
Chapter 183 Special Equipment - Abyss Lantern_2

[Its bisected body continued to convulse, but the eyes on its two heads had already dimmed.]

[You have defeated the 'Ancient Abyss Demon - Black Thorn Demon', gaining a massive increase in experience!]

[The power in your shell begins to boil. The level of the 'Direct View Association President's' shell has increased, current shell level: 55]

[You have acquired 'Small Fragments of Enlightenment'*2]

[You have acquired 'Complete Forging Crystal Block'*1]

[You have acquired 'Black Thorn Demon's Spine' (Material)]

[You have acquired 'Black Thorn Demon's Poison Fang' (Item)]

[You have acquired 'Abyss Lantern' (Special Equipment)]

Lin Xun let out a long sigh, feeling a sense of relaxation throughout his body.

Defeating the ancient demon made him kneel twice, but the indescribable sense of accomplishment after finally killing the BOSS was overwhelming.

['Combat Angel - Valkyrie' descends next to you, following the light emitting from the 'Thunder Dragon Staff Spear' in your hand.]

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