

Alexandre realized that sayez, it was the official start of the academic year for second- and third-year students! Which explained the large influx of students and teachers!

Alexander also noticed several hundred stalls with dozens of people huddled around them in the courtyard of the academy. Suddenly, he heard a man shout: "The NightMare Hunter guild is recruiting, no level or equipment required, salary guaranteed, join us now! Alexandre looked at the stand again before realizing that they were actually recruiting booths for hunter guilds, and was quite astonished after all, they was still only a students.

In today's world, hunters' guilds are crucial, both for the hunters themselves and for society in general, as they are veritable businesses that organize the harvesting of organic matter in the dark zone, competing in a phenomenal market worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

There were thousands of guilds, but only a few were considered "Great" guilds, Only the richest guilds could afford to maintain and protect a fortified city of several thousand inhabitants. There were four major guilds:

- Utopia: undoubtedly the most popular guild, bringing together the most exiles and financial supporters, its aim was to reclaim the black zones and restore them to their former inhabitants.

Approximate membership: 30,000 members, including 1,500 hunters.

- Blood Ranger: the most powerful guild in the Hunter world, with the most members, it has only one objective: money :!

Approximate membership: 100,000 employees, including 9,000 hunters.

- Black Sun": the largest neo-Nazi guild in the world, its objectives are not publicly known, but it is clearly feared by all other guilds, recruiting only white people.

Approximate membership: 13,000 employees, including 3,000 hunters

- Terra-Corporation Guild: Sworn enemies of all other guilds, these members are systematically targeted by other hunters in the Black Zone, but their financial resources are so substantial that they retain their status as a major guild. The guild's objectives are unclear: some journalists believe it aims only to increase profits by bypassing conventional hunter guilds, but Terra-Corporation's fascination with Virus Z and biotechnology suggests it may have other ambitions.

approximate membership: 80,000 Employees including 7,500 hunters

Alexander, looking around him, seemed to understand the hunter world a little better: many guilds had political objectives, after all, money could buy everything and working in the black zone was a guaranteed opportunity to die or make a lot of money, so many political lobbies took advantage to promote their own ideology and recruit valuable support.

Obviously, the four major guilds had their booths here, easily noticeable because there was a long line in front of it, after all, everyone wanted to be close to the best, it was only natural.

Alexander approached the "Blood Ranger" stand, where the most people were gathered, and a man took a loudspeaker and said "Blood Ranger recruiting! Salary and bonus paid on signing contract! 3,000 guaranteed every month until you graduate!"

Alexandre took one of the forms handed to him by the recruiter, and quickly understood how this kind of proposal was both very attractive and terribly dangerous. The contract clearly stipulated that the "Blood Ranger" guild would pay $3,000 a month, enough to finish his studies, but in exchange, the student had to commit to working for the "Blood Ranger" for 5 years, even if he failed in his studies, and if the student decided to break the contract, he had to immediately reimburse the sums paid by the guild, with interest. This was obviously a very strong constraint, added to a very business-friendly legal system, which transformed this type of contract into a form of slavery.

Alexandre smiled a little, wondering if the poor student who decided to take out a loan from Terra Corp to buy Hunter equipment and then ended up forcing his way out of his "Blood Ranger" contract whose soul would belong to him?

Alexandre begins to understand the ruthless world of the Hunters, who may appear free in appearance, because they are endowed with exceptional powers, but in the end, capitalist society seems to have him by the balls one way or another.

Alexandre begins to understand the ruthless world of the Hunters, who may appear free on the surface, as they are endowed with exceptional powers, but in the end, money seems to have him by the balls one way or another.

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