
Green Goblin 1

"You've tried this several times Spider, but I always manage to get away, I don't know how you think it goes any different this time." Said the Green Goblin mockingly.

"Because this time I'm here too Green Goblin, flying will no longer be your advantage in this fight," Jack said as he flew towards the Green Goblin.

The Green Goblin was startled to see Jack flying and approaching him, so the Green Goblin threw some Razor Bats at Jack that dodged some, and some hit Jack's arms creating several cuts.

But Jack managed to approach the Green Goblin and tried to kick him out of the glider, the Green Goblin was very agile and dodged Jack's kick and used his arms to push him away.

Spider Man took advantage of this opportunity and attacked the Green Goblin with several blows, the Green Goblin managed to defend himself from Spider Man. Still, he could not escape as he usually did because Jack was attacking him too.

Soon Spider-Man found an opportunity and kicked very hard causing the Green Goblin to fall from his glider onto the roof of a nearby building.

The Green Goblin soon realized that this time he was at a disadvantage thanks to Jack's interference, he continued to attack Jack using his Razor Bats, but Spider Man blocked them using his webs.

Seeing that the situation was bad, the Green Goblin ran to the other side of the building and jumped falling on top of his glider and flying away, Jack tried to follow him, but the Green Goblin was faster and shot several Pumpkin Bombs at Jack who had to swerve and walk away.

"I'm sorry Spider, the Green Goblin managed to get away, I wasn't fast enough to stop him even after learning to fly," Jack said to Peter apologetically.

"Alright, that was the easiest fight I had against Green Goblin, if you hadn't been hurt so badly I would say it was a perfect fight," Peter said jokingly.

"He's really very agile, I couldn't dodge his Razor Bats, only you can manage to fight the Green Goblin without getting hurt, but after a rest, I'll be fine," Jack responded tiredly.

"Now that the Green Goblin is gone we better go, I don't want to have to give a statement to the police, and J.J. Jameson will find some way to accuse me," Peter said.

After that fight, Jack returned to his house and they finished the patrol so that Jack could recover from his injuries, Jack returned to the house and was wondering what had happened.

Jack knew that the Green Goblin was actually Norman Osborn, so Jack couldn't imagine why Norman had decided to attack a police station, he could just think that Norman had finally gone crazy.

This Marvel universe was different from what Jack knew in the movies and in the comics, many things were similar, but in the comics, the Green Goblin had not faced Spider-Man so many times before Gwen Stacy's accident.

After Gwen's death, Spider Man would end up fighting the Green Goblin who would kill himself by accident with his glider, then Norman would fake his death to make Peter's life even more difficult.

But when Jack spoke to Peter, he said that he had already faced the Green Goblin several times, he always stopped the Goblin's plans, but he never managed to put him in prison because the Green Goblin was good at running away quickly.

Jack soon stopped worrying about it and used an ointment he had bought for a few thousand FP, this ointment was a magical medicine that accelerated the body's natural recovery.

With this medicine Jack needs a day to recover from most of his injuries, this was because Jack had a stronger natural recovery thanks to the training.

The system said that if this ointment was given to Wolverine, he could recover in a few seconds from a mortal wound, but if this ointment was given to Tony Stark, it would be no more useful than ordinary medicine.

Time passed and after a few weeks Jack and Spider Man learned to fight even better together after Jack learned to fly, Jack felt that if they faced the Green Goblin the outcome of the fight would be different.

With Jack helping Spider Man, the bad guys started to commit fewer crimes because they knew they would be arrested, Spider Man increased his popularity even more and the police and people of New York treated him even more like a hero.

Not even J.J. Jameson was able to invent things to say that Spider Man was the villain, but Jack's popularity also increased as a hero, the people of New York called him a masked vigilante.

Jack knew that the reason he didn't get as much attention as Spider Man had to do with the person who brought him into this world, but he was satisfied seeing the FP increasing every day.

Soon Peter Parker would go on vacation and would have more time to deal with the bandits and villains of New York, Jack was thinking about taking advantage of this time to finally go to Kamar-Taj, he wanted to learn magic that was a dream of his and he would still be stronger.

As Doctor Strange hadn't looked for him yet, Jack knew he could go there quietly to learn magic, after all, Jack thought that the person who brought him to this world was one of the Marvel gods and that person could deal with the Sorcerer Supreme.

While Jack dreamed of magic and patrolled with Spider Man, he soon found his second villain to face after learning to fly.

"Hey Peter, another one of his friends is back, the police said there's someone giving the police shocks while trying to rob a bank, it must be Electro," Jack said laughing.

"It's definitely him, this time we're going to get him, do you have the rubber gloves and shoes I told you to prepare in case he shows up?" Peter asked.

"Sure, without that rubber glove and shoe, I would get toasted by it, so I wouldn't forget to bring it."

Tomorrow there are 2 more chapters, if you want more, comment, give positive reviews, and give power stones.

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