
Weapons (7)

"You sure had your fun," Bachira said looking at me with a smile.

"I sure did, and I know can get my phone back," I said with a smile.

"You did all of that for your phone, "Isagi said looking at me.

"At the beginning of the game yes, but I changed my mind when Barou started talking mad shit," I said with a soft smile on my face acting like I did not just completely humiliate somebody a second ago.

Everyone then notices something, I was not sweating at all, there was not a single sweat on my forehead, I just looked like I went on a light morning jug.

That fact however although surprising to most of the team, seem to have excited Bachira. He seem like he had just found someone that could push him to his limits.

Time skip to the locker room.

I was bombarded with a lot of questions and I did try my best to answer every single one of them honestly but something that caught my attention was the fact that Bachira seem to not be wearing any kind of clothes, whatsoever and that left his thing dangling out.

"Bachira please put some clothes on, or at least put cover yourself a bit more," I said to the hyper active teen.

"Yep boss," He said smiling before he put his stuff back on.

"Howdy, you lumps of talents, "Ego's voice said through the monitor.

"The second match on wing 5 just finished, Team V crushed Team Y 8-0," He said as he held a hologram of the score in his hands.

"Huh, they seemed like they had fun," I said softly to which Ego did not answer me.

He then went on a speech about weapons and how Japan needs a great striker.

He then left.after a while I said "Alright so what are you guys' weapons"

"My weapon dribbling," Bachira said

"My weapon is my incredibly strong shooting technique and my sexy soccer," Raichi said

"Mine is tackling I guess, "Gagamaru said to which I reply

"Not really, your weapon is your strong reaction time and mainly how you can use your body so efficiently kind of like a spring and that crazy goalkeeper, Higuita was his name I think"

He nod a bit at my remark before I waited for everybody to name their weapons.

"My shooting power," Kunigami said

"My agility and passing," Kira said(A/N someone must be pretty agile to dodge Bachira's kicks)

"Mine is getting behind the opponent, "Naruhaya said.

"My jumping power," Kuon said

"What about you Isagi kun" Kuon asked

"My weapon, I wonder huh," Isagi said with a thoughtful expression.

"It's your vision of the field, some sort of spacial awareness," I said as I realize he did not even realize his own weapon.

I also knew that Raichi's ability was his monster-like stamina but you not finding me telling him that.

"How you know figure out, "He asked surprised

"You were able to deduce where Barou would be when he was about to shoot and place yourself there, You were also the only person that was able to accurately guess where the ball was most of the time"I explained.

"Lastly Chigiri"Kuon said.

"I don't want to say"Chigiri said.

That caused a few people to get mad that he was not saying anything but I was just excited at the idea of figuring out his weopon the mystery was fun.

"I will figure it out eventually"I said softly getting up.

"Isagi come here, I have some training for you"I said to the boy that seemed to be a bit surprise that I picked him up like he weighted nothing.

Bashira was already asleep and so I dragged Isagi with me on the field, where I started doing some exercices with him, that were mainly focus on improving his vision of the field and making his physical strength a bit higher.

As I trained with him I notice a lag, like he could follow the play but he couldn't really move to play it as his body was to weak.

With this in mind I set up a bunch of exercise to push his body to the limit and considering the food he get was not good enough for his harsh training I shared my food with him as he need the energy.

Soon enough Bachira joined us in our earlier training and when we were done we would join the team training.

The third match ended and Barou teamed won by a landslide it seem like Barou was improving like crazy.

The fourth match would have been tomorrow and so with only one day left I went to Chigiri after I had done my research.

I open the door to the dorm to see Chigiri taking care of his right leg.

"Yow"I said as I enter the room.

"What do you want"Chigiri said looking at me.

"Your weapon is speed isn't it"I said getting to the point.

"It was speed"He answer to which I reply"It is still speed"

"Chigiri, What don't you use your speed"I said full well knowing the answer.

"My right leg"He answer after a while.

"Chigiri what seem better to you, not using your speed in fear your leg break and you just never grow and watch your dream of making it big vanish before it even start, or taking the risk"I said looking at him and he still refused and so, I went for my other approach.

I took him by force and led him to training and where I continue to beat him in a one vs one and the only he could win against me was if he used his speed.

A/N team Z going to stacked as Nakada doesn't like playing with people that will drag him down, he want a strong team that can help him and that he can help.

So expect a stronger Bachira, Isagi, Chigiri, Kunagami, and a better Gagamaru maybe he will be a goalkeeper earlier on, who knows?

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