
Summer Rose and Merlins Gift

Daemon woke up as ray of sunlight peaked through the tops of the treeline surrounding the clearing and shined across his face. He woke up rubbing the sleep from his eyes and before she had the chance to pounce on his face grabbed a just waking Lilith. He quickly stood up and then placed Lilith on the ground in front of him absentmindedly throwing her a steak for her eat as his mind turned to what was meant to happen today. Today he would have to save Summer Rose, or she would die.

He quickly began to plan how he would be able Summer he knew she was meant to die at Tyrian hands. Now he knew about Tyrians semblance as well as his as weapons. He would be a dangerous to fight yet he remembered from his past life Qrow fighting to a stand still and he imagined that Summer as his team leader would be a similar level to him so she should at least be able to match Tyrian. What would make him difficult to deal with is a lack of knowledge about his but thankfully Daemon knew plenty. Tyrians semblance allowed him to disrupt aura and deal a fatal blow however it suffered a draw back he is eyes and arms would glow purple when he used allowing you to pre-empt it but to do you had to know what his semblance was. His weapon was a set of dual wrist blades that also served as a light caliber automatic fire arm, not particularly dangerous if you could use aura but if used properly could easily chip away at someone's aura until it broke.

He sounded that his best and safest option was to use his bow and attempt to reinforce it with his aura and semblance before an idea came to mind. One that could change everything, with a excited grin he pulled out 10 ebony arrows and activated his symbolic archive – Enchantment, he began to channel the idea of 'penetrating' and 'piercing' into his arrows, more specifically piercing and penetrating 'defences' and the 'soul'. He used the idea of Gae Bolg the spear that could pierce anything. He immediately felt the concepts tie themselves not just onto the arrow but into it. The enchantment as such would only fade if the arrow broke. The second he finished however his vision blurred and he dropped to his knees his aura almost depleted immediately he realised he may have over done.

Seeing him suddenly fall Lilith grasped their bond intent on checking on if he was only and how she could help. Daemon however just called her over and began fussing over her as he told her that he was okay and that it was just that his experiment was tiring than he originally believed that it would be. Daemon was thankful however knowing that his experiment had succeeded and that his aura would be full again within two hours.

Deciding to not waste time Daemon began to clear the small campsite burying the fire and placing his tent and sleeping bag back into his inventory. He then sat and decided that he should finally eat and rest before making his way to the area he was told that Summer would be. He had scouted the area before and he had found that it was a slightly large clearing with lumpy ground and a few trees dotted around that could provide cover. The was a dense Bush at the edge of the clearing that he had hollowed out on a previous visit to hide in when the time came.

One thing that did worry Daemon is that he had no idea when the battle would happen only that it would happen to today. Such a glaring error in his knowledge could lead to a mistake and as such led him decide on making his way there without anymore delay. He quickly set off at a run picking up Lilith as he ran, knowing the clearing to three miles from his current location meaning it would take him at least thirty minutes to run there while conserving his aura.

Over the course of the thirty-minute run his mind wandered to another glaring hole in his knowledge. What was Summer Rose's weapon. Neither the light novel or the animated series. This wasn't a large concern for him but he was curious as he himself had been interested in knowing at one point and read a lot of different arguments and theories on the matter but had never found a definitive answer on the matter.

He also wondered as to what he would do when he had saved her. Where he would he go? What would he do? He ultimately decided to worry about it later and just focus on his current goal. He did know however he wouldn't be alone as he would have Lilith with him where he went. This caused him to look down at the adorable panting fluffy ball of cuteness and happiness that was currently nestled within his arms gazing up at him with large loving ruby orbs at her little fluffy ears wiggled atop her head causing him to giggle at how adorable his little friend was.

Finally, he arrived in the clearing as he attempted to decide upon his course on action and how he could best prepare. He for what was about to occur. He thought of laying some traps but ultimately decided against it as that could back fire and potentially activate and injury Summer instead of Tyrian. He thought of perhaps using a flashbang tag and sniping the assassin of Salem when he was blinded however the chance that he could use this as to attack Summer. Daemon ultimately came to the conclusion that his best bet was for himself to simply wait until he saw them and then attempt to use his arrows., while he hadn't test them he knew that they would work, he didn't know how he knew this just that he did.

Daemon located the bush he had planned on hiding in and quickly crawled inside. Inside the bush it was large enough for him stand hunched over so he sat cross legged in the centre of the bush placing Lilith into his lap using the bond they shared to impress upon the importance or staying still and quiet. He felt her send back a feeling of reluctant agreement at his request. Feeling the agreement, he entered a light meditation using his bond to help guide Lilith into one as one well, or at least as close as she could get to one. All he could do now was wait.

