

<Saki POV> 

I was shocked to see Rev attending this academy. We never went to the same school so it was a little inconsistent with my old world, but a lot of other stuff was too. Nonetheless, it was good to know that he is still around. 

'Kind of funny how the twink cat boy joke has come to a reality.' Looking at Rev, who had medium-length blue hair that just covered his eyes, it oddly looked like one of his favourite OCs. It had been a running joke in my old world that he wanted to become one and in this timeline, he has become exactly that.

"How do you know this guy?" While waiting for Rev to wake up before the next class started, Lyra began asking questions. 

"Hmm? I don't." My body tensed up slightly as this was a very out-of-place question. 

"It's kind of odd to know his name if you never met." However, it was then that it struck me. 

'Shit, I must have slipped up.' I didn't know what to really say and I don't know what kind of conclusion Lyra is drawing. Does she think I have a thing for him? 

My mind was spiralling with thoughts, as I didn't want to make it look like I was secretly talking to Rev. 

There is no way she would think I'm from a different timeline; the odds of that being a reality should be zero.

"I just so happened to catch it, nothing that deep." Maybe I should just tell Lyra the truth, it will just make everything so much easier. 

"Elysia." Lyra responded with just a name that completely caught me off guard. 

"H-huh what or who is that?" What the fuck? How does Lyra know that name? Could Lyra have also been transported here? How does that even work? Does she have an apple like mine? 

"Your favourite character? How could you forget?" Looking at Lyra's face, I was unable to read her, she didn't look angry so I wasn't sure how to respond. Do I keep trying to deny it?

"Woah, slow down, please. Can it wait until after school?" It was nearing the end of the day and now wasn't the time for this kind of conversation. Plus, Helen the nurse and potentially Rev could overhear everything. 

"Can I take it as confirmation for what I probably think it is?" Lyra this time sounded a bit more desperate, finally giving me something to go off. I don't know why she would be angry in the first place, but I guess I'm afraid. 

"P-probably." Silence filled the room and it got awkward, but thankfully Rev opened his eyes, killing the silence. However, as he did so, he made eye contact with Lyra and began to freak out. 

"P-please don't hurt me?!" Pushing away on the bed and covering his head with his arms. Lyra and I looked at each other, rather confused as to why he was reacting like this. 

"Umm, we didn't plan to?" Lyra tried to reach out with her hand, but stopped, thinking it would probably make things worse. However, I finally put 2 and 2 together, realising Rev was referring to the hit. 

'He was the messenger and Raja's negotiator for Lyra's death? There is no way he did this willingly.' I completely forgot that he was working with Raja, but knowing who Rev is and how he was being treated, it definitely wasn't his choice. 

"Huh?" Rev slowly lowered his arms and saw that he was in the medical ward. 

"We are the ones that took you here, but before we call the nurse over what business did you have with my family?" Lyra hadn't forgotten what she heard and instantly asked the question. Fear instantly filled Rev's face as he was backed up into a corner without much of a choice. 

"I-I, U-ummm… Y-your parents contacted me to h-hire Raja for a j-job. As for the d-details I wasn't t-told." It was hardly convincing that he didn't know, but he was also endangering himself to more harassment by telling us. 

"Don't press too hard, I don't think he is willingly working with Raja." I whispered into Lyra's ear, as I didn't want her to be angry at Rev. We may not be friends yet, but he was in my past life and he would be a great addition when it comes to his intelligence. 

"Do you want us to help?" Lyra nodded her head and, in a surprise turn of events, offered a helping hand. I hope it wasn't to fight Raja, since Lyra isn't powerful enough to go up against him. 

"W-what do you mean?" Rev didn't quite understand, as he had just admitted to going against Lyra, but she looked indifferent about it.

"Do you want us to help you get away from Raja?" Putting it in more simple terms, it is what I feared. There is no way this wouldn't end up in some kind of fight. 

"N-no you can't If you do that, then…" Rev trailed off, hiding something that was preventing him from agreeing. 

"It's up to you if you want to be free from his control. If you change your mind then come find us." I expected Lyra to be a bit more pushy, but instead, she stood up, took my hand and walked out of the room while dragging me.


<Rev POV> 

'Why did I say no?' I regretted not accepting the offer, as I wanted nothing more than to escape Raja's hold. I was afraid that Lyra would be furious with me, but she seemed to understand my situation. 

I never wanted to relay that mission, but thanks to Raja, I don't have a choice. I never wanted to be part of his group yet for the past year, he has literally had me on a leash. 

'I must do this for my sister.' Building up the motivation in myself, a part of me wanted to find Lyra again. The whole reason I'm still in this mess is because my sister is being held hostage. However, it quickly faded as all the negative reasons and worst-case scenarios filled my head.

'Fuck, I'm such a pathetic loser. I turned away the only form of help I probably could get.' Lyra was one of the top students of the first years when it came to magic and if anyone could fight Raja, it would be her.

There wasn't much info on Saki, but she had gained the interest of Professor Kasla which is rare, so there has to be something special about Saki. She is a commoner, so I have my doubts about that.

If anything, she shouldn't get involved, being here just makes her a high-value commodity for Raja. Even if everyone berates her, the reality is that they are just afraid of her since she has the capability of being better. 

Only nobles have a noticeable amount of mana and if it turns out to be unique magic, it means people's position as nobles will reduced further. It doesn't help that the noble system is already crumbling by the year as magic becomes more common. 

'Why am I even thinking about this, It's not like it matters to me.' It wouldn't be long until Saki encounters the wrong person and is killed out of fear.

'Not to mention if Kirai visits the academy again...' My body shivered, as he was probably the most noble of them all. I couldn't imagine what he would do if he met Saki, a commoner, at a noble academy. 

"Oh, Rev you're awake. How are you feeling?" Helen came out of her office, probably hearing Lyra and Saki leave the ward. 

"I-." I wanted to speak, but even trying to say a word made me want to vomit. My throat was tight and there was a deep pit in my stomach. 

"If you're not up to it, you can skip the last period. I'll just let the teacher know." Helen was probably the only person who was nice to me. For the last year that I've been attending, she has always understood me, despite me never saying much. 

However, I didn't want to skip class as Raja was in it and if he saw me not there, it would just mean an even worse beating than I got earlier. 

I shook my head and got off the bed, but my legs were shaking like crazy. 

"Rev. Don't force yourself." Helen's tone turned serious and I felt like it was the wrong decision to leave, but I just had to go. 

'I-I need to go, if I don't, he will just threaten her life again… I have to push through.' Knowing the potential consequences, I took a deep breath and kept walking. Tears were on the verge of coming out of my eyes, but I made sure to have my bangs just cover them so no one would notice. 

*Sigh* Helen sighed and I wish I could listen to her, but she just doesn't know the gravity of the situation I'm in. 

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