’s not that bad!”

“Sorry, I didn’t grow up in a truck stop”.

“What can I get started for the four of you?” The waitresses asked. She was a middle age white lady who was wearing a pink, white and blue work dress and glasses with black loafers on her feet. She had her pencil and notepad ready.

“I’ll have bacon, toast and an iced latte”. Takoda said.

“French toast with orange juice”. Halian said.

“Steak and eggs with coffee, black”. Calian said.

“Huevos rancheros with coffee, cream and sugar please”. Wiyot requested.

“You got it”. The waitress said as she sauntered off.

“So, you’re fancy now huh?” Calian asked Wiyot.

“It sounded good on the menu. Thought that I’d try something new”.

“Your wild side never rests”.

“That waitress put us under the gun”. Takoda said. “I would have gotten something else, but the pressure was real”.

“What’s real is your bitch assness”. Calian snapped.

“Isn’t that kind of decorum not allowed in human society?” Takoda asked.

“Can’t suppress the inner wild for too long”. Calian stated.

Everyone was silent here as Wiyot sat and took in a breath before releasing it. He then took a look at Calian, sitting in a stoic manner. He noticed that Takoda was not making much movement himself. He then turn to Halian who was staring out of the window facing the water.

“This is kinda a nice place”. Halian said.

“Yeah”. Wiyot said. “I would say so”.

“Orders up!” The waitress announced, having all of their plates of food balanced on both of her hands and arms.

The four of them dug in at this point. Takoda and Halian rushed their food while Calian ate his at a slower pace and stared at the two. Wiyot was minding his manners as he cut up each piece of his Huevos rancheros.

“Where did you learn those human manners?” Calian.

“I don’t know”. Wiyot answered. “They just came to me”.

“Preprogrammed?” Takoda asked.

“Like a robot!” Halian stated.

“Please”. Calian said.

“I don’t understand half of what’s going on”. Wiyot said.

Calian stopped moving his fork and stared at Wiyot. Takoda and Halian stopped eating and turned their focus and attention on Wiyot as well. Wiyot just started down at the table, reading the cards that were placed on them.

“…Well it’s not like we’re completely in the know”. Calian said.

“Would be nice”. Takoda said.

“Chin up guys!” Halian interjected, slamming his arms onto the table. “I mean look at where we are!”

Wiyot turned and looked out of the window. He saw the tropical surroundings and the rainforest that was right next to it. The leaves on the trees which a vibrant green. There were all kinds of insects crawling on the plantation. He could hear the chirps and singing of birds that he never knew existed.

“Yeah”. Wiyot. “We should get to know our surroundings, wouldn’t you agree?”

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