It was many hours later when the sun was just beginning to set when he feels something wrong, the air had turned tense there was subtle disturbance in the atmosphere. Suddenly in a great cacophony of sound over a hundred birds fled from the trees in the northern part of clearing. A sudden harsh breeze making the leaves rustle and blades of grass quiver. After a few sounds he began to hear the clash of metal on metal, weapon against weapon before hearing a rapid clicking sounding followed by gentle tings as they bounced off aura. This was then followed by sudden harsh smacking sound as a white and red blur crashed into the clearing through the treeline and turned across the ground before coming to crouching position with one knee bent and and a leg straight out behind her like a runner waiting for a start signal.

Daemon quickly took in the figure in front of him as her the white cloak that covered her face fell. She was around five foot and five inches with porcelain skin, she had soft features with a button nose. Her black hair shoulder length with red highlights taking up the bottom to inches. But most eye catching was her bright silver eyes that glowed with life. However, the woman was covered in slight cuts with one laying horizontally above her left eyebrow and another just below the just below the right corner of her lip.

She wore a red and black gothic dress or maybe rather battle skirt that only emphasised her figure which was rather impressive even more so given her rather small stature. Black boots were on her feat. He caught sight of a small kama on her waist and revolver strapped to her leg in a gun holster. In her hand held diagonally in front of her in order her whole body was what appeared to be a pole axe/sniper hybrid. He appeared to be about six feet in length with an axe head about a foot and a half from the furthered point f its curve to its base at the pole. It was a crescent shape that being about a foot and a half also form point to point of the arc of blade.

Daemon thought to himself 'This is Summer Rose then quickly taking in the mud and tears that covered her clothes indicating that she had had a difficult fight and had likely been fighting for a while. Just as he finishes this train of though another white and brown blur started rocketing towards Summer who suddenly jumped back as the blue landed where she had just bee kicking up a cloud of dust from the impact. Daemon quickly and gently placed Lilith oo the side clearly communicating to stay still, quiet and alert before summoning his stalheim bow one his enchanted arrows already on the bow nocked.

As the dust cleared, he finally laid on Tyrian. He was on one knee his hand encased by his weapon, The queen's servant was buried in the ground where Summer had just been. His eyes and arms were glowing purple. He stood at about six foot and five inches a whole head taller than Summer. His golden eyes gleamed with a sadistic intent. His long black hair was styled back into a design that seemed it mimic a scorpions tail. His skin was a ghostly pale white and a small silver ear ring hung from his right earlobe. His thin lips twisted into a sick sadistic smile as he gazed at Summer.

He was dressed in an open white jacket which exposed a crisscross of scars across his torso, with white pants and a pair of brown leather boots with a pair of black metal knee guards resting above them covering his entire shin. Over the open suit, belts hung over each of his shoulders attaching to his waist on either side. Over this he wore a tore and muddy brown duster jacket on his hands were a pair of black leather gloves.

He suddenly tore his weapon from the ground as he aimed at Summer Rose who had just dashed towards him letting off a flurry of bullets in her direction. Her aura automatically flared up stooping the bullet. Daemon however noticed that it locked close to breaking. As such he started to pulled back his arrow as the two combatants charged each other and engaged in a vicious flurry of blows, blurring at the speed they began to move send sparks everywhere.

Summer quickly swung her poleaxe in a wide arc horizontally in front of her causing Tyrian to stop before she swung it behind her so the axe head lay across her shoulder facing Tyrian before pressing a trigger launching a sniper shot that hit him directly in the chest sending flying back despite his aura absorbing almost all the damage.

Before he landed, he summersaulted in middle air landing with his feet on the ground and one hand down on the ground in front of him in order to keep him steady. He quickly closed the distance between them again landing solid kick to Summer's midriff before spin and slamming the heel of his other foot directly into her cheek sending her skidding around the ground. She hadn't blocked it with aura.

In the next instance a white flash followed by some white and red rose petals falling where Summer had stood as she reappeared above Tyrians head her poleaxe raised above her only to be brought down upon Tyrians collar bone as he tilted his head his eyes and arms turning purple causing his aura to crack but not shatter before a black blur from behind his back slammed into Summers chest causing blood to pour from her mouth as she coughed surprise in her eyes. A black chitin covered tail had come from his back now leading to a sharp lethal looking stinger that was now stained with her blood as he retracted it causing her to fall to the ground.

With a sadistic smile Tyrian stood over her cackling "You thought you could escape my Goddess little huntress. Hehehehe. No no no you can't escape a goddess. Now you will die. I will sacrifice you to her, yes, she will be so happy with me. I can finally prove my devotion to my goddess!" As he finished this mad rant he raised one of his wrist blades as Daemon quickly drew his arrow and released fortifying its power with his fire semblance and his aura before releasing another only a moment behind it. The first arrow struck just below the shoulder of Tyrians raised arm shearing his arm clean off causing him to roar in pain and anger before the second one sheared his scorpion tail off at the base causing Tyrian to fall to his knees in shock and pain.

