
Showcasing their Gifts

"You're aware that I need to get to the well early, right?" Fifi quipped, her gaze dropping to Orion's face. She felt his arm tightly embracing her waist, his fingers teasingly tracing along her taut thighs and occasionally giving her vagina hairs a playful tug.

Orion maintained his silence in response to her words, his fingers playfully twirling through her private hairs before giving them a gentle upward tug once more. Fifi couldn't help but shiver slightly, her attempts to resist the sensation proving futile due to their bodies being snugly pressed together and his arm still wrapped around her.

"Well, considering you managed to wake up both me and everyone else in the process, I don't see why you can't make it slightly late to the well," he remarked. His voice held a light, teasing tone. "Plus, you're undoubtedly stronger than I am, so if you really want to leave, I doubt I could prevent you."

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