

Right now, I am in bathroom completely naked as my mom is giving me a bath.

This is really embarrassing caus I maybe only five years old but my mind is of an mature boy, and I am fully naked while my mom is running her hands all over me.

If you are wondering why am I going through all of this humiliation, then let me tell you what she said to me one time.

"You know Sid, what I like to do the most?"

"What mom?"

"Giving you a bath. It seems like a quality time with my son to me when I don't have to think of any problem, I might have to face tomorrow."

Mom's these words made me realise how important this time she shared with me is for her. So I don't nag about it, no matter how embarrassed I feel, because in future, I might not be able to see her face for I don't know how much time.

I wonder when that system is going to start as all of the skills and knowledge I asked Aphrodite is inside my head but the system doesn't seem to start.

Anyway after giving me a bath, she wiped my body off by bath towel before drying my hair, she started combing them.

After doing all this, she made me wear purple panties, a pink girly night t-shirt and same colour night shorts.

I was feeling really embarrassed standing infront of mirror when she put those purple panties in my legs and made me wear them.

She didn't make ponytail as I am going to sleep after sometime and I sleep with my hair open, but she always do it when we took a bath in the morning.

Yeah, as she is in hurry, she bath with me in the morning so she can get a little more time in which she can do her hobby which is to crossdress me, making my ponytail and doing my makeup making me look like a really beautiful girl.

I am sure that if we were not this rich and I would be living life like a ordinary child of my age, some guys might have started to hitting on me thinking of me as a girl.

Sometimes, I get scared by the thaught that I might get into the habit of crossdressing in the future.


After my mom gave me a bath and made me look almost like a princess, I was finally free.

So, I took Chesnaught with me as he is out of his pokeball most of the time when we are at home, and we were going towards our garden where all of my pokemons are.

I took care of them like brushing them and playing a little with them and to make sure that I don't get dirty or mom will give me a bath again.

I took care of the eggs by cleaning them and making sure that they are in good condition as much as I can understand and do for them. After doing all this, I head back into the house to take dinner.


Currently, we all are taking our dinner and as usual, mom is feeding me.

"Hey, he is above five so he can eat his food by himself."

"Oh, do you have any problem if I feed him."


Wow, mom just scared him only by saying these words in a completely simple way. That's why the threat I gave him when he was teasing me made him sweat.

"By the way dad, you told me you have something to tell me and mom."

"Yeah, I almost forgot."

"Do you even remember anything at all." my mom said. It seem she is pissed about the thing he said earlier.

"Sorry. But when you will hear this news, you will be really shocked."

"Don't build up the suspense and just tell us." mom

"Yeah. Sid, do you know the gender of your pokemon?"

"I am not a pokemon expert dad."

"They are all female."

"Really?" mom almost yelled in surprise and excitement.


"That's a great news. Sid, do you know how lucky you are."

"Yeah, I know mom."

If anyone of you doesn't know, let me tell you that as rare the royal starter pokemon are of any region, it's even more rare for it to be female.

If someone goes to sell it, it may make them a millionaire because the price goes up to five to ten times if it is a female, cause there are only about 12.5% to 13% of female in those rare starter pokemon.

Not to forget that as they are female, they can lay a egg of a royal starter pokemon. This made them really precious as someone may even kill anyone due to him having a female royal starter pokemon of any region.

This made me realise that I should take more care as female pokemon need more attention then male, no matter which pokemon is it, other then some pokemon like beedrill. A female beedrill can even attack it's trainer if she senses any danger from him and they are more indipendent then other pokemon. It applies to other some types of pokemon also but it matters mostly on a pokemons personality.


After eating my dinner, I checked on the pokemons again as they were sound sleep. If you are wondering about the place where these pokemon live and sleep, it's not less then a five start hotel and there are professional maids who knows about pokemon care and health in our house to take care of them so I don't need to worry about them. The maids hired are some human doctor who take care of us in case we are sick while others are pokemon doctor with certificate of an authorised nursing college.

If you are wondering that why they become maid at our house rather then become a doctor, then the answer is simple.


We hire them at a lot more salary then they can get as a doctor while giving them living facility and various bonus. Only a idiot will refuse such offer.


After I checked on them, I went back to my room to get a good sleep.

After all, I need it after all the things I went through.

Maybe, other than the hiding my true gender part, I had more fun at the pokemon camp then at home.

After all, I got a break for whole ten days.

I slept after thinking about the things I have gone through these last ten days.

First, I was nagging for not going to pokemon camp because I was afraid that if my secret got out, the boys might make fun of me and the girls would lable me as a pervert, and my fear was right at some point.

But I had a lot of fun and make friends and Serena as my first and best friend. Now that I reviewed everything happened, I destroyed a plot of Ash-Serena shipping.

As reviewing everything I went through, I didn't knew when I fell asleep.

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