
Cannibal and Comedian

Erwin couldn't believe his luck. Here he was, in the middle of the woods, having a friendly chat about being eaten alive. What were the odds?

Despite his injured shoulder, he desperately tried to come up with a way to escape. But let's face it, he wasn't exactly Bear Grylls. Fear consumed him as he asked the dreaded question: "What do you want to eat me?"

The woman's response was straight out of a horror movie. "Well, duh. You're my prey, so obviously I want to cook and eat you. But I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I'll just have to eat you raw."

Raw? Erwin was starting to feel like he was in a particularly disturbing episode of Man vs. Wild.

"What are you talking about?" Erwin tried to buy some time. "Why do you want to eat me? I'm just a kid."

Meredith approached him, her eyes fixated on him like he was a juicy steak. "Just a kid? No, no, my dear. You are a delicacy, a meal fit for a queen."

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