(Summer pov)

Summer didn't understand how she wasn't dead yet. Her aura had broken after almost a day of running and fighting. She had been caught earlier by Salem and her servants and surrounded until she managed to escape, wounded and tired , using her semblance.

What was most frustrating is that none of this should be happening. Oz had sent her on this due to a report from Leonardo Lionheart reporting that there had been a massive build of grim in the area, an unnaturally large amount for even the grimmlands. Oz had feared a titan class grimm awakening and with Qrow injured and Raven having run away she was the only one capable of going to investigate. Oz had told her that he was confident with her eyes and semblance she would be. Only for her to get ambushed and surround by Salem and her lackeys the moment she arrived in the area being told that she had been expected.

She had fought and ran her way out of the ambush managing to injury one of them. Summer had then ran until she had finally been caught and forced to fight by Tyrian. She had fought Tyrian had he finally stabbed her with his stinger causing her to drop. Her blood felt like it was on fire and her vision blurred as he stood over beginning his speech about his devotion. She ignored her thought turning to her family.

Her loveable blonde goof of a husband with his puns and his eagerness to always fight. Her step daughter Yang with her long blonde hair that she would throw a fit over if anyone other than her self little sister or her mom, Summer, even tried to touch it, Yang had sadly also picked up her fathers terrible sense of humour. And finally, her little four-year-old daughter Ruby a bouncy little ball of sunshine and happiness, slayer of cookies, well more like black hole of cookies. She was a mini version of her mother with a slight frame and black hair with bright silver eyes.

Then suddenly she realised Tyrian had stopped talking and closed her eyes waiting for the final blow. After a two minutes with nothing happening she tried to open her eyes, squinting as all could see were blurs of colour before a single moment her vision cleared and she Tyrian kneeling missing his right arm and his tail. Before a black arrow pierced through the centre of chest right in the middle of his sternum. A figure wearing a silver clock similar to hers and small red and black pup ran towards as her vision began to dim.

Summer smiled to herself. At least if I die that scorpion arsehole will being coming with me. She struggled to resist closing her heavy eyes, her eyelids slowly drooping and she attempted to ignore the pain caused by the poison flowing through her body.

She felt light. As she begins to feel herself die and her eyes shot open her vision clear for a single instant as an eruption of white flames washed over her and the entire clearly. The world when white as she could no longer feel any pain. As she died and her vision darkened, she could have sworn she saw a white-haired man in a thick long white cloak kind of like her smirk at her before bopping her the head with knotted wooden staff he held causing her vision to go black.

Summer was left with one last thought. Death sucks.

(End of Summer pov)

Daemon seeing Tyrian sink to his knees he nocked one lot arrow aimed at his back so it would pierce his heart. As he let good the arrow flew true until a slight breeze pushed off course causing the arrow to instead cleave through his spine and through the front of his sternum.

Daemon seeing this wasted no time in running to check on Summer who had turned to him with glazed silver eyes. He quickly made his way to her side with Lilith right next to him. He checked her injuries and found she was severely injured and that he may not be able to treat her. After a moment he checked her pulse and felt it growing fainter until after a minute he could no longer feel it.

He fell silent, Summer was dead, he had failed. He fought back tears, his first goal in this world and he had failed to achieve it. He had let her die; he hadn't been able to do anything. He felt that this was his fault the world had been changed to accommodate him and his elfish wishes and now she was dead.

He felt his anger, his bitterness and his sorrow flowed through him, it consumed him as his aura began to flare and he unconsciously released his semblance, but it was different the flame were not their usual pale silvery blue. No. They were a pure untainted white flame. It was over the entire clearing before the strain then became too much for him to bear and mind blanked and his body shut as he passed out.

When Daemon opened his eyes again he was in a familiar white empty dimension with a familiar white haired annoyance in front of him and oh god he was opening his mouth.

"Hey Daemon, long time no time no see my friend. Did you miss me? Eh, never mind we are short on time and I have a few things to tell you.

First, your new companion. You don't know what species she is do you. No, well she is a hell hound. Yes, big fiery dog from hell, she maybe small and cute now but she won't stay like it within the next three years she will reach maturity then come into her full abilities. She will be about the size of mini van when fully grown but will only grow to the size of a small horse naturally thanks to her semblance.

Now she will have two semblances much like your self but really one will just be an aura enhanced version of her racial powers. The first will allow her to change her form a puppy to any size she grows to be as well as her full hellhound form. The second will allow her to travel through and hide in shadows. As you have bonded with her, she will also be a heal quicker when hiding in your shadow.

