
What cat got your tongue[31]

Anrie looked slightly pissed at Ego's remark but she said nothing else and just listen.

Anrie stayed quiet and continued to watch the match happening on the screen has she did not want to miss a second of it.

The rate at which the player were growing truly was astonishing and she wanted to see, how much could they truly grow during one match.

Meanwhile on the field, Team z and Team V we're going at it without giving each other any chance to breath.

Team V always tried to avoid where Nakada was at all time and they made sure if they lost the ball to make sure that it would be very hard to pass to Nakada.

Nagi seem to be improving at a crazy rate while Nakada looked like he was just getting started, it seemed like he wanted to crush team V spirit.

It seemed like scoring goals wasn't truly one of his priority has of now, it seemed like he just wanted to toy around with them first.

Every single player on the field seem dead tired as some of them even started passing out in the middle of the match.

If we were counting how many player were actually playing from each team it would be something like 8 player from team V and 5 player from team Z.

Even thought Team Z was playing with 3 less players than Team V, they had Nakada and he alone could make up more than 3 players.

He seemed like he hadn't lost any stamina at all during the game and seem like he was barely sweating while most players seem like they were reaching their ends.

He was truly the best player of the field and he seemed like he was manipulating everyone on the field like they were puppets and he was the puppeteer.

His vision of the field was way above anyone in blue lock, his high-speed dribbling along with his control over the ball made him a formidable foe.

The horrifying thing about this prodigy was the fact that he wasn't truly using all his weapons, his perfect trapping skill along with his excellent shooting ability are also some of his great weapons.

His positioning and the way that he move so strategically is also a plus, his dribble was like water as it would fit the situation he was in.

His dribbling seem to change style depending on the person he was facing along with his amazing stamina that allow him to go on for so long.

All of those skills were skills that he had trained hard for, along with the fact that he was a prodigy.

He was dangerous on the field no matter which side of the field he was on as he was ambidextrous and could shoot with both legs.

Nagi on the other hand may be talented but he had never truly train in soccer as much as Nakada, granted he was a prodigy but so was Nakada.

His talent was in the same league as Nakada meaning of he wanted to ever surpass the young boy, he would have to train harder than him.

He will have to put in the work, he will have to actually start trying and not be lazy, he will have to be more active.


Nakada softly trap the ball while he was in mid-air, his control of the ball almost seem impossible and god-like as it seemed like he stayed in the air for an eternity.

He gently landed on the floor before he use the back of his feet to flick the ball over the head of the player that was currently coming toward him.

As he ran pass the player, he looked around to notice four player rushing toward me, Nakada faces looked offended for a second as he look at the player coming at him.

Before just like a droplet of water falling down the leaves of a flower, he danced in between each and every single player using swift and fluid body movement.

None of them were able to take the ball away from him, as he arrive near their goal, he use his right foot to lob the ball over the keeper head as the keeper had left the goal to come and get the ball from him.

The ball gently bounced toward the goal as it passed the white line and the score board changed once again.

[Team Z - Team V]


Pov change Nakada

I walked by Reo before I said" I thought you were going to beat me"

His face look devoid of light as he looked completely lifeless.

"Guess you truly are meant to be a businessman," I said as I walk away and that seem to have touched a nerve with him.

"The fuck do you mean by that"He said clearly angry.

"What I mean is that somebody like you who know nothing but dick riding is not meant for soccer," I said looking at him.

He looked pissed but before he said anything else I open my mouth and said " What, is Nagi's dick so far down your throat you can't speak"

He faces literally went red from anger as he yelled out" What do you mean by that"

"It is pretty obvious to anyone looking how much you are relaying on him, I guess old habit die hard"

I said shrugging my shoulder.

"What do you mean by that" He said confused

"You are a rich snob that has never done anything by himself all your pathetic life, I'm guessing that mommy and daddy gave you everything you wanted and you felt bored, you probably wanted something you couldn't buy with money and saw the world cup, you probably thought you could be something but reality is a bitch, and when you realize you couldn't do it by yourself probably due to your parents telling you that, you decided to find somebody to suck off and hope they could help you win a world cup, now tell me, did I miss any detail" I said looking at him without an ounce of mercy present in my eyes.

A/NYes he has no chill but that's what you guys wanted.

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