
Your Unjust God: The Chasm of Luck and Defeat

Edward sets himself to run and grab his Katana, but while he sets himself up, he notices Zahad is starting to gain consciousness. This is a problem. However, he hasn't noticed the sword yet. Edward couldn't second guess his moves, this might have been his only chance. He made a dash for the sword but then remembered the time limit he placed

"Oh yeah! How much time do I have left? 13 Seconds? No, its 14…meaning the second I use to catch it will only give me one second open to attack…Fine!"

Edward thought as he made a dash for his Katana, But, Zahad made the wrong assumption. Not knowing that Edward was after his weapon, Zahad rushed at Edward believing that this was an attack for him, and Zahad didn't know any better. Despite the fact that Edwards attention was mostly fixed on the air, he still didn't notice. He truly believed this was an attack. The two never questioned each other's intentions, no matter what, they kept moving forward.

Now you may think this was a foolish decision made, especially in a life or death duel such as this. You may believe the two were completely focused on the wrong things. But make no mistake, they were very focused on the right thing, because despite what they may have been thinking at the moment, the original goal never changed and both of them had it in mind. That at this very moment

"Right here!" Edward thought

"Right now!" Zahad thought

"One of us must"

"One of us has to"

"DIE!" the two yelled out simultaneously

13.5 Seconds

Zahad spat green fire on the floor and on his hands as well. Edward jumped side to side in order to dodge the fire, then fell to his side. Zahad believed this was an attempt at an attack and was just about to attack him, when he noticed that Edwards gaze wasn't focused on him. In the corner of his eye, that was where he saw it, a sharp glint of steel. It was Edwards Katana that he had thrown away earlier, and it was about to fall right at the spot they met each other. Now realizing what was about to occur, Zahad tried to punch him but he wasn't quick enough. Edward had caught his katana and used it to push himself against the ground to move back by an inch. Zahad swung and miss and rather than hit Edward he hit the ground. The force of his punch now pushed Edward back even further

14TH Second

"One second left, one second is all I have left to defeat you… but that's fine"

Edward swung his leg as he flew further away from Zahad and hooked it around Zahads neck like a hook on a fishing line. Zahad tries to punch him once again, but Edward use his leg like a rope and swings himself around Zahads head. He swings himself from Zahads right side and not being fast enough, Zahad can't do anything but watch Edward ride his neck. Edward lands on top of his head with one foot on his back, he now firmly grips his Katana. Zahad tries to use his tail to whip at Edward, but he graciously flips off the back of Zahad and spins like he's attempting a swan dive


"Its fine Nathan. Because one second is enough…." Edward thought to himself


Upside down, facing Zahad, Edward stops his spin as his Katana slowly begins to reach for Zahads neck. In that moment, Zahad said

"But…but how?"

In that moment, a bright flash of light, along with the sound of Edwards katana cutting through wind, enveloped the area. And in the bright light and distorted sound caused by the massive, sudden explosion of force, was the voice of Edward saying

"Hehehe. I did it…I win"


This is the final sound made in the last attack. The sound of Edwards katana having successfully hit its target…Or is it?

Suddenly, Edward hears the voice of his opponent. An opponent who should be dead

"Declaring your victory before you even confirm your kill?"

Zahad asked sounding overjoyed

"I'm not sure if that's confidence or just pure arrogance"

"No way" Edward said in disbelief

More than certain Edward had killed Zahad, it was very understandable his reason for his disbelief. After all, he could feel the weight of his sword against Zahad's flesh. So, though he couldn't see it, he was very sure he made no mistakes and could not accept this result, because Edward had used just about everything he had left to fight Zahad. Yes, everything Edward had left, he gave in his final 15 seconds of battle. So, when Zahad spoke to him so suddenly in the flash of light, he yelled out


Zahad didn't communicate how he managed to survive Edwards attack. Instead he went in for his own


Zahad yelled ferociously as he punched Edward with all the strength he could muster in that moment. More focused, more alert, more powerful than his previous attacks. He swung an extremely dangerous version of his hell fire fist. Edward was still in mid air when this attack was about to land, and what's worse, is that he was not focused or ready to block it. Still left in shock from his inability to finish off Zahad, by the time his body could respond It was far too late


Was the sound that followed after that attack, and what followed not long after, no…what followed not even a second after that sound, was the complete destruction and gigantic hole left in the foot of the mountain. A hole that was as wide as two stadiums put together, and was as high as the empire state building. This force of power was one that was equal to a bomb.

This hole in the mountain had now given passage to the other side of dead valley. The side were nothing grew at all. Zahad still stood in the same position he was in when he delivered the punch…but Edward wasn't there. He proceeded to cross to the other side of the valley. And that was where he saw him.

Edward, the strongest of the kings of men, on his knees, groveling in pain with his back against the wall, and the clothes of his upper body almost completely ripped apart. There was barely any garment left around his chest or his back, just fabric barely holding together in several threads around him.

Edward cried out in pain as he buried his head into the valley. But Zahad saw this sight and laughed. He laughed, and laughed, and laughed and laughed, and then ended it with a round of applause

"So, your alive? Even after taking what was equal to a bomb to the face? Now I have to wonder how you didn't die. Honestly, I'm truly amazed and impressed you pushed me this far. Far enough for me to use that. You truly are the strongest amongst the 5 great kings of men. Yes… you are worthy of the title"

It seems that despite all the efforts of both Cayafaz and Edward, the results will not change in battle. Could it be, that even with the strongest there is no hope? Is the Chasm that exists between them that wide, that even with two fighters it still cannot be reached? How do they wish to beat this foe now?

"How did you not die?"

"Huh?" Zahad asked in confusion

"I hit you with everything perfectly…" Edward staggered as he attempted to get up

"So, how? How aren't you dead yet!"


At first Zahad was reluctant to give his answer. But, confident the fight was over, he let out a long sigh and gave him his answer

"The devils luck. An ability given to me as a demon, it was what allowed me to escape certain death. In that moment when your sword nearly took my head, I lost my footing and you cut off my horn instead. Honestly, I never thought you would bring me so close in this form, but this was what I meant when I said you would wish you hadn't rushed your death earlier. This is the chasm that exists between you and I. As wide as the one between heaven and hell"

"No way…it can't be by sheer luck…there's just no way, that would mean…"

In that moment, Edward thought about Cayafaz and said

"Cayafaz, I know we agreed on saving power for the gate and whatever we might have to fight on the other side…but I've already fought with all the power I've got… I don't think…that I'll be able to make it that far"

Edward looked to his left and saw his bleeding hand, to wounded to fight. Then he looked to his right. His katana had broken in half. It was as he did those two things that Zahad towered over him and told him

"This will be your end. But thank you, for bringing me this far"

Edward lowered his head and watched his sweat water the dead valley. Not even capable of staring down his executioner he faced the ground and said

"Miracles…truly don't exists"

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