Also funny story she wasn't even meant to be in tour world she was put there by mistake by another ROB but after your journey begins we can't interfere in your life and as you had already bonded to you he couldn't take back. She was meant to be for a dude who reincarnated as Robbie Stark but oh well.

Technically, I am pushing the limits just talking to you now but I need to talk to you about your gift so I should be okay as it isn't active interference. But I thought you should know more about Lilith and where she came from.

Right my second point. Don't be so depressed Summer isn't dead. Yeah, oi don't give that disbelieving look. She's fine and that leads to the third point your gift.

Now tell me what do you know of phoenixes?"

Daemon paused for a second before then replying. "They can teleport, heal people with their tears, regenerate injuries, sing really well and control fire and air."

Merlin smiled slightly at this before saying "Well this brings us nicely to the last point your gift. You wished for a semblance based on the tori tori no mi model: Phoenix. Well as a gift i gave you something akin to a devil fruit awakening. Now you will have a slightly enhanced regeneration even without the usage of your aura, the white flames you saw and used before you passed out can be used to heal almost any wound but they cost a lot of aura to use and won't work unless you truly what to heal someone with absolutely no doubt about healing them in your mind. Finally, as a result of your awakening you also have a slight aero kinesis meaning that you can hover without your wings but with them you should be able to fly. However, I do suggest that you practice it will not be as easy as you believe.

There also one more thing as a gift you have the ability to revive some three times within strict conditions. You must truly desire with no coercion to revive them. They must not have died more than ten minutes prior to your attempt to revive them. A person cannot be revived if they die of natural causes like old age. Finally, a single person can only be revived once.

Before you worry if on the off-chance Lilith ever dies she will reform in within your shadow but it will take at least a few months. Also, she will be locked in her puppy form for four to six months but she will not die nor permanently. "

Suddenly the white dimension and Merlin flickered but Merlin powered on.

"Daemon you can also yourself revive so long as it is not of natural causes that you die twice in your life. This meaning you can revive yourself twice and others three times. I am letting you have Summer as a freebie.

Also, Daemon you healed Tyrian due to volatile nature of your awakening but I nudged his mind to make him leave and get lost for a few weeks so that he won't cause you any trouble. Also he didn't regain his arm or tail as they were severed and away from his body which is another plus.

I also wiped Summer's mind of her memory of dying just tell her you healed her. You can be honest with her about everything but meeting me and reincarnating, nobody can learn of it okay."

Daemon nodded and then asked "But what about Lionheart surely, he will know Summer returned and I saved her. He will then tell Salem. Don't worry unlike the original Summer survived and as such will know she was ambushed and will become suspicious of Lionheart and start to keep him out of the loop. I have also given Ozzy's mind a slight mental nudge so that he will keep Summer away from any danger."

The dimension began to shake and collapse as Merlin just laughed and waved him goodbye.

When he came back to consciousness Summer was still unconscious on the ground in front of him with sign of waking up. Suddenly a huge wave of concern washed through him, echoing down the link as her she told him the link had cut off and he had stop moving. He saw her eyes were wet and her ears drooped as she cuddled into his having thought that he was dead.

Realising how difficult it would be to move Summer he decided to just set up a fire and a small camp until she woke. He covered her in a blanket and lifted her head to place a pillow under it. He pulled out a log to sit on by the fire he started and realised it would a long wait.

After an hour with no sign of change he pulled out two mammoth steaks, one for himself and one for his little hellhound pup. Yeah, that one was still kind of sinking, this adorable puppy was a hellhound. He gave resigned sigh at the thought before just deciding to go with it.

Suddenly he noticed Summer begin to stir in her sleep and then suddenly she sat bolt up right reaching for her small concealed pistol glancing around weary before locking eyes with Daemon who simply waved and with an awkward smile said "Hi, errr, I see that your awake." Daemon fought the urge to smack himself for how stupid he had sounded when he had just spoken.

Daemon continued to stare at Summer as a myriad of emotions washed across her face. Confusion, shock, awe, happiness and then amazement. Finally she spoke "You have silver eyes."

(Hey everyone sorry if this seems a bit erratic but I had so many ideas for this that I couldn't decide between so I tried to merge them all and still make something readable. I know some people won't like the revives but ultimately I like them and I have an idea for their uses in future.

His new powers can heal severed limits but he needs to have the limb and for that to be his intent just incase any of you were wondering.

Also anyone who guessed that Lilith was a hellhound congrats you would have been right.

Anyway hope you all enjoy the chapter.)

Another chapter I enjoyed writing. Honestly started to write out of boredom and am a little surprised at how much I have enjoyed. Thanks to all those who have commented or left powers stones its nice to see that others have enjoyed it. Anyway enjoy the chapter.

D1ablo_5016creators' thoughts
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